Eric Garner killed by NYPD original footage


The horror of a ultra militarised and racist American Police Force who can kill with impunity. Obama claims cameras on every office would stop this type of brutality, these cops knew they were being filmed and killed him anyway.

In NZ Police get away with killing NZers every year via ill trained and poorly controlled Police chase procedures.

Feel safe yet?


  1. Horrifying, and when you dig deeper the brutality is obscene. No where is safe. What a laugh they send their troops to combat this behaviour while allowing it in their own country. No, we dont feel safe.

  2. Comparing a bare hand homicide by police of a non violent suspect, to accidental deaths resulting from self inflicted high speed crashes?

    Talk about drawing a long bow. I’m not saying that the NZ Police are squeaky clean, but posting ridiculous links like that strains your credibility.

  3. Been doing a bit of research and found that in the last year for which stats were available, US cops gunned down 409 people , compared to only 8 in Germany (Source: The Economist). Further, African-Americans are being gunned down at around twice the rate of whites.

    Looking on Youtube, I found US cops deploying tasers against grandmothers, school-kids, peaceful protesters etc. on the slightest pretext. Tasers of course, apply excruciating pain (said to be worse than the pain of child-birth) , with 50,000 volt shocks that Amnesty international has linked to 500 deaths.

    Look at this Youtube video that includes US cops tasering recruits as part of an insane ‘hazing’ initiation for a steroid-pumped, hyper-militarized society:

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