The National Party’s contempt for mothers and hungry children



As the government continue to walk away from their social obligations by passing more and more services onto poorly resourced NGOs…

Govt ‘pushes responsibility’ onto NGOs
The Council of Christian Social Services said in the past year a lot of complex work had shifted from Child Youth and Family to non-government organisations, with no funding increases to match.
Executive officer Trevor McGlinchey said his members would say that over the past five to 10 years the increase in demand has escalated considerably as has the complexity of the work.

“In the last short while, Child Youth and Family has undertaken its own workload review and has decided some of the work it used to do is best done by non-government organisations.

“So over the last year or so, quite a lot of quite complex work has been shifted from Child Youth and Family to non government organisations. And that’s without an increase in funding.”

…nothing shows the contempt this government has towards hungry children and mothers than their actions last week…

Concerns about hungry kids dismissed
Prime Minister John Key has dismissed concerns about the amount of money schools are spending on hungry kids, saying the government is working hard to provide support.

The Herald reported in July that schools were digging into their operations budgets, and sometimes relying on donations from staff, to feed children who turned up hungry.

A nationwide survey of lower decile school principals indicated up to 80 per cent of students in the hardest-hit areas were arriving without food – with around half of respondents feeding at least 20 percent of kids each week.

Among the 270 replies to the New Zealand Principals’ Federation questionnaire were 70 decile four and five schools, suggesting child poverty is creeping into middle income families.

Principals reported using up to $5000 of their operations grants on feeding children each term and many also paid teacher aides to co-ordinate available programmes or help at breakfast and lunchtime.

…hungry children are an embarrassment to John Key but he knows he can rely on NZs neoliberal mythology of ‘it’s the parents fault children are hungry’ to gloss over the issue. So while Key is in poverty denial about hungry children, his Government is shooting down extended maternity leave so that mothers can’t bond with their new born children…

Paid Parental leave legislation passes first hurdle over Government opposition
The Government has confirmed it will use its power of financial veto to stop a bill extending paid parental leave to 26 weeks after it failed to stop the bill passing its first hurdle in Parliament.

Labour MP Sue Moroney’s paid parental leave bill passed by one vote on Wednesday to allegations of Government dirty tricks designed to thwart it.

National opposed the bill on cost grounds but can only stop it now by wielding its power of financial veto, or by persuading the Maori Party or United Future leader Peter Dunne to change their vote.

…again Key can rely on neoliberal mythology that states ‘if you can’t afford kids, why should my tax dollars have to help you’. We have money for a vanity project to change the flag, we have money to re-invade Iraq, we have money for tax cuts to the richest, we have money for corporate welfare but we don’t have money for hungry kids and mothers to look after their new borns.

This is the NZ that a majority of kiwis voted for.


  1. This is a population that suffered under the destructive non – reforms of the 4th Labour govt and the traitor’s Roger Douglas , Ruth Richardson and Jenny Shipley.

    This is a population who entered a state of shock and trauma after the decades of the mid 1980’s and 1990’s.

    This is a population who after demonstration after demonstration , massive social upheaval and job loss and economic destruction has resigned itself to its feelings of dis – empowerment and let itself become as mean and callous as the very subversive politicians that started the original neo liberal platform of hate.

    Pop on over to The Standard and view Fortress NZ , Revolution …by Ian Fraser.

    You can see graphically the belligerence of their attitudes – particularly in Douglas ( the smirk and smug denial of what he did to his fellow NZer’s is almost palpable ) Geoffrey Palmer Lange and many of the characters who took over from the state run industry’s and made massive profit when they became privatized.

    THIS is the legacy of those people – a mean spirited , greedy , mercenary , callous , nasty vicious and dishonest peoples.

    And this will also be the legacy of John Key . Not some ridiculous new flag nobody wants….but more of the same degenerative neo liberal charade that in turn will have the banner passed on to yet another equally as debauched and morally bankrupt leader.

    And if Key manages to get this TTPA signed off its going to get a whole lot worse – if you think there’s childhood poverty now or overly short maternity leave – you haven’t seen anything yet.

    • “Let the hungry eat panda……apparently it tastes like chicken.”
      Importing panda just shows a similar sort of contempt for poor and hungry as Marie Antoinette and her posse did for the poor and hungry in France.
      Translated for our French residents:

      Enfin je me suis souvenu de la dernière station d’un grand premier ministre à qui il a été dit que les paysans avaient pas de pain, lui répondis: “Qu’ils mangent de panda”

      Or for the many Chinese here in Red Peak country:


      Import panda, 350,000 hungry children – sorted.

  2. What an absolute load of crocodile bull shit!

    For my entire existence it has ALWAYS been the responsibility of parents to feed their own kids. Not the school, not some feed the world organisation and certainly not the government.

    Personal responsibility.

    • Oh you are soooo right.
      Now go and find a big stick and go and whup those irresponsible parents.
      That’ll feed the kids won’t it.

      Simpletons like you should not be allowed to vote.

      • People who don’t contribute and ride off the back of society should not be able to vote. Of course that would mean the Mana party would get close to zero votes and the rest of the left wing would suffer accordingly.
        I believe you should be able to have as many children as you want, I just don’t see why my tax payer dollars should have to fund other people’s lifestyle choices.

        • I would ask why that doesn’t include the tax incentives I pay to large corporations with multimillion dollar CEO’s running them. Surely on that salary they could run a company without my financial help?

    • Tough times call for desperate choices.

      New flag, or TPPA.
      Pandas or hungry children.

      Orwell said it best in Animal Farm (with a few poetic licenses)

      “Old flag bad, new corporate flag better”
      “Hungry children bad, pandas better”

      BTW John Keys Lover – do you have a ponytail by any chance?

    • I’m just curious . . . you being Joh Key’s lover and all . . . do you wear a pony tail when making love to Joh?

  3. Yes, except for your final sentence, which feeds the lie that National have some sort of mandate.
    The 1,131,501 who party-voted National in 2014 do not constitute a “majority of Kiwis”.

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