Bootcamp participant dies after Waikato road accident as police search for another after absconding
One of the 10 teenagers in the Government’s military-style bootcamp trial has died in an accident while another is currently on the run after attending his funeral.
Oranga Tamariki deputy chief executive Tusha Penny today confirmed a bootcamp participant had “passed away as a result of an accident”.
The Herald understands the young man was the fatality in a crash on State Highway 1 near Tīrau on Wednesday last week between three vehicles, including a tourist bus, which injured 14 others.
The Herald is awaiting a response from police on the matter.
What we don’t know was if the young man who died was travelling to or from a Military Boot Camp Event, because if he was, his death is on the Government.
Oh sure, it was an accident, no one is suggesting part of the Government’s plan for Military Boot camps is actually killing the kids, BUT if the travel was associated with the Boot Camp, oh sure, the Government has blood all over their hands BECAUSE they forced these kids to go into this deeply flawed virtue signal in the first place!
Look, it is not important that the military Boot Camps (that the NZ Military want nothing to do with) are failing.
Of course they are.
Their success is not in the re-offence rte you stupid sleepy hobbits, their success is in the word’s ‘Military Boot Camp’.
Look, New Zealanders are, how do I say this politely?
Fucking stupid.
We are a people with a low horizon imagination, we are fixated on rugby, cow udders and hiding our domestic violence rates.
Over Covid the explosion of youth crime was very predictable as the universal experience of Covid created unique stresses throughout our society.
You can see now that all the pressure of Covid has dissipated, that the the youth crime rate has slumped…
Numbers of repeat serious young offenders are dropping – and no one knows why
- The Government has set a target for a 15% reduction in the number of serious and persistent young offenders by the end of 2029.
- Documents released to the Herald show a rising annual trend in the number of these offenders for three and a half years, but it has now reversed for consecutive months.
- Most of the Government’s cornerstone policies on this issue are yet to be implemented, while one that ministers are exploring is raising concern: ‘more punitive measures for recidivist families’.
…the Covid lockdown was a unique universal experience where everyone sacrificed equally in an unequal society.
Building back to the same level of inequality after that universal sacrifice was never good enough and exposed the bleeding gums of our inequality.
This unique universal event impacted everyone differently.
For some, having the jackboot of Capitalism off their throat allowed them too ask deeper questions about their happiness and saw people quitting jobs to move onto something more meaningful.
For some, working from home in plush houses and leafy suburbs was freeing.
For some, the intense loneliness had them plunge into online rabbit homes.
For some it ignited a violence and anger and desperation to lash out.
The children caught ram raiding were the broken children of State care.
Rather than respond with over the top draconian bullshit, we needed to heal and repair these children.
Now the crime stats are showing us that youth crime is plummeting NOT BECAUSE OF THE DRACONIAN KNEE JERK POLICY but because society has normalised after lockdown.
Implementing this over the top draconian knee jerk policy now will be deeply counter productive but Kiwis fed on a diet of crime porn clickbait from the news media don’t really care how counter productive the policy is because they want suffering to quench their thirst of outrage.
The success of the Military Boot Camps is not whether they reform the kids, it’s to sate the easily manipulated anger of the voters by simply hearing the term, ‘Military Boot Camps’, because that’s what the easily frightened wants to hear, they want to hear these kids are being punished harshly, they don’t give a shit of it works!
Evidence based social policy isn’t who we are now, it’s all about right wing feelings for revenge.
Our petty bigotries are so easily manipulated.
This is who we is now, this is what we have become.
Rest in peace a young boy who we collectively failed.
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Thanks Martyn for your concern over this death, unfortunately we live in a society where self righteousness is rampant and all those “saints” can think of nothing other than punishing those who do wrong instead of asking themselves what privilege they enjoy that could be shared so that it reduces the hurt in others that drives crime. There needs to be a justice system but having a whole government approach aimed at reducing crime instead of just punishing it has to be a better long term solution.
Great post Bonnie.
Well said.
Bonnie. “ Reducing crime instead of just punishing it.” 100%. Politicians lead pretty crime-sheltered lives, so reducing crime may be of no great interest to them personally, whereas getting votes is, so they go with what they think the public wants. All of them do it. Sorry to see troubled youths’ lives and deaths politicised, but that’s the shameful way it is.
Bonnie you should be PM you have hit the nail on the head .Sadly no one will be listening to what you say .
Thanks GW, if I ever was I would certainly have you as an advisor. I suspect that my love based Christian views would have me on the outer with most people though.
Concern? I saw no concern? What i saw was an opportunity to play the.. “told you so” card. Shame…. SHAME….
Is the minister now going to go to every funeral.
$5 MIllion has been invested in this hate program for 10 kids .Sadly 3 are no longer taking part that we know of .We will never know why this young man was in that car because it will be swept under the carpet .
“Look, New Zealanders are, how do I say this politely?
Fucking stupid.”
Fuck off! Speak for yourself.
It seems 8 of the 11 who attended the Rehabilitation Camps (that is what they should be named) are on the right track.
A fair enough result for the trial I would have thought.
make that 7 as another is missing and even the minister has said that the program the previous government set is a winner and she is giving it more funding and it is looking out for more than 10 at 500k each
Check out Ram Raid Mums on TVNZ+
The doom day scenario about gang patches has not occurred so every hiccup in working with these youthful offenders is jumped on
. The person who was killed deserves being grieved over not used as a pawn for political revenge.