What if all the allegations against Len Brown are true?



Some terrible allegations are being made over at NZs sleaze sewer, Whaleoil, about an affair Len Brown is alleged to have had with a younger woman.

The questions that arise here are many and numerous. Slater’s father is of course the campaign manager for Len’s main rival,  John Palino and one wonders how much was being said between the two of them to maximize the embarrassment.

If the allegations are all true, what happens next?

If Len were to turn up with his family shoulder to shoulder with him and give an impassioned apology, it might save him, but if his family are in as much shock as they might be, getting that show of public unity isn’t going to happen, meaning he will have no other option than to fall upon his sword and resign, plunging Auckland into another Mayoral election.

Palino would feel aggrieved if he wasn’t allowed another shot, but other right wing egos sensing blood in the water would demand they get a chance to stand as well.  The problem with that is the Left may feel that the mud merchants of the Right have gone too far and start shaking some of the Rights skeletons out of the closet, that could limit some right wing candidates who may want to run.

The Left would scramble to work out who they would throw their weight behind and the only likely candidate as far as I can see would have to be Penny Hulse.

This is unprecedented mud raking and gives some clues to how dirty the 2014 election is shaping up to be.

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    • Why should he have to resign?

      You couldn’t have put it better.

      I see no reason why he should have to resign. The only people who would feel compelled to resign in such circumstances are the right wing nut jobs who overtly espouse a moralistic ethos and are then caught in flagrante delicto.

      • Who would trust Palino anyway…the also ran. The man has a fake tan, fake smile, fake teeth. What else about him is fake. Put a man like this in charge of New Zealand’s super city. I DON’T THINK SO!

        • I agree wholeheartedly. I am a little ashamed to say that I’m not at all comfortable with ANY American coming into our political system. I feel rightly or wrongly that they are too corrupt and I hate their brand of politics as witnessed by this tawdry business. I would never vote for him and am hoping he chooses to stay in Australia.

    • It all depends – if he can have a show of family unity, then I think Auckland can forgive him, but if he can’t get that show of unity from his family, then it comes down to an issue of ‘his family won’t forgive him, then neither can we’.

      What compounds it are the lewd details that Slater has revealed in sharing.

      • He deserves to be mercilessly mocked, and Slater has supplied more than enough ammunition for that with the “lewd details”, but it doesn’t really impact on his ability to function as mayor, and it’s not political corruption.

        There are two sorts of people: those who’ve had wild sex with someone they shouldn’t have in an inappropriate place, and those who wish they had done that.

        • This would all be OK if Len would have been just an ordinary bloke, with a bit of a playboy image perhaps, and be honest about it.

          Len has presented himself always as a loyal and committed family man, and also used his Christian faith to appeal to South Auckland voters. It is all about trust.

          So this makes him an utter hypocrite, and what the young “lady” has done is also have signed an affidavit.

          Such documents are not just some letter written out of some mood at any time, on an ordinary piece of paper.

          Len is going to fall on his Christian faith sword, I fear, as much as this is sad and shocking. He can of course try and seek “forgiveness” and “repent”, but will it convince, will his wife go along with it and support him publicly?

  1. Now I know why Len Brown wanted to pay a living wage to all the council cleaners, to make up for cleaning up all the cleanex tissues and prophylactic rubbers.

  2. Call me dumber than Monique, but I don’t get it.

    Len has admitted to having a relationship with a staffer. Okay. And?

    Len is married. Okay. An issue between his wife and him.

    On Council property in Council time. Okay. And if he had done the deed with his wife there and then, would that have been wrong? Possibly. So censure him and advise him next time to get a hotel room.

    Is it illegal? No

    Is it immoral? Depends who you are asking, but that is up to Len, the woman in question, and Mrs Brown to work out, It is not up to us.

    So with all of this, where did resignation come in? Why do we want one of the best Mayors that Auckland and its prior areas has ever had to resign? How does sleeping with a younger woman make him a bad Mayor?

