MEDIAWATCH: Jack Tame repairs Q+A reputation with Palestinian Interview but still doesn’t excuse last week


There is already criticism that Jack Tame was far harder on the Palestinian representative than he was on the Israeli Ambassador a week earlier.

That’s fair, he is, he asked hard questions that constantly placed Palestinians as the aggressor, which is hilarious when you consider they live under constant occupation.

But that’s Jacks’s prerogative as the interviewer. He gets too ask the questions he wants, and I regard him as one of the best TV journalist interviewers in the game.

The best outcome of the interview was that in Izzat Abdulhadi, head of the Palestinian Delegation to New Zealand, viewers saw a rational, reasonable, righteously angry Palestinian voice that bypassed the ridiculous caricature Israeli Apologists consistently present.

Jack allowed the space for the questions to be presented and Izzat Abdulhadi responded with a passionate reversal and disassembly of Jack’s assertions and calmly debated the wider issues.

It was a great interview and Q+A have restored some of their mana from the weeks previous interview between Jack and the Israeli Ambassador where Jack simply allowed Israeli propaganda to go unchallenged.

That’s not the role of the country’s most important political platform. You can’t just platform propaganda and that’s what Jack did with his Israeli Ambassador interview and why I stand by my complaint to the BSA.

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If Izzat had made outrageously false claims, Jack would have immediately challenged him, yet the Israeli Ambassador, someone representing a democracy that is committing ethnic cleansing war crimes in real time, the Israeli Ambassador is allowed to openly lie and manipulate the situation to pacify us into not using our International voice to oppose this violent ongoing massacre.

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  1. I guess I should watch the interview then. I see that Israel has stopped Al Jazeera from reporting on Gaza, that should not surprise me with the various Israel supporters here consistently showing that they only want information if it agrees with their existing opinion however it has to be a big signal to anyone who believes in honest reporting that the Israel government is not to be trusted.

  2. Look, I’m not going to defend Mr Tame for a millisecond. “If the cap fit let ‘dem wear it…” to paraphrase Bob Marley.

    A tiny number of media channel presenters redeem themselves, or are actually principled–like John Campbell–but most of them are right opportunists quite happy to suck the proverbial.

  3. At the very least, Tame should have had someone who isn’t affiliated with the zionist collaborators of the so-called ‘palestinian authority’ on. These same filthy traitors have murdered several of their fellow Palestinians on the orders of their zionist masters in the last week alone.

  4. I beg to differ and here why? The questions and framing of apartheid Israel pro western narrative has persisted for decades and Jack was true to form, immediately doing a Piers Morgan meme “do you condemn hamas attack on 7th Oct” that type of framing doesn’t apply to zionist dignitaries. Also the lack of historic context before questioning seems to be a significant problem in western media discourse. He also mentioned that if hamas didn’t attack (trying to liberate their people from never ending decades of suffering) on 7th Oct than this genocide wouldn’t be happening again minimizing apartheid Israel brutally occupying the indigenous population. After 10mins I went back to playing my nintendo game and isn’t it ironic that the palestinians didn’t provide a representative that was articulate in english when articulating your message to an english speaking country???

    Free Palestine

    • Get real stephen. There was nothing wrong with his English, other than pronunciation. Yes, that makes it hard for many to understand, but not that different to a broad Scotsman or someone from Newscastle, or indeed a Frenchman who often chooses to maintain his own identity.

      • Bozo the clown, being critical of how he portrays a message especially towards westerner nations is vitally important because its mainly the west that perpetuates support for this apartheid state.

            • Didn’t mean that. Yes I agree Isreal has a lot to answer for.I was simply pointing out that Izzat Habulhadi’s English was sufficient to get his message across. Jack Tame appeared to have no issue. But perhaps you’re right, middle NZ is predominately monolingual and not used to listening carefully to those who don’t meet linguistic norms. Very different in many other places.

  5. “The arc of history may be long but it bends towards justice.” Martin Luthor King

    “the Israeli Ambassador, someone representing a democracy”

    Israel is not a democracy, Israel is an ethno religious apartheid state. And always has been since its founding.

    Marwan Bisharai Al Jazeera’s political editor makes this point, that Israel is not a democratic state, and proves it by raids on Al Jazeera premises confiscation of broadcasting equipment, and banning of the network and making it illegal to even report or film inside Israel and the occupied territories even with a hand held smart phone. This is not the behaviour of a confident democratic state. Israel has been confident in the past, not because it was democratic, but because it had impunity.

    “The Wonderful Generation”

    The government of Israel have accused Al Jazeera of ‘incitement’.
    Marwan Bishari says that Young people of today are not being incited by Al Jazeera, far from it. Bishari doubts this generation even watches Al Jazeera.

    ‘Israel Aljazeera ban is an act of desperation’: Marwan Bishara

    @12:30 minutes
    “….this so-called Z generation, especially in the United States, I doubt they watch news networks. I doubt they watch Al Jazeera News Network. They might be reading and watching some of our social media.
    Yeah, where we show a lot of videos and so on and so forth.
    I’m just saying that this generation does not watch TV per se.
    It watches, I don’t know, YouTube, and Instagram, and something. But be that as it may, I think what’s interesting, and I think your point is very important. When they talk about outside agitators, this particular generation is the least generation in the history of generations, that needs any incitement from outside…

    @13:29 minutes
    “….And you’re going to try to pass a genocide by this generation, and it’s not going to pay attention?
    Of course it’s going to pay attention.
    This generation is alert, and has an has issue with everything. So when you try to lie to them and deceive them about an ongoing, unraveling, unfolding genocide every day on their social media, within their Network online, they’re not going to stay quiet about that. They’re not going to keep quiet about that.
    They are the ones who are inciting the rest of us.
    They are the one who are agitating and inciting their parents.
    Parents, people from the X Generation, are the ones who are being agitated and incited, because their children, the Z Generation are making a fuss at home, or a fuss on the phone, or text messaging their parents about what is going on in Gaza….

    @16:10 minutes
    “….they actually are more moral than their parents, they are more moral than their politicians, they are even more moral than their professors and academics.
    For this is a wonderful generation….
    ….They don’t need to be incited by media…

      • Probably when apartheid Israel releases palestinian children systematically kidnapping them for no crimes but simply being palestinian and these criminal acts predates the 7th Oct.

  6. After the last interview he oversaw with the butcher from Tel Aviv Jack Tame will never repair the damage from that interview and aiding the Zionist state in its foreign propaganda drive.

    It has forever blighted TVNZ as a bastion of a diminishing liberal free democracy.


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