Malcolm Evans – inspiration for Israel


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  1. Genius 🙂

    Malcolm’s messages (through his cartoons), should be in your face news through msm, in particular the point of truth made here today! But alas …

  2. this cartoon is itself anti-Semitic, buying the lie that Israel is somehow responsible for the corrupt, extremist, ideological hatred endemic to Palestinian leadership for generations now, and fed to their people. The fact is the mufti of Jerusalem was an enthusiastic fellow conspirator with the Nazis, and mentored Arafat. That is a fact of history.

        • Now you’re shifting the discussion. You were wrong about your earlier comment parroting Netanyahu’s comments, now you’re trying a different tack?

          Are you discussing the issue or trying to advance your agenda? The latter, I believe.

    • Martin with an attitude like yours I am sure Israel will welcome your presence with open arms. And you can murder all the Palestinian people you want, in cold blood, with no accountability. As to whom has the more endemic ideological hatred I leave to you to figure out.

    • Because you’re basically completely wrong about the motives of Malcom Evans. Some what correct about Palistinian leadership.

      Palestinians are not allowed to congregate in groups. So when you say “fed to Thier people?” You’re completely wrong.

      Pointing the finger at historical figures for today’s atrocities? Are you mad?

  3. it is a mistake to fixate on Netanyahu’s comments. There is a logical trajectory of racist anti-Jewish rhetoric running all the way from the mufti’s cheerleading for the Nazi’s to the founding document of Hamas which proposes the extermination of Israel. The incitement to violence of ordinary Palestinians, currently putting them in harms way is a cynical ploy of the corrupt Palestinian leadership.

    • It is not ” a mistake to fixate on Netanyahu’s comments” if he was lying.

      Simply parrotting what a self-serving politician has said, without first checking the facts, is bound to be embarrassing for you.

      If supporting a lie is your basis for condemning Palestinian’s struggle seeking independence then you’re on pretty shaky ground, Martin.

  4. Politicians such as Netanyahu and Abbas are always selective in the ‘truth’ they tell, (We could include our own leaders). Western media is politically slanted in its presentation of facts. Daily blog is usually good for providing a corrective to this.

    We can say that Netanyahu was ‘lying’, or we might understand he is being a politician, and gilding the lily to his own political ends. None of this changes the need to understand that the Palestinian leadership were historically mentored by Nazi sympathisers, and the current incitement (political and religious) of their own people to stab Israelis is deeply counter-productive, and works against their eventual statehood. Obviously a peaceful two state solution would be desired by many in the world, and best for everyone.

    I think my beef with Evans is he is buying into the current politically correct mantra and revealing his own prejudice rather than looking into it more closely. but I guess a cartoon paints with a broad brush, and is a bit like a tagger in that way.

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