The Daily Blog Open Mic Friday 25th September 2015




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.



  1. important. Read Wake up New Zealand (not the old site Wake up Kiwi or nz) the full NEW ZEALAND is a must.
    Todays news is about chemtrails and the effect on health,its real.Quite young people are losing words, and memory is not what it was.

    Also Geopolitics,and the deliberate poisoning of NZ with 1080 .
    These happenings are a very real threat now,
    It seems the cabals are looking for somewhere safe to hide and have chosen NZ and Tasmania.
    The buying up of land in NZ is increasing,and they are trying to kill off NZs to take NZ as their safe haven.
    Sounds far fetched ,just read Geopolitics on the subject.
    This is no longer a conspiracy theory but a deliberate hand over to the cabals.

    • and they are getting rid of New Zealand scientists…who really are the environment’s protectors…and truth tellers

      • Elle & Chooky,

        Yes you are so correct here, we are under seize by this criminal Government who want all dissention voices closed down about this and any other evil plans they have agendas against us all.

        Government is clearly conspiring against us all now.


        We will increase our monthly donation Martyn THAT YOU ASKED NOF US ALL.,

        We offer this help of advice;

        We would like to see you post a “give a little” on the world wide website;

        This should be for the increased TDB coverage, and a project fund drive for finally starting a “free speech” Global NZ independent media channel of broadcast.

        As other countries do have these public free speech media portals.

        While in NZ we are having our free speech removed by Government.

        We now have nothing exect TDB, as the rest of Media really dont have any outlet for public free speech, except for one TV network (TV 83) that is only a little left occasionally.

        TV83 says it is the only “public free speech channel” but a see only DEMOCRACY NOW with Amy Goodman, to represent free speech.

        Democracy now presenter Amy Goodman who is our only female equivalent to Noam Chomsky the 30 yr “Political free speech dissident”

        Any ideas?

        Cheaply video links can be made as “contributors to RT another global free “no fee” channel as RT advertise on their site daily.

        Last of all can you side a video link through RT with Max Kaiser, Larry King” the veteran US wide presenter of political convener, or other public affairs presenters”

        As their are many British, Australian, Canadian & US contributions with video links onto their shows every day!

        But so far no NZ content at all ever that we have ever seen, could you be the first?

        We trade with Russia & China why not share our views and NZ public coverage?


          Wake Up Kiwi


          For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world’s population, while enabling the “elites” to live forever with the aid of advanced technology.

          For the first time, crusading filmmaker ALEX JONES reveals their secret plan for humanity’s extermination: Operation ENDGAME.

          Jones chronicles the history of the global elite’s bloody rise to power and reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiest wars—creating order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true world empire.

          Watch as Jones and his team track the elusive Bilderberg Group to Ottawa and Istanbul to document their secret summits, allowing you to witness global kingpins setting the world’s agenda and instigating World War III.

          Learn about the formation of the North America transportation control grid, which will end U.S. sovereignty forever.

          Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science eugenics have taken control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation.

          View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union.

  2. ‘meat-eaters should be treated like smokers’ – and targeted with ads urging them to quit..

    (this from british shadow environment minister..and a glimpse into the future for animal-eaters everywhere..)

    (i reckon all they have to do is have online ctv-abbattoir make many quit..when they see what is done in their name..a modern-take on ‘if abbattoirs had glass-walls’..)

    • We just hope shonkey Key resigns in a moment of awakening guilt due all the pain and suffering he has dragged us through.

      It’s not unthinkable, as his poll rating is dropping consistently since 2011 and the Ponytail-gate saga affair.

      US Speaker of the house John Boehner the kingpin of conservative politics has today resigned in tears after a chat with the pope in Washington.

      Perhaps we need to ask Pope to chat with Nasty NatZ Keyster to do the honourable thing also after he has fractured and bitterly divided the whole country now for all our good..

    • She’s walking straight into a trap set by the right. Position the left as the people who will take your bacon away. Won’t happen. When confronted with the terrors of factory farming you have a choice. Petition for better treatment of animals, or reject animals completely and eat vegetables. Most will go for the first option.

      John Key has said in the past that he wants to see more industrial farming methods. Fonterra dumped organic milk 4 years ago, but have recently done u-turn having seen the growing interest in more natural food. There is a growing interest in food the way it used to be, not the stuff which has been broken down and reconstituted to make it ‘better’.

      • i disagree with yr ‘won’t happen’..

        ..the environmental/humane-pressures are too high..and will only get higher..(and of course the rise of fake/lab-grown meat/cheese etc. will also have a large part to play..)

        ..the arguments you present were those also against the ending of human slavery (in the west) a time when human slavery was the economic-underpinning of major countries..and ‘everyone did it’..

        ..and those old enough will remember the first reactions to the idea of restricting tobacco a time when almost everyone smoked everywhere..

        ..and now think forward to now..

        ..the same think will happen with eating animals..

        ..we/society will change..

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