A tale of two New Zealands



There are two NZs. A property speculating New Zealand and the ‘others’. For property speculating New Zealand, this is a place of milk and honey…

ASB, ANZ, BNZ and Westpac rake in $4.59 billion of profits
All four major Australian-owned banks have continued record runs of profitability, with a combined haul of $4.59 billion.

The staggering figure represents more than $1000 for every person in New Zealand, but an expert says the scale of the business justifies the rewards.

…all those billions being syphoned offshore to fuel the property bubble. And then there’s the ‘other’ New Zealand…

Police attend 100 mental health calls a day
Police officers are dealing with more than 100 mentally ill people every day, and the callouts are taking longer to resolved than they used to.
The latest police annual report shows officers are dealing with three times as many people suffering from mental distress, and eight times as many people who are suicidal, as they were in the late 1990s.
This year alone police have handled 4300 repeat mental health calls and tens of thousands more one-off calls.

Surge in registrations for WINZ family violence programme
At the end of June, 13,666 beneficiaries were part of Work and Income’s family violence programme – up nearly 50 percent from 2011.
But anti-violence group Shine’s executive director Jane Drumm said she was stunned the list was not longer, because domestic abuse was a fast road to the benefit queue.

New Zealand has reached the pinnacle of world number one in domestic violence
There’s no doubt that New Zealand’s epidemic of domestic violence lies firmly at the feet of men. As does the solution.

Sorry boys, but it’s just not acceptable to trot out the tired old line that women hit men too. It’s a fact that men physically hurt women many times more than the reverse, and implying anything else is just another form of abuse towards us.

New Zealand has reached the pinnacle of world number one in domestic violence statistics. We now have the highest reported rate of intimate partner violence in the developed world.

Police undertook more than 100,000 investigations into domestic abuse last year. In 2013 children were present at 63 per cent of the callouts police attended.

Yet, it’s estimated that 90 per cent of family violence goes unreported.

Think on that for a moment. Sit with it. Let it sink in.

…This government has cut the health budget by $1.7 billion in real terms over the last six years, privatised social services, outsourced societal obligations and have done all they can to prolong the Auckland property bubble at the detriment of the poor and the young for the benefit of the property speculators.

This is how Key won the last election, bribing the middle classes who are earning more from their property valuations than their actual incomes while allowing the poor and disempowered to twist in the wind.


  1. I heard this on the news at midday, and read the story found via this link:


    So New Zealanders belong to the “richest” in the world now, per capita, as another weird “survey” told us not long ago, because of the property values going through the roof.

    Good for the property owning middle and upper class, but leaving many more in the streets, often with mental health issues and no jobs.

    And John Key and this government simply do not care, and walk past, continuing to spread their propaganda of great “growth” in the economy.

    I despair, I despair, this is not the New Zealand I once came to.

    • Look at UK , look at EU countries,look at Australia,all suffering the same way as planned by the greedy 1%.
      In UK the Tory government is trying to destroy unions,the government dosnt want anyone to strike for fair conditions,they want to control for more profit.
      EU countries have been cheated by banks ,borrowing money they cant pay back, who gets the borrowed money ? the banks not the people,the people pay the loan plus interest.
      Australian people have to fight to get help if they fall on hard times just like NZ.
      This government has lowered budgets for health ,a lady went into Whangarie hospital one Saturday with severe pains in abdomen , she was given antibiotics and sent home because they had no one to operate the ultrasound machine.
      On the sunday she was taken again to hospital with peritonitis, her appendix had burst. Not the hospitals fault.

      Prisons operated by rogue private profiteers.
      Selling our assets , privatising everything they can, its all being prepared for the advent of TPP,and Key just hops off for a taxpayer funded jaunt to the rugby world cup. JK set up dot com for the Hollywood people to gain his wealth, used dirty politics to gain the election, there is no end to his rotten tactics,he uses people for his own ends , time it stopped.


  2. There is no win-win. To fix this problem, the richest 10% must become relatively less rich.

    Here we must risk saying what is perhaps too obvious:

    There are two and only two ways to solve the problem of inequality.

    The richest among us must become less rich.

    The rest must become richer.

    There are no other options.

  3. New Zealand a “Brighter Future” for the wealthy, unfortunately the lower socio economic groups have been hammered since the 1980’s and have given up. They also do not bother voting hence we have a problem.

  4. The people who keep Key in power won’t want to change a thing! Average Auckland house prices have gone up by 25% since the same time last year and the average price is now over $900,000. They are doing very well out of this, so f…. everyone else!
    That is the greedy self-interest that National thrives on. National exploits the worst aspects of human nature. You would think that to represent this would be embarrassing, but no, they think its great and they brag about it.
    And their toadies representing the bulk of the NZ media like to keep the spin going as fast as ever. Lets have another orgasm over the All Blacks shall we?
    What a sick country we have.

  5. Rex Fairburn 1904-1957 put it this way in his poem “The Power and the Glory”:

    “The road to the abode of the blessed
    Has for roads the broken bones of the rest
    The worst get there first
    And their nest
    Is feathered with the feathers of the rest.”

  6. A consequence of this fracturing is the weakening of community, a loss of resilience.
    When adversity hits – whether that be adverse weather, natural events or political/economic crises the community is less able to bind together in response. Some would say that that is by design.

  7. Those two women in the picture look like they have just emerged from SaveMart !

    This is where all the stylish wealthy really shop…or the second hand op shops

  8. The housing boom in Auckland is a global phenomena, not related to any gov policy, already in Canada, the boom has died and have now fallen into recession, Sydney and Melbourne’s house prices only grew by only 0.2 and 0.6 respectively for the last quarter, indicating a sharp turn around, the four banks increased mortgage rates to the disgust of the Fed gov. Growth in NSW’s economy had been driven by the housing boom (nearly $10B in stamp duty alone), but like NZ, when it halts has no real plan to fill the gap as the growth has come from overseas investment, there have been plenty of warnings that the Auckland housing boom could shunt NZ’s economy back into recession especially when the other major growth factor in NZ is the ChCh rebuild, again not related to any gov policy, but paid for by insurance. The heavy reliance on Milk powder exports has been gutted by the heavy increase of supply from other global markets who are able to produce more efficiently, it is unlikely that milk prices will ever return to there historical highs. So the question is what is the gov’s economic plan for the future of NZ??
    In Australia, two state Gov’s were voted out of power in the last year after only one term in office, this has never happened before in the history of Aus politics, usually the voters give them the opportunity of at least two terms. Both state gov’s were right wing gov’s and both gov’s took advice from John Key regarding privatising assets and cutting spending on social services, admiring what he had done to NZ’ers. The electorate in both states rejected these policies as they could the see the long term harm to society as a whole and simply voted them out of office. My point is, have NZ’ers fallen asleep or is the media circus the second most powerful political party. The gov’s need to held accountable for their actions or inactions, and there was a time when the media was very good at achieving that, unfortunately today there is very little balance in any thing from mainstream media.

  9. Re the photo – Remmer one to Remmer two: “Did you smell that ugly, horrible smell, my dear, what an abominable specimen of organism is that, sitting here being a nuisance.” The other replies: “Yeah, I hate these spongers and bludgers, this low life crap we have spoil our nice shopping day. Put them away, I heard one Dr Bratt, Advisor for WINZ, had the answer, work will set you free, now that is surely a solution, betterment for all of us”.


    And work sets you free, I suppose:

    Glorious leader Kim John Key is on his way to deliver more goodies:


    Get these smelly, lazy and useless individuals sent into work, and if needed a camp, I suppose, they are polluting our streets and causing great nuisance for the “hard working NZers”.

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