Angry Andrew vs Joffrey John – the real challenge for Little and why there’s no irony on Planet Key



Don’t Get Andrew Little angry, you won’t like him when he’s angry.

Political reporter for Fairfax, Hamish Rutherford, managed to capture the madness of King John perfectly yesterday…

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…so Key says that Andrew Little needs to do more than call people names and then calls Andrew Little a name?

There’s no irony on Planet Key.

The real challenge for Little is how does he connect with an electorate who voted for John Key despite knowing Key was involved in dirty politics, despite knowing that Key lied about mass surveillance, despite knowing the PMs Office colluded with the Secret Intelligence Service to smear the Leader of the Opposition months before the 2011 election.

Those of course are all on top of borrowing billions for tax cuts to the already wealthy, introducing ideological experiments in education, crushing unions, punishing beneficiaries and corporate welfare for SkyCity, Warner Bros and MediaWorks.

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How on earth do you even manage to look voters in the eye when the voters merely shrug such enormous abuses of political power off because their property valuations are making more money than their actual jobs?

The reality is that selfishness has replaced any sense of civic responsibility and consumers will only become citizens once the property bubble or dairy bubble pops.

Labour want pats on the head because they’ve managed to not publicly squabble with each other for 6 months, if that’s all they are bringing to the table, it will be economic deterioration that changes voters minds, not any actual vision from Labour.


  1. tax cuts … , [privatising] education, crushing unions, punishing beneficiaries and corporate welfare for SkyCity, Warner Bros and MediaWorks.

    all sounds pretty damn good to me! Cameron just got re-elected with an increased majority on the same policies, so with any luck a re-elected National majority government will be able to get on with its policies —
    including dealing with communist state media and independent bloggers.

  2. Little is correctly attacking the one thing that keeps National in power, the crafted illusion they know what they are doing with the economy for the good of decent hard working Kiwi families.

    Little is right about the deception that was last years so called budget surplus, just before the election. This fraudulent claim said to voters, not only did we promise we would be back in surplus by 2014/15 but we also know how to manage the economy, so vote National. One huge lie!

    Where he is less correct is it being the biggest deception in a lifetime, it aint, not under John Keys reign. It was simply another lie on top of so many other lies, be they straight out fabrications, ommisions or manipulations

    The award I reckon for the biggest deception this time around is Key and English’s reassurances pre election that asset sales were over, there’s nothing worth flogging off. Little did we know that planning was well advanced to ultimately sell off almost the entire Tamaki isthmus to private investors. And a core component of those investors will be cashed up foreign buyers.

    The biggest asset sale in a lifetime when you said you wouldn’t, with no mandate, now thats a deception worth talking about.

  3. I think NZ will become a world-first Corporate Country. It’ll be the largest market garden too, manned ( person’d ) by the Chinese and will supply food to a climate changed world of starving intellectuals shambling about on a burning Earth. How’s that for a dystopia ?

    The old systems of governance and control are fast becoming anachronisms. Political Leaders are repeatedly showing themselves up as less the Gods they used to have us believe they were and more just feeble minded little people , lesser than us , who just want to have fun and fuck you.

    Vast amounts of ‘ money’ is flooding into ancient cultures which is having dire consequences for the Earths eco-systems which are failing daily.

    I’m an older coot now but I can see, within the remainder of my life, mass starvation and frightening wars, the weapons being chemicals and viruses.

    That places NZ strategically very well to weather out a blow-out in the Global nouveau riche money bubble . You think Auckland’s housing price bubble will be a biggie ? Many Auckland people will lose their homes ( Debt tombs ) but not that many will starve to death after eating their pets, as they will in China .

    Here’s a project for you? Buy a section of land and see if you can fine-tune it to support yourself and your whanau through the four seasons? Go on, give it a go. But remember? One crook season or two and you will die.

    • I remember visiting the Museum of London. We think of London as being around for ever, but historians will know that it was really the Romans who developed Londinium into a significant city. What I hadn’t realised is that there was a period of several hundred years after the Romans left where the city was a virtual wasteland (called the Dark Ages of London), before it started to grow again in the 900s. I wondered whether this would happen to some of the big cities in our current epoch, when the bankers and corporations have stripped the land, cities become unlivable and people forced back to the land.

    • Key is not interested in balancing the books ,hes only interested in selling every thing not nailed down.How dare this market trader come into NZ to sell us to the highest bidder.
      Key is good at calling opposition names like a spiteful bully he is.

      Let him go back to USA where he belongs , they have plenty of pony tails there for him to fondle.

      • Elle you are talking rubbish.

        Andrew Little only managed to get into parliament on the list after the special votes were counted. He has a union background and has appointed a finance spokesman with no background in finance.

