

A multi-millionaire with a holiday mansion in Hawaii telling the rest of us there’s no housing crisis in Auckland – this is the NZ we live in?

See no housing bubble.
Hear no Child Poverty.
Speak no Capital Gains Tax.

It’s not much of a policy platform is it?

There is no housing crisis in our largest City, there is no depression in NZ and if there is child poverty, it’s the parents fault? The distance from the Beehive to reality seems well past the moon.

Budget 2015 this year will be hosted by rich people telling middle class people that it’s poor people’s fault for living in poverty.

In John we trust.


  1. The “Gee Whizz” PM with the emphasis on the G.

    No increase in GST,
    nothing wrong with the GCSB
    and now no CGT when he introduces a CGT but doesn’t want to call it a CGT.

  2. Hi Martyn Planet key is as good as the last time I saw it before the nasty natZ took offence and had it pulled early September.

    It actually flatters the nasty NatZ in a strange way I feel.

    As to the Nasty rich telling us used to be middle class that it was ok for them to undermine our wealth for their gain was a good fiscal plan they are sick & demented idiots as they are just shrinking the tax pool.

    It is interesting that the Australian Government just realised this and have stimulated the middle-class small investor with a cash injection to stimulate their economy while our stupid Government still keeps on robbing the shrinking middle class until we are all dead.

    Welcome to Planet crash Key.

  3. I somehow doubt if Key can even understand his very own mentality, or the lack of it, in between bursts of it disappearing into deep forgetfulness.

  4. Wake up New Zealand today tells of big banks criminal activity,the rigging of rates etc,prosecutions followed but the fines levied are part of the game ,the fines are meaningless, they carry on as before.The fines are treated as part of operating costs, they are sucking billions out of world economy .
    John Key is part of the money grab ,The poorer people can go and starve,he has to look after the budget and his cronies,andthe budget is a farce, it will never balance and Key dosnt care ,pretty soon he can leave it all behind for his opposition to deal with,and I don’t mean Labour they are not the party they were.
    Key is selling property and land and businesses all over the country to
    China etc,mainly these businesses are set up for the benefit and profit of China,why should Key care ,he wont be around to deal with the problem.
    As to child poverty ,its the parents who are in poverty,no jobs or jobs with such low wages they cant exist on them,most are heartsick at having to approach WINZ for help, such is the humiliation dished out deliberately to stop them asking for help.
    John Key has a lot to answer for,but he will just smirk and pretend hes done a good job , if anyone votes for him they are as bad as he is.
    NZ needs an honest poll company who will give a proper accounting,not ones who always say Key has 50% support after every foul up he does,its always a Nat party beat up to show no matter what Key does the people are behind him .all lies, only fools would believe it .

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