Let’s not pretend we can’t solve global poverty



Let’s not pretend we can’t solve global poverty


  1. With all the money that has been fleeced off people over the last 30 years this problem should’ve gone. Why hasn’t it? The only way to help these people is to stop them breeding for 1 generation as nothing else seems to work. It is futile chucking shitloads of money at it because that doesn’t work. They have to stop breeding to give themselves a chance or organisations will still be collecting money in 2050 and beyond.

  2. With an improvement in the quality of life, it is accepted that birth rates decrease. China reformed its one child policy recently due to China being wealthier unlike when the policy was introduced. In the developed world, most countries’ birth rates are low and in some instances the population is declining. An aging population is also a concern in China and the developed world, which influenced China’s recent policy.

    Then there’s the phenomenon of young people living lives committed to being single, no interest in relationships and/or reclusive in Japan which is theorised as possibly leading to a drastic reduction of the Japanese population later this century. Similar trends also emerging in other developed nations.

    Africa, as the situation currently is, is expected to have a population greater than both China and India combined later this century. Bill Gates and Al Gore have suggested recently at Davos contraception and improved medical care, amongst other initiatives, as a means to reduce poverty and population growth in Africa. Large population growth considered detrimental on the environment.

    Throwing money at a problem certainly won’t help, after all Africa like many developing areas is plagued with corruption. With money collected by charities, in many cases only a fraction actually goes to the cause on the ground.

    Certainly not an easy task at hand. Efforts regarding; education, opportunities, employment, combatting corruption, religious concerns, contraception availability, investment, infrastructure and peace; would greatly assist in reducing poverty and unwieldy population growth.

    Considering the obscene amount spent on the military and warfare, considering war is an expensive business, as well as Africa – a continent rich in resources, it could be one of the wealthiest blocs in the world economically and socially. No doubt a lot of meddling goes on there from outside to exploit that wealth.

    All that’s needed is a will and sincerity to deliver something better.

    • The key is most definitely in the education and elevation in society of women, and we will not get anywhere unless some countries get their heads around this. With the likes of warlords and radical Islamists I don’t hold out a lot of hope for some places

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