National seizing control of Aucklanders’ rates

Source: Green Party – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: National seizing control of Aucklanders’ rates

This is another example of central government bullying and removing local democracy. Ratepayers should be outraged

Central government is giving itself more power to control how Auckland rates are spent on transport projects with the passage of the Land Transport Management Amendment Bill tonight, said Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter.

Clause 14 of the Bill amends the law to state that regional transport strategies must be “consistent with” the central Government Policy Statement on transport funding. This is a much stricter requirement than in the previous legislation, and means central government priorities will take precedence over regional priorities

“Ratepayers are contributing $400 million a year to Auckland Transport, which is the bulk of its funding. Our council should be able to choose how that money is spent, rather than being dictated to by central government,” said Ms Genter.

“Under National’s law, Auckland Transport will essentially become a central government agency funded by Auckland ratepayers. Gerry Brownlee and John Key will set the course for Auckland’s transport system, not the elected representatives of the Aucklanders who are footing the bill,” said Ms Genter.

The Bill explicitly removes Auckland Transport’s ability (established when Auckland Council was formed) to delegate responsibilities for developing the regional land transport plan to Auckland Council.

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“Aucklanders know that smart solutions, like better public transport and safe walking and cycling, are the best way to solve our transport problems. They should have the right to elect local representatives who will ensure their rates are spent on the projects they want,” said Ms Genter.

“National is giving itself the power to determine how Auckland’s rates are spent, and going by their current policy statement, that means wasting more money on low-value motorways and capping the amount that can be spent on smart, green transport.

“This is another example of central government bullying and removing local democracy. Ratepayers should be outraged,” said Ms Genter.

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