Oh what a surprise – the NZ Herald wants to end public broadcasting of political broadcasts too



Oh what a surprise. The NZ Herald agrees with TVNZ to kill off their fourth estate obligations as a public broadcaster and dump the political broadcasts.

Their weak, spineless, gibbering argument is here. It’s pathetic. Their position is that they are the news media experts and interest in politics should be left to them to determine.

Really? Because if one were cynical one would suggest that a right wing newspaper like the NZ Herald who was deeply involved in being a conduit to the dirty politics of Cameron Slater, who was suspiciously involved in perpetrating the lie that Labour had received hundreds of thousands for a bottle of wine that never existed, that called on David Cunliffe to resign because he couldn’t remember an 11 year old letter yet has NEVER called on the PM to resign despite the PMs Office colluding with the SIS to frame the Leader of the Opposition months before the 2011 election – one would suggest that killing off political debate and coverage so that the sleepy hobbits of NZ only hear the NZ Herald, Mike Hosking and Paul Henry as news sources is the exact sort of country they wish for.

Screw the NZ Herald.

Don’t even start me on the unethical and despicable manner they behaved over the waitress and PM incident.

The solution to lower ratings for Political Party messages is that ALL media should be required to play them at the same time. That’s TV3, that’s all free view stations and that’s all SKY TV platforms. These media giants goer to make millions from our unregulated media landscape, demanding that once every 3 years they turn their platforms to the democracy that enables them is no great loss.

Killing off space where political parties can have their say is undemocratic and allows only for those the mainstream media deem worthy gaining voice.

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  1. “Killing off space where political parties can have their say is undemocratic and allows only for those the mainstream media deem worthy gaining voice.”
    Exactly! Just like the TPPA being negotiated in secret.
    I heard that the TPPA has a clause making ponytail pulling exempt from all legal statutes. I don’t know if its true or not because it is being negotiated in secret. Democracy what a joke. When you control the media you control the masses.

  2. Crosby Textors ultimate ‘game plan’.

    No more of the Good, the bad & the ugly.
    Sanitised, homologous,bland, low calorie, tripe is coming to a [single item] menu near you-soon!
    It will be the Key dish of non-choice!

  3. The only positive thing we can say about the NZ Herald is that it is consistent. Formed as the Tory/conservative mouth piece of the North, 150 years later it is still polishing the boots of the rich and the right. Some things never change.

  4. There appears to be a all our assault on the freedom of speech and our right to make informed decisions in this country and around the world
    Who is orchestrating this ?
    Some how I think our politician’s are mere pawns in the grand scheme
    J. Goebbels would look at today’s situation with admiration and envy

  5. When I left Northland in September 2015 there were 7000 people unemployed there and 200 job vacancies .I have waited in vain to see the Herald report facts like these .

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