Statistics –tries hard but could do better

Source: Labour Party – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Statistics –tries hard but could do better

Statistics New Zealand has to move more rapidly with the times and consider new ways of collecting information, says Labour’s spokesperson for Statistics Raymond Huo.

“I believe Statistics New Zealand earned some kudos for its release of population data from the 2013 Census, but more must be done to introduce international trends and census-taking models so that we can keep on top of the game.

“For Statistics New Zealand, and particularly the Minister, the focus should now be on getting the census model to increase efficiencies and cut costs.

“While 35 per cent of the Census was completed online in 2013, we must keep pace with potential savings arising from new technological changes.

“The Minister should consider international methodological and technological developments and engage with the public for its input. Those developments may allow for better data to be collected more efficiently and accurately.

“Many European countries reduce their census costs by obtaining population information directly from registers and other government administrative sources. New Zealand has a good system of collecting data and we should be investigating whether the full enumeration census can be combined with data collected directly from other sources.

“I would also like to test the feasibility of moving the current five-yearly census to every 10 years.

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“We must be smarter about where we get the information from and the way in which is delivered to maximise its value.”

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