Gower & Radio Live gloat as climate refugee family sent to sinking Island



I’m not sure what is more horrid, sending a man, wife and his 3 NZ born children to a country that is sinking beneath the waves or the sneering gloat of Gower and Radio Live who breathlessly informed NZ that Ioane Teitiota was the subject of an assault complaint after he pushed a female co-worker earlier this year.

Mercy is compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm. We don’t condone workers pushing one another at work, but does that mean we accept a punishment out of all proportion to the crime? Sending Teitiota and his family to a poverty ridden Island his children have no connection to that is polluted by seawater from rising seal levels caused by climate change for pushing a co-worker is draconian.

The glee with which Radio Live and Gower gloated over Teitiota’s misfortune is as ugly as the lack of compassion that has doomed a family of 5 to a life of misery.

What a petty volk we have become.


  1. These are people who recognise that they hold some degree of power … even if it is as the vicarious mouthpiece for the real source. They sense the ultimate expression of power is to consign another to hardship or deprivation … hence the sneering gloat. Petty? … I’d go with common old nasty.

  2. Patrick Gower is simply a vile human being.

    Police issued warnings have no bearing on the veracity of allegations.
    Courts make a judgement on that.

    Pasta help us if we ever allow the police such power .

    Yes Paddy, if you are reading, there are two sides to every story. It’s also quite obvious that you are happy to put the knife in somebody’s back without allowing them any right of reply.

  3. Did they not, once upon a time, send people to far away lands for stealing as little as a loaf of bread?

    You would have thought that even arseholes, educated and all that they are, would have had enough wisdom to reflect on such.

    I guess that when there’s a good gloat to go on, humanity, decency and reflection are not important.

  4. Gower, I am deeply ashamed that you behave that way and live in the same country as I.

    Be careful what you put out into the world. Things can often bite back and find you yourself needing the very compassion you witheld…

  5. I’ve been to Kiribati and it has a whole list of problems, climate change doesn’t even make into the top three and probably wont for decades yet.

    NZ should be doing a lot more to help Kiribati, but selective application of the law to let one family stay is not what I would do.

  6. Hang on….

    Pulling the ponytail of a worker at work was considered the crime of the century and heads were meant to roll, yet here you are demanding an overstayer, who assaults a co-worker at work (amongst other allegations) be let off, because…?

    • ICD –

      yet here you are demanding an overstayer, who assaults a co-worker at work (amongst other allegations) be let off, because…?

      I don’t know what you’re reading, ICD, but “let off” what? Teitiota has not been charged with anything.

      Getting a bit ahead of yourself, are we?

    • “(amongst other allegations)”.. Care to elucidate on that claim? I’m always reluctant to assume base motives to people, so if you could help me avoid that in your case, I would be grateful…… At least to take the assumption away from the process if nothing else……

    • youve really got to separate the two issues and then separate that from “tail-gate”

      no ones saying he should be let off a possible assault charge and the allegation has surfaced after the deportation – its got nothing to do with the deportation

      so why is gower rolling in the muck on this?

      And key admitted guilt – to what is according to the law, assault over multiple incidents

      the allegation against Ioane Teitiota and John Key stalking and harrassing someone arent even close to being the same thing at this point

  7. Can’t expect much more from Paddy. His lame one-liners serve the same purpose as Key’s lame jokes – depoliticise politics.

    Paddy is neither left nor right…he’s in the gutter. The most boring, pedestrian political journalist imaginable. He’s proud to be a ratings-chaser. He’s a journalistic version of a monkey at a zoo slinging his shit around & wanking himself off.

    Clap clap for Paddy.

  8. Personally I don’t think Gower is pro Nat or Labour as he has shown he is quite willing to stick the knife into either at any given opportunity, what he is though is a nasty wee man that uses his position in the media to create more than report the news, there is another blogger that has a phrase for this new ilk of repeaters and that is “The Media Party” (quite fitting I say) and yet these ego-maniacs with their so-called celebrity status still don’t get why they are rated lower than politicians and prostitutes every year, thankfully their relevance is almost at an end with the demise of traditional media

  9. I hope everyone is ignoring the down votes on these comments.

    I’ve just seen Paddy Gower at a cafe voting down the comments with every online device he has.

  10. As for gower Yikes he could hardly contain his glee when trying to demand phil give the answers he wanted.

    Just another puffed up little shit masquerading as a political reporter

    You make me feel sick gower

    Continuously trying to push your bias agenda down the throats of the politicaly un-informed of NZ

    Surely there is someone with a better everything to replace him

  11. Now let us wait and see what skeletons are kept in Patrick Gower’s closet? I am sure he is no saint and has done some naughty things also, at least in his earlier years. Maybe no crimes, no charges, but hey, if anybody has some info – make it public, to shut that nasty man up, who is the most manipulative and dishonest journalist that works at TV3.

    Name and shame the man, there must be something he has done that deserves attention. Digging up dirt suits him when it is targeted at Andrew Little, Labour or Greens, but he is always more gentle when dealing with his Great Leader Kim John Key that “holy” man, who he seems to adore so much.

    • If you’re on an island (or ship) going under water, Andrew, you wouldn’t care if the island is sinking or sea level rising.

      Counting. Angels. Head of a pin.

      By the way, nice deflection.

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