Key in trouble using GCSB to spy for a mates job & suddenly Bennett starts blaming poor parents for hungry kids – classic National Party



It’s back to the basics for National. Key is in trouble using the GCSB to spy for a mates job & suddenly Paula Bennett starts blaming poor parents for hungry kids – that’s classic National Party.

Whenever they require a media distraction, National bash beneficiaries. To use hungry children as a political football should outrage NZers, but bashing the poor is a national past time and with the Cricket World Cup on, no one wants the guilt of having to think about hungry kids.

Meanwhile, 250 000 kids live in poverty and those too poor to feed their children get blamed for it. Bennett has reached ‘let them eat cake’ levels of delusion now.

What a spiteful hate pie she has baked for us.


  1. Hardly a distraction considering this was in response to the defeat of the recent food in schools bill. It is notmally expected that someone in the Government would comment why they did not support the bill.

    • @ Gasman . Are you ok ? Or are you having a stroke ?
      Moving on .
      You’re a brave soul , defending the indefensible . paula bennett ? C’mon ?
      I know what you’re saying … but C’mon ?

  2. And not to mention the 300,000 working poor on the minimum wage , the definition of ‘fully employed ‘ by the maggot Key saying ‘ if you work one hour per week – that’s full employment ‘…..

    What a bastard.

    And as for that Porker Bennet ,….she didn’t get that LARGE by not sucking on the public’s boob , now did she?

    You know there was a time in this country when a govt wouldn’t hesitate to offer milk for example in schools…

    Those were the days when politicians actually had a social conscience. Those were the days when politicians actually thought of the needs of their fellow citizens , – and planned accordingly.

    Who needs a pack of greedy pricks who aren’t interested in the health and state of the nation???

    What use are they???

    What the hell are we paying them for???

    How the hell did we ever let these evil treasonous pigs get into power in the first place???

    Oh that’s right…they did it by deceit and guile – beginning with that chief supreme maggot Douglas.

    • chap I agree with everything you have said here …except the LARGE comment… demeans YOU as well as them… effect your thinking becomes like theirs….mean personal put downs….I don’t doubt your sincerity for a moment on these issues but please don’t be like them

  3. paula bennett ? Put on rubber gloves and a blind fold . Paint her in olive oil , roll her in herbs and spices , turn on oven to 200 c , shove an apple in her gob-hole , now where to put the lemon ? Bake her for several months until crispy , carve her up , feed her out , no more hungry children .
    Seen Peter Greenaway’s ‘ The Cook , The Thief , His wife and her Lover ? ‘,_the_Thief,_His_Wife_%26_Her_Lover

    One could say ;
    Eat the lips first . You know what they’ve been kissing .

  4. you can find this same victim blaming on other Left blogs

    ….these commentators are not true Lefties

    …at very least they have bought into the Neolib ideology and they are promoting it …they should be called out for what they are …right wing wolves in pretend Left clothing

  5. …at very least they have bought into the Neolib ideology and they are promoting it …they should be called out for what they are …right wing wolves in pretend Left clothing

    This is the part of the neo liberal agenda that makes me the most uncomfortable; the ‘normalising’ of it as a standard global wisdom. It has penetrated so deeply now into our everyday thinking, especially in this little fascist paradise, that even the die hard lefties and commos of the old school are trying to placate it by incorporating it into their own philosophy. As have Labour and as have the greens. It’s a bit like medical professionals saying that disease is normal and shouldn’t be fought against.

    There is no accomodating this shitty infiltration: just excise it completely. It deserves no less.

    • Not if they’ve nothing to feed them. I suggest you read some history about ‘The Mother of All Budgets’ and Ruth Richardson’s setting of benefit levels deliberately below the amount needed to feed oneself.

  6. Nasty piece of works is the Bennett woman! Fits in very well with her boss. Both sneaks, having used the public teat in the past to help them get by!

    Bennett and bad parenting this week. Soon it will be the flag issue rolled out once more, when the rat Key is cornered again!

    Evidently there is supposed to be an article on Osborne in the NBR today re a review into funds relating to the Te Ahu Centre, of which he is general manager! Unfortunately the NBR is paywalled, so I am unable to access it, to verify details and post a link. Osborne apparently has been advised by a Natsy spin doctor not to be interviewed on the matter! Perhaps there is someone out there in TDB land, who is able to supply more info on this one!

    My reference to it is if it is true and is leaked out, then Key will be digging hard into his top/bottom draw for some distraction, particularly this week! Could see the flag rolled out yet again!

      • yup that is Key’s argument …but Peters says John Key is clearly getting desperate over the Northland election!

        Peters also says the agreement with the Koreans will stand …. although he would have made a much better agreement

  7. And dont forget we as Tax Payers give all of the National Party MPs who voted against the Feed the Kids Bill – FREE MEALS EVERYDAY

  8. It is due to poor parenting is it? Well, that begs the question why some parents do it poorly? Do they deliberately do it?, are they poor parents because they make bad choices? or neglect their children, or what? In the same context – if you have a car accident does that necessarily mean you are a bad driver? or if your business doesn’t do well that you are a bad business person? Bennett is the classic National Party reactionary – generalize about a section of society that you are supposed to be supporting, but you openly hate, and then leave it to your trained parrots like Gosman to keep squawking out the lies and spin. If Bennett had any real interest in her ministerial duties she would be proactive, not reactive, but asking National to be proactive in anything is like asking for the wind to stop blowing.

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