    Guess what. I am 46 and my girlfriend is 27. I am also intending to stand for Parliament. Should I give up on this because I have a younger girlfriend?

    This is the oily whale greasing his way into the media again to the detriment of the left. Who cares, really? Does anyone here want Len to resign? Does anyone here want to tell him how he should live morally?

    If so, then I would ask you to look at your own life. We all do things wrong, and what I love about this is that Len fronted up. We have an honest politician, and so we want him out?

    Martyn. You rock. However, speaking of resignation, can I ask if you are falling into the DPF Oily Whale trap here? Why call for Len’s resignation? Is there a good reason that is not based upon personal moral judgements of others? I just think that we are going with the media hype, and we should be supporting Mr and Mrs Brown through this time. I stand firmly by Len for these reasons.

    • The reason that Brown should resign is that he has proved to be untrustworthy, disloyal and unchristian to those he purports to love. He got elected only because South Aucklanders believed he was honest, loyal and stood by his Roman Catholic values. (They forgave his dishonesty with the credit card as a one off mistake). They voted for a big lie and if he’ll shaft his family, he’ll shaft everybody.

      • “and what I love about this is that Len fronted up. We have an honest politician, and so we want him out?”

        This is almost laughable.

        He fronted up only when it become untenable for him not to. He is honest only when it suits him to be honest.

        If he has no regard for his marriage vows, and lying to those he loves, exactly how much regard do you think he has for public office and deceiving those he doesn’t know? If you would still blindly trust the man after this, you really are naive.

        If he carried out the affair, on council premises, masturbating behind his desk or having sex while being paid by the ratepayer, there is a strong moral argument that he should resign. Had he been carrying it out in his own time, in dirty little motels, like most do, it would have been a different story.

        • And the Catholic Church is without sin? so what he goes to confession gets absolved and the rest of the catholics can feel happy in backing him again- a win win under the eyes of God

  3. He’s a useless mayor and until today, I thought any extramarital sex had been confined to screwing the wharfies. But really, we need to just grow up. He should not have to resign for this at all, unless he’s shown to have broken some law or misused the power of his office to gain access to the inside of someone’s knickers. The best thing we can do is tell WhaleSpew to go and fuck himself. The false sense of outrage coming from a morality that never existed has no place in our political sphere.

  4. Well – it turns out the ‘allegations’ are true (if ‘allegations’ is really the word I want).

    But perhaps someone can explain to me – preferably in words of one syllable or less – in what way does this invalidate the election result?

    The hypocrisy surrounding this, not only by the central characters but by the prurient spectatorship as well, is just mind blowing. Who really gives a rodent’s rump anyhow? And why should you?

    Of course, the stupidity and weakness of Mr Brown is getting himself in this situation ought to disqualify him from holding any office of responsibility. But the motivations behind the ‘bonk and betray’ (in Peter Cook’s deathless words) story, and the unholy hypocritical glee with which Mr Brown’s political enemies are battening on to the story disqualifies them even more.

    Butter wouldn’t bloody melt. Yeah: right.

  5. Well he has fessed up. I agree that he should walk. While it’s true that shagging isn’t something that deserves punishing – doing so in Council chambers and in ratepayers’ time is marginal at best. If he cared for the Super city he would walk – knowing that he will be unable to give his constituency the leadership they deserve.

  6. Apart from the “eew” factor (doing it in the mayor’s office? Tacky…) there’s no reason why Brown should resign. Unless there has been misuse of funds, or preferential treatment for his partner, it’s a personal matter that is no-one’s business apart from him and his family. I don’t agree that it should depend on whether his family supports him or not, either. Having an extra-marital affair might be poor behaviour but it’s not a crime. If it was, probably 50% of the population would be in jail.

    Also, forgive me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Cameron Slater caught having a bit on the side a while ago? People in glass houses…

  7. Why should Len Brown resign, he does a good job, carry on. Better men than Len have had affairs and continued. Are all the ultra right blubber fans so squeaky clean. The election was a good clean fight, the right acting in this way after they get trashed is in many ways worse than his affair. Blubber, Blubber he beat us print something nasty about him!

