Political Identification Chart for the upcoming Election



Evidently, some folk in the Labour Party have difficulty in recognising who the real enemy are.

Accordingly, I have taken the step of borrowing from the World War 2 era, where the British War Office produced Enemy Plane Identification Charts to easily recognise British warplanes and not confuse them with their Nazi counterparts;


enemy idenification chart


To assist some Labour MPs, who seem to have comprehension and eyesight difficulties, I have designed an  easy-to-understand wallchart, to differentiate between the enemy (National, ACT, Peter Dunne, et al) and the Good Guys (their allies, the Greens and Mana).

It helps when you know who to ‘shoot’ at, and who to welcome as a potential Parliamentary ally. Accordingly, I present  the Friends & Foes Political Spotter Chart;

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political friends and foes spotter chart



It helps the Cause not to shoot your friends.

Anyone who cannot tell the difference should not be on the political battlefield.



= fs =


  1. As the saying goes – with friends like these who needs enemies. While i would prefer a labour government myself, and a lot of my friends are struggling with the decision due to the close relationships with the greens.

    I am dreaming of the day Labour gets it act together and finds a leader who commands respect from his MP’s which in turn will bring voters back to labour and away from the Green party. Until this happens i think a lot of people will continue to question Mr Cunliffes ability to lead the country let alone his own party

    • @ Tim. Why would you prefer a Labour Government rather than a Green Party led Government? Have you examined Green Party policy in depth? What Labour policies do you think have the edge over Green Party or MANA for instance and are worthy of a Party vote? Truly curious.

    • Yes, I know what you mean. After looking at the left side of the graphic, I had the same thought. All of these idiots claim to represent the oppressed, namely the minority groups. The smallest minority is the individual. The one thing this band of thugs have in common is their total lack of respect for the rights of the individual and his/her personal property.

      Communism is not the answer

      • Mike says:
        March 15, 2014 at 12:02 am


        The one thing this band of thugs have in common is their total lack of respect for the rights of the individual and his/her personal property.

        Communism is not the answer

        Neither is the neo-liberal “free” market.

        And to paraphrase; ” The one thing this band of [corporate/rightwing] parasites have in common is their total lack of respect for the rights of communities and their needs for decent social services.”

        There. Fixed it.

        Sounds much better now.

      • Mike,
        By “his/her personal property” are you referring to things one is able to buy, at hugely inflated prices, because banks offer loans on money they have created out of thin air which they then except one to pay interest on?

  2. Frank – you really need to add David Cunliffe to the “Friend” list to make it clearer for Shane and his cohorts…

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