Green Party welcomes minister's decision on vulnerable kids bill


Source: Green Party – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Green Party welcomes minister's decision on vulnerable kids bill

Child Harm Prevention Orders were an untested experiment that would use up resources better spent elsewhere in child protection

The Green Party welcomes the Social Development Minister’s decision to remove Child Harm Prevention Orders from the Vulnerable Children’s Bill.

“It is great that the Social Development Minister has listened to the concerns raised about the orders and we hope she will be open to changing other aspects of the Bill if experts recommend that they’re also not in the best interests of children,” Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said.

“We support measures that will genuinely reduce violence against children and we support measures that address the drivers of harm, such as poverty.

“Child Harm Prevention Orders were an untested experiment that would use up resources better spent elsewhere in child protection.

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“The Green Party will put children at the heart of all policy and continue working work to eliminate child poverty in order to help reduce the financial pressure that vulnerable families are facing.

“Children are safer when their families are strong so any law that seeks to protect children needs to also focus on the parent that protects those kids,” Mrs Turei said.

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