US Fast Food workers win wage increase in Los Angeles and New York

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Fast Food workers have won two important victories in their fight for better wages as both Los Angeles County and New York State voted to raise minimum wages. These are important steps for the Fight For 15 campaign  for better wages and the right to join a union for US fast food workers.

Continue reading here

The WTO’s Doha Development Round: bad news from start to… finish?

Nearly 10 years ago, the IUF, together with two of our sister international union federations and a coalition of international civil society organizations, warned of the likely consequences of the WTO’s stalled Doha Round of trade negotiations, calling it “a recipe for the massive destruction of livelihoods, mass unemployment and the degradation of work”. That was after 4 years of negotiations which showed the exercise to be a thinly-disguised effort by wealthy countries to extract major concessions from developing countries on goods and services with agriculture being employed as a ‘bargaining chip’.  Now there is a new threat coming from the WTO – the way in which the Doha Round may be formally wound up or suspended in the months preceding the Nairobi WTO ministerial in December.

The full story is here

Urgent Action Myanmar (Burma)

In response to the international campaign launched by the IUF to defend basic trade union rights at the upscale Bagan Hotel River View in Myanmar (Burma), management is now screening job applicants to identify potential union supporters. Earlier this year, management attempted to crush the legally registered trade union by compelling the elected officers to sign resignation letters in a closed meeting guarded by hotel security.

If you have not yet been able to send a message in support of this important struggle for trade union rights for hotel workers in Myanmar, CLICK HERE