Parental leave extension perfect Mother’s Day gift

Source: Labour Party – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Parental leave extension perfect Mother’s Day gift

The best gift National could give mothers tomorrow would be a commitment to pass a Labour Party Bill to extend paid parental leave to six months, Labour’s Spokesperson for Social Development Sue Moroney says.

“My Bill has the support of the public and majority support of Parliament. The only thing now standing between families and 26 weeks paid parental leave is National’s financial veto.

“With Mother’s Day being celebrated just four days before National’s budget, Bill English could offer a real gift to New Zealand mums – by announcing that he is lifting his financial veto on my Bill immediately.

“The select committee report shows the impact of the Bill would be just 0.05% of the crown funds being spent in this year’s budget.

“That proves there is no justification for a financial veto on paid parental leave – it is affordable in the way it is designed to be implemented in my Bill.

“There will be six months paid parental leave under a Labour-led Government and Kiwi families will be able to support that when they vote in September,” said Sue Moroney.

She said her Bill has been waiting for its second reading in Parliament since March 28 but has been subjected to National Party delaying tactics to prevent it from being debated.

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“That’s disrespectful to families and the future of New Zealand. Mother’s Day would be the ideal day to turn that around.”

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