GDP up but are you feeling better off?


Source: Green Party – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: GDP up but are you feeling better off?

“The current growth of GDP does not capture the rapidly declining quality of water in our rivers and lakes or the growing levels of inequality in New Zealand.”

GDP numbers released today show an increase in economic activity but the Green Party is questioning whether New Zealanders are actually feeling better off.

“There’s an increasing sense in New Zealand that the benefits of growth under National are not being shared fairly,” said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman.

“Wages are not keeping up with inflation meaning most New Zealand families are finding it harder to make ends meet.

“Looming interest rate hikes and on-going power price hikes will leave even more Kiwis falling further behind despite working harder.

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“House prices are rising rapidly resulting in falling rates of home ownership.

“GDP is up but increasing numbers of our children are falling into poverty under National’s economic leadership.

“When we look at key environmental indicators, New Zealand is going backwards under National as well.

“Our rivers and lakes are getting more polluted. National has failed to stop industrial dairy companies from using our rivers as drains.

“Under National, net carbon emissions will grow 50 percent in the next decade. Is it right to rob our children and grandchildren of a stable climate simply for the sake of big foreign oil companies?”

The Green Party has developed policy and legislation to implement a new series of measures besides GDP to track changes in our economic, social, and environmental progress.

“While GDP still has a role to play, it should no longer be regarded as the only metric to measure progress,” Dr Norman said.

“The current growth of GDP does not capture the rapidly declining quality of water in our rivers and lakes or the growing levels of inequality in New Zealand.

“Until we start measuring what we actually care about, we’ll continue to promote GDP growth over actual human thriving and happiness.”

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