Chardonnay fascist


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From the Hypocrite Winery – a sharp tasting Chardonnay designed to bring out your inner arsehole after only a few sips. Best drunk with a side order of ‘what’s good for me isn’t good enough for you’ self delusion.


  1. As someone who enjoys the odd quaff or two of wine, I’d predict this one has the aroma of a herbacous pea, with an off-putting shot of shyte. Totally undrinkable. Should go well at the Tory bar-be-ques, late at night, when everyone’s tongues are in the bottom drawer.

    • This woman is one of the most disgusting examples of humanity I have ever witnessed. The people she has affected cannot afford a tin of baked beans or a Christmas dinner, let alone her wine which would be considered a “luxury item” anyway and if you are under the reach of the MSD you are not allowed to have anything that is remotely “luxury” or “nice”.
      Revolting and reminiscent of Marie Antoinette.

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