TDB warned you – Heavy handed Police actions will create a backlash

One Police fuck up and they will start open conflict

Just like TDB warned you, here we go…

Arrests, criticism as police descend on gang tangi in Tauranga

Critics said the police response was excessive.

In one video, a local kuia can be heard shouting at police: “How disgraceful is that? Go back up the bloody road!”

One woman told 1News she felt “anger” and “hurt” after officers – some from as far as Christchurch – came to town for the funeral.

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“They are imprisoning us here because we’re in grief.”

Matapihi resident Areena Smith, who lived next to the urupa, said she felt “uncomfortable”.

“Being in my community, we don’t often have a police presence like this,” she said.

Bay of Plenty District Commander Superintendent Tim Anderson said it was about “keeping everyone safe, including those gang members themselves”.

“When we’re stopping vehicles and finding sawn-off shotguns, that’s a recipe for disaster.”

Tikanga expert Rhonda Tibble said the police crackdown wasn’t the way to go, and Māori kawa – customs and protocol – needed better consideration.

…of course the Police behaviour was heavy handed and designed to harass because this Government needs conflict with the Gangs to gloss over the economic failure.

Their thinking is, ‘sure you are bleeding out economically, but you will feel all that anger towards da gangs sated because we are giving them te bash’.

That’s their thinking and so it comes to pass.

This is the true danger of this Government, they are so ideologically driven they don’t care their foaming mouthed promises of revenge during the election will make things worse…

Government ignores official advice gang crackdown could backfire, increase membership

The government’s gang crackdown could backfire, driving up rates of gang membership, increasing domestic violence and making it harder to exit gangs, according to expert advice from justice officials.

The government is expected to today introduce legislation banning gang patches in public, limiting freedom of association and imposing harsher sentences for crimes, regardless of whether the crime is linked to being in a gang.

…when even Judith Collins tells you the Gang Patch Ban goes against Bill of Rights you know we are in trouble…

Gang patch ban inconsistent with rights — Attorney-General

The Government’s move to prohibit gang patches in public places would be inconsistent with the rights to expression, association and peaceful assembly, a report by the Attorney-General Judith Collins has found.

The Government’s proposed anti-gang laws would ban gang patches in public places and give police extra powers to stop gang members congregating.

Just after 3pm today, parliamentary urgency was accorded for the introduction and select committee referral of the Bill, along with two others. It is now being debated in the House.

In a report also tabled in Parliament this afternoon, Collins’ report on the Gangs Legislation Amendment Bill said it had tested the bill against the Bill of Rights.

“I conclude the proposed prohibition on the display of gang insignia in public places is inconsistent with the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly in the Bill of Rights Act.”

…when even Damien Grant can see Gang Patch Bans won’t work…

‘The state should not tell anyone what to wear,’ writes Damien Grant

My position is more fundamental; the state should not be telling some of the worst members of our society what to wear because the state should not tell anyone what to wear.

..when two right wing idealogical vultures like Damien and Judith agree on State over reach, you fucking know the State has over reached!

Here’s my fear with National’s crackdown on Gangs.

The first is that they won’t work.

Banning Patches in public, using dispersion powers, implementing non association orders and increased powers for warrantless searches all sound tough to a public who are frightened and tired and resentful of feeling intimidated but won’t do a bloody thing in terms of curtailing Gangs because it fundamentally misses why there has been a jump in gangs  and gang violence in the first place.

The Royal Inquiry into historic abuse by the State found 80% of gang members were abused in State Care.

Want to stop gang membership? Stop abusing kids in state care!

When you start abusing the power of the State in the manner we are all cheering for against the Gangs you risk radicalising criminals and that is the last thing you want to do in any country!

Look at how the radicalisation of the Parliament Lawn Protestors has metastasized into the dangerous cocktail of resentment that has become.

Imagine putting those pressures on violent organised criminals.

Of course organised crime needs to be challenged at all times by the Police, but what we are doing here is implementing bumper sticker policy that will only cause counter productive outcomes as opposed to smarter Policing.

Hand on heart I don’t think National MPs could tell you what is the difference between the Mongrel Mob, Mongols, Head Hunters, Black Power or Comancheros and that’s deeply concerning because they all have completely different reasons for existence and attempting to tackle the most glaringly apparent elements of gangs with laws that breach human rights will only radicalize those communities.

The problem we have right now with gangs is the unprecedented forced deportation of the 501 criminal elements from Australia who have unleashed a tsunami of violent gang take overs because they are prepared to use a level of violence and sophistication far in advance  of the domestic gangs.

These 501 syndicates are using their contacts with South American Cartels to import a purer, cheaper Meth and it is this turf war for the Meth trade that is shaping the current violence.

Police gaining powers to harass and intimidate the poorest members of this crime pyramid with powers that breach human rights will only radicalise that community.

Look at this.

…what Simeon Brown never points out is that the $2.75million given to the Mongrel Mob came from the proceeds of crime fund! It wasn’t taxpayer money, it was the proceeds of crime that was paying for drug rehabilitation programmes because that is how you move the community Gangs like Black Power and Mongrel Mob away from crime.

