Why does the corrosive and toxic Judith Collins deserve to be back in Cabinet?


“I AM NOT A MONSTER” shrieked the monster.

Why does someone as corrosive and toxic as Judith Collins need to be back in the Cabinet? Surely the Cabinet should represent all that is good and right about a Political Party based upon ability, on that test Judith Collins does not deserve to get back in.

Let’s count the ways where Judith Collins has simply been toxic and corrosive.

1981847_10151983120506592_602936437_n1 – Collins leaked personal details about public servant Simon Pleasants to far right hate speech merchant Cameron Slater so that Pleasants could be denigrated and smeared.

2 – Collins was purposely deceptive over her Oravida dinner with Chinese Officials despite the massive conflict of interest created by her Husband working for Oravida.

3 – Collins smeared journalist Katie Bradford in an attempt to suggest Bradford had asked for help getting her husband into  the Police.

4 – Read the emails between her and far right hate speech merchant Cameron Slater and see the sadistic desire she seems to have to destroy her enemies and belittle them.

5 – The report into Collins which she holds up as vindication was a total whitewash. Not every witness was called, the most damning evidence was ignored, who Slater was working for to undermine the SFO boss was never answered and the Police investigation into the issue was mysteriously shelved.  

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The only reason Judith is getting back into Cabinet is because Key’s behaviour with harassing a waitress has opened him to the possibility of having to stand down. Collins apparently has already done the numbers on the backbench and is plotting for Key’s next mis-step.

Some on the Left are thrilled with the possibility of Collins becoming leader as they believe it will scare voters away from National. That’s a gamble. There is a large angry white electorate who are furious with Key not going further to the Right, that’s Collins’ electorate. They don’t vote because National is too left wing for them, they are the base who reacted to Don Brash’s Orewa Speech, they are the voters who bashed Springbok Tour protestors, they are the racist rump of NZ and they have yet to hear a champion.

Judith Collins brand of militant political spite is the champion they crave.


  1. I have another crime that you’ve forgotten. Her husbands’ Oravida business is busy stealing all the swamp Kauri in Northland and making a huge profit off it. They steal jobs from NZers and get around the laws by cutting these giant trees into slabs before shipping them out. When asked about this theft Judas Collins walked away and threw over her shoulder “tell somebody who cares”. She is a swamp hog.

    • Yep…and there is another part time Wellington dwelling Far Norther who’s family are up to their wee eyeballs in the swamp kauri industry.

      All very hush hush.

      With Mafia style tactics.

  2. Crusher’s style of ethics; integrity and greed fits in well with Donkey Jonkeys level of “lies” ; “denials” ; “pass the buck” and “blame shifting”. Many feel she would fit in again rather nicely. Birds of a feather do, again, flock together. All the good folks in Parliament are leaving only to make room for more filth and more disgrace. Voters wake up and smell the stench or remain asleep and have our country sold to the highest bidder.
    Greedy and criminal like Corporations in control of way too much and it is bad for all.

  3. “see the sadistic desire she (Collins) seems to have to destroy her enemies and belittle them.”

    Yes and she copied Key’s mantra I all these hate themes.

    The whole toxic National line-up have permeated parliament with a certain speech hate and exhibit no human qualities or civility at all.

    Just watch Parliament as they snipe at any opposition MP that dares to speak out.

    It seems that the often heavy control used by the (Speaker) David Carter, uses (over mostly opposition members) also is very intimidating also.

    So the whole Nasty NatZ mob are making parliament mostly an ineffectual inoperable vehicle for a reasonable relaxed environment to promote debate, & for which to have shared reasoned debate before serious bills and law changes pass through the house.

    Years ago Helen Clark requested changes be made to the cabinet manual and conduct of PM’s but we have again slipped into a parliament of disarray.

  4. Crusher’s rock is the person sitting on *her* left (on right, when looking at it) in the ‘monster’ photo – blonde hair, blue scarf. Megan Wallace, her former electorate secretary and then senior private secretary when she became minister, in spite of those jobs normally going to experienced local Wellington staff through DIA. Like Collins, she lives in the electorate (Papakura). Collins leans on her for everything. Would love to know who paid/pays her fares to get between home and Wellington each week when the (taxpayer-funded) job could have gone to a local?

  5. The pretext for firing Collins had only imitation links to the leaked emails. It was supplied by the National Party leadership to give a new (non-Hager) excuse to get rid of her.

    Her crime was not any of the ones you list, Martyn.

    It was because, reportedly she started to sound out New Zealand First about replacing John Key (with herself, presumably).

    Her return should, perhaps, be encouraged. Once she is in, the whispering machine should gets cranked up to white ant JK.

    The prospect of ascension to the top job for the ambitious but unelectable Collins would be a speedy death for the National Govt.

  6. Mate, she is awful. Her persona is abrasive, arrogant, born to rule and totally superior. Superb credentials for any National leader.

    But even then with this impressive resume, deep down I think she is less calculating and far more honest than Key. Mind you who isn’t?

  7. All true that Xray and Nick. Who is not more honest than FJK? probably no body at all, as he has never been honest.

  8. Another desperate attempt to deflect attention away from ponytails – Bring Back BUCK Judith….

    Look for another suspicious white powder issue, or Viagra in the drinking fountains at the Beehive, or NZ applying to be the US 53rd State. A new flag??

    Great photo-op to knock ponytails out of the news: Great photo-op to forget about ponytails

    What about Health funding instead of ponytails? Oops – all the nurses would rather look like Hilda Ogden by wearing their anti-John-Key-tantalising-Hair-Pulling-headgear at 0.35 seconds….

    You just can’t get ponytails out of the news – bring back Judith instead!

  9. JC or JK WTF is the difference other than gender, they are all a pile of vomit inducing putrid Tory class warriors. They will destroy their enemies and our planet to serve themselves and their corporate puppet masters.
    Something serious needs to occur soon.

  10. Collins is a good move for Key, in her company, or Tony Abbott’s, he looks more human or more clever.

  11. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some few National women who can be good role models and are not power hungry arrogant and elitists ? Wouldn’t it be nice to have more solid ethical female role models on Donkey Jonkeys side of parliament who are not trying to defend their sad leader and are serving the people of NZ ? There may be one but she is a rarity.
    Judas “toxic” Collins is not what we would call a good role model when she is so immersed in greed and denials. Rude and out of touch. She could care less about us regular folks and sucks up big time to her corporate buddies. Retire, please, military cowboy policewoman Judy, its time to make room for better leaders and you are not and never have been one of them. You, as well as Jonkey, will have sad & poor legacies because what we sow is what we reap.

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