        Key, from what I read was educated in Christchurch and grew up in a state house so I am lost with your comment that he should go back to the USA where he belongs.

  4. Now that I have Netlix I am watching a few docos that don’t come across our TV screens. There is a series labelled Zeitgeist. When I google reviews they are pretty negative, but I don’t know who to believe these days, so I watch it and try to learn. I’m watching the second in the series and, while there is nothing new there that I haven’t seen on YouTube before, it’s a good summary of how US corporations cause famine and war for profit. It starts with banks offering loans to poor countries. Made me wonder whether the debt that Key/English are getting us into is part of a bigger plan. We can’t pay back the debt so have to sell off more of the country, water, land etc to the bankers.

    Anyone see the 60 minutes programme the other night where the ANZ were forcing Australian farmers off the land because they couldn’t repay the loans that were restructured without the farmer’s agreement? Scary.

      • Thanks – he’s interviewed in quite a long section in the second movie. Really shocking stuff. I’ll look out for his book. I’m curious to know how he broke rank.

  5. “There’s no irony on Planet Key – actually that’s a very good example of irony.

    Planet Key is the most ironical New Zealand government in living memory because nearly everything it says is so far from the truth.

  6. There goes a perfect summary of NZ politics. Labour has to have the courage to do what’s right without worrying what Joffery or his cohorts (or for that matter what the public) has to say. All really good parties in opposition have done this before so they simply have to sweat the bullshit and make brave decisions. Those decisions will win out in the end.

    • True, given they’re essentially governed by self-interest right now. Once the housing market slides sideways off a cliff and they’re all running around like headless chickens, perhaps then they’ll feel sufficiently motivated to vote for progressive change.

  7. “How on earth do you even manage to look voters in the eye when the voters merely shrug such enormous abuses of political power off because their property valuations are making more money than their actual jobs?”

    It works only by mass deception and manipulation, which is the “new normal” now. The US free market, laissez faire capitalist system, which got an “academic” boost of pseudo credentials by the Chicago Boys many years ago, has for generations been selling the “American Dream” to its own people, and the many migrants that continued to stream there.

    We now have the “Kiwi Dream”, highly promoted by one John Key and his followers, where people are told of a “better future” and that “working for NZ” will bring the fruits they so desire.

    This was conveniently assisted by a geological disaster that twice struck Christchurch and surrounding areas in Canterbury, necessitating a massive “rebuild”. Insurance money flowed in, government also contributed, and naturally people that were affected had to use up savings, and go into debt, to pay their share to the repairs and rebuilding. It boosted GDP to create the legendary “Rock Star Economy”. The MSM repeated it like a broken record, quoting Ministers and their PM.

    Then came the new big boy on the block, Mainland China, a FTA facilitated and signed by a Labour led government, offering high demand for lots of baby formula and milk powder. Handshakes and deals were made, probably great, generous promises for land and homes being easy to buy here also, and they came with their cheque books, and bought and bought, until now.

    Farmers went into debt, intensified, converted farms into dairy farms, the white liquid gold that China so cherishes. All fueled by debt, credit offered by well rated Aussie banks. And then also came the slow down in Aussie, so many Kiwis come back home, alongside highest numbers of new immigrants that the country has seen for many years. All want homes, work and so, and they all follow the “Kiwi Dream”, a roof over your head that you can own one day, a one to two car household, space, green fields, space and jobs to take, business to make.

    Like the US, this country is building and betting on “growth” by expanding the population, by exploiting natural resources and by having people compete at all levels, some so desperate, they come from the Philippines, India and the South Pacific, and even put up with sharing cramped, dirty, moldy, and still expensive accommodation, work for near the minimum wage or less, all hopeful, to be allowed to stay, and make a better future than where they may come from.

    We are getting very similar to the mighty USA now, rat race in Auckland, the rich getting richer, and more poor people fighting over remaining morsels, just to survive.

    But as most of the disenfranchised are kept brainwashed, drummed full with consumerist and dumbing down advertising and infotainment, and the endless message of a “better future” being just around the corner, they all keep on battling along, no matter whether it makes sense or not, just for that one hope, to strike it lucky like others, one day, perhaps.

    Welcome to the “Kiwi Dream”, or maybe the great “NZ Monopoly game”, or the casino where everybody is welcome, to dream.

  8. On Planet Key there is most certainly irony.

    John Banks, Peter Dunne and John Key himself spouted the line “nothing to fear nothing to hide” when it came to the spying legislation.

    Yet they are suddenly very sheepish when it comes to giving details of the TPPA? What’s up Joffrey and pals?

    “Nothing to fear nothing to hide” mantra should apply to TPPA? You can’t have it both ways, ironically speaking of course.

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