Mass TPPA arrests but no TV coverage because they’re bickering over Red Peak



So last night neither News networks covered the mass arrests at the TPPA protests, because they were both too busy covering the Red Peak distraction.

When was the last time 26 protestors were arrested at a protest? That’s not news? But the Red Peak  vanity project is news?

My issue with the flag change was that it was never a real debate, it was always a political distraction and as the Government inch towards trying to sign the TPPA, a deal so all encompassing it would rob us of economic and political sovereignty, what are we debating as citizens are dragged off in mass arrests? We’re not talking about the TPPA, we’re talking about this distraction.

If the TPPA is signed, this is what our flag becomes…


…it’ll be the Red, White and Blue Peak.


  1. Exactly…the evil little clown/stooge of the USA corporations is doing his job well…theft of our national sovereignty and theft of our civil rights.

    Truly …this maggoty little pseudo ‘ PM ‘ is the most devious and corrupt little piece of vermin to have ever wormed his way into New Zealand politics…

    His legacy ?…not one of a flag change….

    But the deceptive and odious dismantling of this nations democratic sovereignty….done by stealth , backed by big business and an equally odious mass media which is also bought and payed for by corporate interests.

    This man ….needs to be – in the legal terms of the Americans by which he is such a sycophant – needs to be impeached.

    And as such…a full and independent inquiry made…no more whitewashing , no more ‘appointing ‘ a panel of flunkies… but a serious Royal Commission of Inquiry – and if needs be conducted by a body outside of this country yet in tandem with this country’s interests…

    The Privy Council springs to mind…perhaps more so as the pressure on the Conservative party in England is brought to bear by the new Labour leader , Jeremy Corbyn.

    There is more than enough skulduggery to sink this mans ship. It simply needs good people of this country to start not being afraid.

    And it is time.

  2. Yes, the dictatorship is working. It is the most perfect kind of defacto dictatorship there is, one that almost nobody perceives as being one. Not only were these arrests at an anti TPPA protest in Wellington hardly reported on, also the shooting of an unarmed Slovenian in Myer’s Park in Auckland got little mention, same as the fact, that WINZ have been short changing benefit applicants by a day’s pay for many years now.

    One Mr Tully is sitting in a jail, charged with murder of two WINZ staff members in Asburton, and while the trial was supposed to start in May, last news a week or two ago said, it may start some time later this year. He has been held for a year now, and is still not getting a trial, so justice delayed is justice denied.

    Many people are denied legal aid now, many have to pay it back, if they get it, with interest. Most lawyers no longer bother taking legal aid funded cases, as it is not paying their actual costs to do a proper representative job.

    OIA requests are not responded to in time, and then only responded to partially and insufficiently, the Ombudsman has a pile of complaints that are OIA related lying in their offices, work load being shifted between overworked staff in Wellington, Auckland and Wellington, and more and more people get fobbed off, or only get complaints decided on after one or two years.

    WINZ keep off loading single parents, sick and disabled, and claims they have “successfully” reduced beneficiary numbers, while homelessness, overcrowding of homes, and people needing support from city missions is endlessly growing.

    Most “sleepy hobbits” are busy working almost 24/7, to survive, or to please the bosses, as otherwise they will face WINZ workers who make it near impossible to get benefits.

    Police threaten the public, see, the guy we shot in Myer’s Park, who claimed he had a gun, that is what you can expect if you “threaten us” with claiming you are armed. Shoot first, questions asked later, that seems to be the new approach.

    Yet most “hobbits” go to work, listen to misinforming media, exchange trivial and consumerist type messages via smart phones and on Twitter, and happily distract themselves, as they cannot bother looking behind the scenes, and asking real questions.

    The RWC is before us, all are focused on that, the flag is the topic of each day, and Mike Hosking was praising the ambitions Max Key again on “Seven Blunt” tonight, him not even being 20 or so, and already studying at Harvard, trading on the stock exchange, and being ambitious to make much money.

    Hooray, Kim John Key, the Grand Shining Leader has got us all under the thumb, and well attuned, no questions needed, he looks after us, and tells us each day, what really matters.

    Hail thee, hail thee, our Leader Maximus Gloriosus!!!

      • Censored comments = A digital book burning.
        Perhaps there trying to save me and my sensitive nature, its a fucked up world when its not cool to speak your own truth. Guessing Hitler and the Nazis won after all, the national socialists are now politically correct.
        Ive always what happened to Patricia Bartlett nice to see she is still with us.

  3. They wouldn’t cover the arrests anyway, as TV1 and TV3 are propaganda platforms for the government, and Radio New Zealand is only allowed a few token ‘progressives/liberals’. They want the TPPA to pass, and love news stories they can use to distract people, that’s how things work in quasi police-states, and the Nats (and their MSM outlets) aspire for NZ to be one.

  4. I think we should all seriously consider one large final protest at the Beehive, on Guy Fawkes Day. Lets start mentioning it- and getting organised.

    • Awesome idea Jim, There could be life in there but not as we know it. Must be careful tho according to Bushtonian physics a wayward sky rocket or sparkler could cause the beehive to vaporise into dust and collapse in its own footprint just like the twin towers on 9-11.
      Hey how about you bring the beer ill bring the skyrockets and sparklers.
      Seriously i think its a marvelous idea!

  5. MSM wouldn’t report the protests because to do so just might draw attention to just how criminal and dangerous the TPPA is for NZ! And that could well be a challenge to FJK!

  6. A government as useless and corrupt as this cannot survive public scrutiny. The secrecy that preserves their misrule must be blown wide open. I’m sure there are still enough lamp posts in Wellington for the hanging of National MPs who sign the TPPA.

  7. The news of the arrests is a truth the “Keyism Government” doesn’t want to face, like they just sweep all threatening activities against their political devotion to misrepresent people and country alike. They’d rather hide behind their political skirt by waving another flag called distraction, which should also be designed and put up for nomination, along with the other flag failures.

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