Crazy bullshit justifications for rape



Crazy bullshit justifications for rape


  1. No one at all is out looking for a car crash, but all the same, we all wear seatbelts due to some people who are reckless.

    And why are they reckless when driving? – because they don’t care about the welfare of others. SOME women drivers are just as ignorant, selfish, and stupid!

    As my dad used to say about flat tyres and batteries “that’s the joys of motoring!”

    My dear old mum though, isn’t ignorant selfish, or stupid, as she stopped me from becoming a predator! My dad helped too !

    What is that statistic again? Nearly all young males in prison today spent very little, or no time at all, with their natural fathers? Yeah…that’s it!

    Ah…the joys of feminism! 😎

    • …there’s some quite simplistic ‘just so’ statements in your post and I don’t have the inclination to politely unpack them.

      Regardless: Some ‘natural fathers’ aren’t particularly good role models, or their relationships with their partners weren’t health. Before feminism, the women and children were expected to suffer through abusive or unhealthy relationships in silence. I’d much rather have the current, messy, complicated world we live in now than the 1950s.
      (Yes some women are the problem in abusive relationships too, but the OP talks about absent fathers.)

  2. Is she asking to get raped? No.
    Is she asking to get attention? Yes.
    Is she setting you into a trap where she gets your attention, but then accuses you of being a rapist for looking at her as a “sexual object?” Yes.

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