This is the exact type of programmes you want to run.

Where the Gang Intelligence should be focused is on the 501 syndicates because their connection to South American Cartels is legitimately destabilising and dangerous.

Nothing National are suggesting has any connection to reality beyond ZB talking points.

Back to the Gang Patches ban in public and heavy handed tactics at Tangi.

When the next big Gang tangi occurs after the patch ban, Luxon will demand the Police go in and take the patches which will require a heavily armed Police response that will immediately deteriorate into a shoot out.

We don’t need harder policing, we need smarter policing because this cavalcade of tough on crime short on facts crap is going to cause far more damaging blowback.

The NZ Police right now are burning through any good will they had with those communities, heavy handed tactics will create righteous grievance.

It’s like National are doing this on purpose.



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  1. As well as the points Martyn makes, there is a Police operational side to this too. Why bring Popo from Christchurch? well the cops sometimes handpick, have special squads, or ask for volunteers for operations that involve things like batoning protestors (as happened to John Minto recently re Palestine) and roughing up union picketers.

    Not all plods approve of politically motivated instructions to inflict violence and intimidation so the force selects the committed arseholes like Corrections do.

    “Snatch the Patch” will result in deaths and injuries at some stage and the Natzos can only blame themselves.

  2. While 70 cops are attending a funeral to get some clothes to go clubbing in on saturday night 500 family harm incidents are going down or some person have a mental health crisis is roaming around upsetting people in the street .
    Thats a lot of cops to direct traffic at a tangi and steal a few bits of clothing .
    Oh look we found a gun ,ah sorry one of ours from the boot of my patrol car .

  3. Martyn – It was a Gang Funeral – where some Gangsters have traditionally decided to break various laws under the guise of “mourning.”…Many NZers are tired of this non-stop criminal behaviour.

    • Agree Nathan. The problem is most gangs are made up of Maori so picking on gangs is seen as Maori bashing rather then bad people bashing.
      The lady complaining about the police presents should relect that the patches worn by gangs are earnt by committing acts that unlawful. It was not for baking the best cream cake. So the gang members are the ones being disrespectful.

      • Trevor…Agreed. Gang Culture and Maori Culture are separate, and I wish more leaders in the Maori world would state this in public.
        Also, Gangs survive because society tolerances them…nothing else.

      • gordon walker – Perhaps…but, after witnessing a Gang Funeral up close and personal…here is what I witnessed in a space of 10 minutes:

        – Organised Dog Fight between two dogs on the street
        – Beer Bottles been smashed on the road…for fun
        – Ear-splitting music being played at max volume using a concert-size speaker on the back of a pick-up
        – Burnouts, and skids on the road

        Then the Police arrived in force, and took away 4 Gangsters of them for questioning …the rest were moved on.

    • That’s what police claimed in their propaganda news item also although I remember the police more for parking outside the Mosques in Christchurch (I presume around NZ also?) after the attack trying to look as if they were helping even though they had ignored numerous red flags that could have prevented the attack. The police presence was more likely to create a dispute but with the idol worship of the police force by most of the media you will never hear anything wrong about them. I have known some people before they joined the police and then after their training and the only conclusion that I can make is that their training brain washes them to be anti Maori. I am well aware that Maori are on the wrong side of many indicators but that is more of a poverty and job/education opportunity issue than anything to do with skin colour or race.
      If the police can’t convict gang members for breaking the existing laws and had to rely on patch bans that is a sign to me that the organization can’t be trusted. Since we know that harder times are coming you can be sure that more BS reasons will be invented by the higher powers to silence any other messages that they don’t want to hear.
      The almost total refusal by police to admit fault when they are proven to have convicted innocent people is another reason to not trust anything they say. I can get on well with individual officers and for a easy life it makes sense to treat them with respect as they have a tough job at times but the system is broken.

  4. [This] is about projecting power and control over those most likely to resist in my opinion. Gangs are already well organised and well resourced so naturally they can be used as a resource by those in power to project a clear and present ability to head in and bash the fuck out of any broad spectrum dissenter.
    Ask yourselves, what is this really about? The fascist infrastructure that goes by the label ‘National Party’ couldn’t give a fuck about whether we kill each other or not. It’s my opinion that the natzo’s are instead planning ahead. We should regard the gang bashing shit as a sign of things to come.
    The Treaty’s all but in tatters, our links to the crown are being eroded and we lot are on the last place standing in a catastrophic climate collapse heading our way so I’d suspect there’s some consideration to forward planning here. Assume a dominant narrative for when the shit really starts flying. Show strength to discourage resistance.

  5. Oh look we arrested 3 more some where in NZ this morning .Wow we are tough on crime al right .
    Look we have moved 30 cops into down town Auckland because Viv Beck and has been Simon no bridges have been bleating and have threatened to tell donners to cut election donations .So now polic e numbers in the bottom feeder towns will be down .
    So we will send 70 to 100 cops to every tangi in the country now to help direct the traffic to the Urupa .In the mean time a lady was murdered the other day while the cops were checking wardrobes .


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