Labour congratulates Dunedin’s Animation Research on Sports Emmy

Source: Labour Party – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Labour congratulates Dunedin’s Animation Research on Sports Emmy

Dunedin’s legendary innovative streak was proudly on display today with the huge success of Animation Research Ltd (ARL) which has won the first ever Sports Emmy by a Kiwi company for its America’s Cup smartphone app, Labour’s ICT spokesperson Clare Curran and America’s Cup spokesperson Trevor Mallard said today.

“And the story doesn’t end there, as ARL CEO Ian Taylor revealed that the app was a collaboration between Dunedin, Queenstown and Timaru designers and programmers,” Clare Curran said

“It shows what Kiwi innovators can do in the regions and how technology can drive huge successes for our small nation,” Clare Curran said.

“Four New Zealand companies entered the sports Emmys Awards and while ARL was the only winner on the day, all four Kiwi companies showed their technological wizardry could compete with the world’s best,” said Trevor Mallard.

“We need a nationwide strategy for New Zealand in 2020 which will make us a highly prized boutique nation of tech-savvy business like ARL, said Trevor Mallard.

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