TDB Political Caption Competition




    • I’m wondering now Elle, if FJK’s stalking the All Blacks, in particular Richie McCaw, might refresh his memory on where he stood on the 1981 Springbok tour!

      • Mary A Key is no more interested in the All Blacks (except for political stunts )than he was the springbok tour. He wasn’t in a position of power to make headlines in 1981 ,nothing in it for him so no interest.
        I believe the All Blacks have no interest in him
        its all show and opportunism on Keys part.
        If NZ wins the cup expect Key to be right in front of the group photo claiming kudos as PM.If they lose to the Australia OH MY! he will be nowhere to be seen

        • If the ABs lose Elle, wait for Richie McCaw to be dropped by FJK like a hot potato. A matter of Richie who …?

          In such a case, Lydia Ko had better watch out, because apart from being on a winning streak at present, does she also have a pony tail?

  1. “It was like this weird shit was happening – I’m down the back of the lineout waiting for Colesy to throw the ball in and then this question struck me – is my place in history going to be governed by the arc of a rugby ball as an agent and I simply an actor or am I the scene master crafting the interstices ball and players as though onto a tableau – it was like I’m internalising the dialectic – a simultaneous conversation and meta-conversation”
    “No way!”
    “You serious?”

  2. instead of this making key look more ‘one of us’ it makes rugby look bent and perverted in some ways to be associated with key

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