Home Raw News feed Labour Party Government should drop RMA plans

Government should drop RMA plans

Source: Labour Party – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Government should drop RMA plans

Maryan Street  | 
Wednesday, September 11, 2013 – 11:41

The Government has no alternative but to dump planned changes to the Resource Management Act now that its two support parties have come out against the proposals, says Labour Environment Spokesperson, Maryan Street.

“The changes are designed to fast-track development. They do nothing to encourage the preservation and protection of the natural environment.

“New Zealanders are anxious about the government’s intention to remove the principle of the maintenance and enhancement of the quality of the environment from the legislation. I am pleased to see the Maori and United Future parties sharing that concern.

“They have slated the proposals, reinforcing Labour’s concerns that the Government has no conscience when it comes to sustainable management.

“The substantive changes have also been criticised by the Environmental Defence Society and by the Commissioner for the Environment, who argue they will see developments that wouldn’t be allowed under the current act because of adverse environmental effects go ahead.

“That would be a tragedy for New Zealand.

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“Labour is not against speeding up the approval process when it doesn’t compromise environmental protections.

“But it’s a different story when it does, and we will repeal any legislation this Government passes that weakens current safeguards.

“Let’s hope Amy Adams and her colleagues take heed of the latest criticisms and seriously rethink their plans.”

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