Home Raw News feed Labour Party Parata off target with ECE

Parata off target with ECE

Source: Labour Party – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Parata off target with ECE

Sue Moroney  | 
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 – 16:50

Minister of Education, Hekia Parata, will need to play a quick game of catch-up if she is to reach her goal of having 98 per cent of Kiwi tots participate in early childhood education, says Labour’s spokesperson for ECE Sue Moroney.

Ministry figures show Ms Parata will have to add 3000 more children to ECE every year until 2016 to meet her target.

“The Minister tried to brush of criticism that the government was behind schedule by arguing participation data was skewed by children being enrolled in multiple facilities at a select committee today. But that is nothing new.

“Given it’s taken five years for the Government to increase the number of children in ECE by just 3200, limitations like cost and access to centres seem plain.

“Ms Parata argued today that the children going without are those most difficult to reach – and Labour agrees.

“But what we don’t agree with is a change in the definition of ECE in these vulnerable communities to include playgroups. Getting across the line by lowering the quality of ECE for some children is unacceptable.

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“Dressing up playgroups as ECE doesn’t cut it.

“Fee hikes under this Government are forcing parents to make tough decisions about ECE for their children.  Labour believes all families, no matter their background, should have access to quality ECE.”

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