  8. Don’t see why he should resign, it may be not a good idea for an old man to chase young women but it is not illegal and presumably did not effect how he governed Auckland

    I don’t see how you can call it “muck raking” though when it was not released until after the election
    Unless it really is a cunning plan but the Whale is involved so you can count that out

  9. Brown said it’s a 24/7 sort of job. Probably is. So his time is always ours, he’s always on duty. And I suppose from Wellsford to wherever is his office.

    Of course he shouldn’t resign.

    Two people with interesting psychologies who have had a lot of media attention in recent times who come to my mind for peculiarities that virtually defy description but to me they have similar characteristics – Clayton Weatherston and Cameron Slater.

    • By way of explanation in the face of all those thumbs down…

      The comments about 24/7 was in response to the silly notion about Mr Brown behaving as he did “in ratepayers time.” The logical extension of that is for 1440 minutes of every day he has to act as we would want him to because he is in work time. I don’t accept that. Saying what he was doing was in work time is stupid.

      If the down thumbs were for the reference to Weatherston and Slater maybe they were all given by Weatherston from his cell because he didn’t like the comparison! I stand by it, no explanation needed.

  10. The right hate wasting tax money. How much would a new election cost? Could we pin this cost on the Right?

  11. I can count the number of times I have visited WhaleOil on one hand but I had a glance to see what all the fuss was about.
    Sure it is a story worthy of breaking….however in such detail?

    Yeah – didn’t need to know those details nor does anyone else outside the immediately involved parties.

  12. “…What compounds it are the lewd details that Slater has revealed in sharing…”

    Shame on Slater for publishing it, but even more shame on you for reading it.

    There is no need for Brown to resign over this. Nothing of the public interest is being discussed here.

  13. This is the work of a SMUT-FACE called “Whaleoil”, I suspect, as it is a bizarre coincidence that he gets an affidavit from the person who Brown has had an on and off kind of “affair” with.

    Cameron Slater’s ugly face was on TV tonight, and it was so visible, how delighted he was about trying hard to ruin Len Brown.

    I am disappointed of Len Brown though, as he should have known better, after that credit card incident years back. Holding public office is bringing with it expectations that are high, at all levels. One can understand though the temptations a man at his age can face. The other person must have ulterior motives, as she does not appear to be an immature, vulnerable 17 year old, and has apparently also enjoyed appearing in certain suggestive entertainment roles.

    So yes, this is back against the wall stuff now, at the worst of times. If Len can sort things out with his wife and daughters, he can survive, otherwise he will be seen as too damaged. Also taking on the many demanding challenges as mayor during a relationship breakup can prove to be highly erosive and too distracting to do a good job.

    Len has stuff do deal with that I would not envy him for. If he steps down, a new election will be a major problem for the left of centre. Let us wait and see how forgiving his wife and daughters are, much may depend on that.

  14. What if all the allegations against Len Brown are true?

    Well, yes, exactly – so the fuck what if it’s true? If he’s been getting his leg over extramaritally, it’s hardly the ratepayers’ business.

    • Without caring for the suffering and devastation he would cause the members of his family he had an affair. If he can’t be trusted to do the right thing by his family, the people he supposedly loves the most, then how can he be trusted to do the right thing for the people of Auckland.

      I’m guessing lot of people would like to change their vote now.

  15. Brown has been “sexually errant”?

    Who has not?

    Who cares?

    A blogger wanting to be noticed.

    A bloggers vice.

    Not a poet’s.

  16. My impression is that Len Brown’s career as mayor is over. Whaleshit and his connections have done a thorough job, it seems. Len Brown fell into a honey-trap, kind of.

    This is nothing that unusual in Hong Kong (where Len’s love sport partner comes from) or other places in East or South East Asia. Some “ladies” that have ambitions, are adventurous and smart, they know how to get a powerful or rich man enticed.

