PSNA welcomes the Labour Party announcement today calling on the government to announce a ban on procurement of goods and services from illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.
This is the first announcement of sanctions against Israel by one of our major political parties.
“We have been calling for meaningful sanctions against Israel for many years,” says PSNA National Chair John Minto. “The reason Israel has continued to defy international law is because it has never been held to account for its 76-year defiance of international law and United Nations resolutions”
Labour’s announcement is a small but significant step forward to beginning to hold the apartheid settler colonial state to account”
We urge the government to take up this policy and a raft of other polices we have previously urged the government to adopt.
John Minto
National Chair
Hamas, John needs to understand that no sanctions will be imposed on the Holy Land, and any sanctions from a future Labour government would be meaningless. The only country that matters is the United States, and we have them in our back pocket!
Long live Israel!
Israel will cease to exist within the next twenty years.
Yes it absolutely will.
Says who/
The stock market.
Welcome to hell
Labour are not in power, so seriously, who gives a F?
Chip was busy eating sausage rolls but when he upgraded to pies he was Saul on the road to Damascus.
And when they were in, with an absolute majority no less, they didn’t care enough to impose sanctions themselves. Seems pretty spineless to be calling for them now from the opposition benches.
BDS is another tool to target apartheid Israel. Apparently the UK Labour party is looking at sanctioning the apartheid state but we’ll see? Once this fascist state stops its genocide in Gaza the Houthis will stop targeting ships through their territory and international trade can resume simple solution to this international calamity.
Free Palestine
“Labour’s announcement is a small but significant step forward”. “Small”, for sure. “Significant” I don’t know about. During six years in government Labour did nothing at all. Now they tell us that if we vote for them they might do something in another two years time. I suspect that by then it may all be over.
Too little too late for me to trust Labour. They had 6 years when they could have done something meaningful so a few crumbs looks more like a desperate attempt to catch swing voters.
Crumbs are better than nothing though.
Couldn’t agree more they wouldn’t have done this if they had been in power.
Means nothing! Labour in opposition for at least next 6 years!
Israel will have done what needs to be done with hamas by then.
And Chippy will be removed as leader when a suitable fat salary role is offered to him.
The settlements are not illegal and who gives a stuff what Labour wants. They’re has-beens.
Shame you just throw bombs into the comments but no dialogue just more nonsense about the settlements not being illegal. The trouble is David I am sure you know the truth around this yourself, but zionists deny everything.
Labour needs some strong intellectual person to argue the class struggle and win over the ev socialist id politics I/me pronoun people. Hipkins is not the right leader. Sausage roll and pie photos are a sickening trivialisation of the the problems for current kiwi battlers.
Naturally, the Labour rats lied. They’re only calling for a ban on _government_ procurement.
Must be so embarrassing having your terrorist leaders killed right under your noses.
And when they were in, with an absolute majority no less, they didn’t care enough to impose sanctions themselves. Seems pretty spineless to be calling for them now from the opposition benches.
Placating nothingness. Don’t be fooled…..
Palistine, its autonomy is and has to be, your land grabs are inhumain and anti humanitarian ,rules we select as rules to war. For wealth, exploit, not only within, yet out, empire, who, how many kings queens prime ministers and total totalitarian rules do we accept, tell us your pin number.