Green Party launches legal fund to defend defamation case


Source: Green Party – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Green Party launches legal fund to defend defamation case

We are asking all New Zealanders who care about free speech and a tolerant society to support our defence.

The Green Party has launched an appeal to cover the costs of defamation action being taken against the party by Conservative Party leader Colin Craig.

Concerned New Zealanders can donate to the legal defence fund by going to or directly to Kiwibank, Branch: Wellington, Account name: Green Party, Acc. No.: 38 9005 0440479 00. Reference – Legal Fund

“The Green Party will defend the defamation action being brought by Colin Craig because we believe in the freedom of political speech and we believe in an inclusive and tolerant society,” said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman.

“We are launching an appeal, because unlike Colin Craig we don’t have deep pockets. We are asking all New Zealanders who care about free speech and a tolerant society to support our defence.

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“The freedom of political speech and an inclusive and tolerant society are core values of the Green Party. We don’t roll over on those values just because someone with deep pockets sets their lawyer on us.

“Our preference in election year is to focus on the big issues relevant to New Zealanders. In contrast Colin Craig seems to want to generate public attention by suing people who disagree with him.

“Even John Key has said Colin Craig should drop the case; however the Prime Minister is still planning on gifting Colin Craig an electorate seat in a dirty deal arrangement.

“John Key should rethink his electoral support for Colin Craig.

“The Green Party will always stand up for a tolerant and inclusive society and are asking other New Zealanders who support these values to support our defence.”

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