    The way such things are usually handled there is, to keep the “lady” quiet by looking after her, and no big fuss develops. The lover gets some perks and advantages, and the powerful, usually older man has his fun, besides of being married.

    Len always held himself up as a committed family man. He also claims to be a Christian.

    So this is all about trust, and as Len is not the typical, generous East Asian “sugar-daddy”, he now gets exposed and dealt to. A hypocrite cheating on his wife, while claiming to believe in his religion, that looks bad. Nasty stuff, this is, and New Zealanders better wake up, that with diverse cultures, we have a changing country with diverse “customs”. Not all of that is good, I am afraid.

    And the most appalling thing is the ones on the right blogosphere exploit this disaster to the max.

    So perhaps dig out Whale’s mental health history, I am sure there is lots to be found to deal to that man.

  17. yes- I see a lot of people see Len’s affair as ‘trivial’ however – If sexual and relationship misconduct is such a trivial matter then why do we jump on our poorest and most vulnerable citerzens, not to mention our teachers, top Police officers, counsellors, doctors, or religeous leaders,scout leaders, sports celebrities, coaches polititions etc; threaten or take away their incomes and homes, and custody of their children at the slightest suggestion from someone that they are behaving in a similar way; and YET IT IS OK FOR THE MAYOR TO EXPECT TO BEHAVE LIKE THIS AND EXPECT TO GET OFF WITH A SLAP ON THE HAND WITH A WET BUS TICKET! Still expect to retain his huge publically provided salary, nice home, and all he expects to have to do is go back to his family and beg forgiveness-and retain his privacy-and his job and salary with no further consequences. How many private detectives, snitches, proaganderists, does WINZ employ to sneak around gathering evidence on sexually transgressing beneficiaries? what happens then when they get to court- does the judge say – oh you poor thing – how traumatic for you and your family, have a right to your privacy- WINZ will reinstate your benefit, salary, status in the community etc and give you your life back -no harm done. Yeah Right….Give us a break you hypocrites it’s reelection time folks come on all you people collecting pensions and benefits- and all those other folks who’ve been pilloried and had their lives wreaked over being accused of similar conduct-get voting let’s hear your voices. Do you like living with this BS. People who don’t make waves should expect to sit in stagnant waters. Either public should demand the Government to revise the outdated and punitive conjugal status laws or within its principle – demand that Mayor Brown steps down and we have a reelection-and to hell with the status of his personal life! He should be expected to set an example and keep it zipped and apropriate like we’re all expected to do or be man enough to take the real life conseqences.

  18. After seeing Brown interview with J C …. he is showing some character in how he is handling this. One thing does spring to mind though is this a Honey Trap. Why is this young woman behaving this way? Affidavits? What s in it for her. I feel very sorry for his family who are the innocent victims of this. Anyone can be tempted but maybe this does call his judgement into question in the broader sense. Oh dear how sad for everyone involved. Wish Whaleoil would fall off the edge of his own nasty little flat earth.

  19. Bomber your from South Auckland would you expect a predominantly Polynesian community to vote for a South African or someone that fought against racism in South Africa. The logical candidate is John Minto for the left his election results are not to be laughed at either 11k.

  20. Many are missing the point here. In some countries it is nearly expected that men in positions of power have a mistress. Not so in New Zealand but this is not so much about integrity or trust but about rather about capability. If your mayor says he is fallible as a human then I can accept that, but if he says that he would accept bribes for breaking his fundamental principles then I cannot. In this case the bribe was the body of a younger woman and the principle the promise to his family and the family values that he’s been so liberally sprouting about.
    This has nothing to do with deliberation or honey-traps.
    If Len Brown is so easily tempted he is simply not capable of the public responsibility that his position demands. What other deals has he done without public knowledge and against his own- or his public principles. What other bribes has he accepted or will he accept in the future. He is incapable, goofy and weak.

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