Bahahahahaha, oh this is delicious..
Free speech v hate speech: Victoria University postpones debate after student backlash
Victoria University has postponed a planned debate on freedom of speech after concerns the event could become a platform for hate speech.
Last week, student magazine Salient criticised the lack of diversity of the five confirmed panellists – singling out the inclusion of the Free Speech Union’s Jonathan Ayling as a consistent supporter of harmful rhetoric.
Salient subeditor Henry Broadbent said the Free Speech Union’s support of anti-trans activists and the anti-co-governance campaign meant his inclusion compromised the safety of marginalised groups on the campus.
…it’s so hard to know who to cheer for in this fight because both sides of this debate are terrible and awful and you hope in any cage match they just end up killing each other.
The Free Speech Union is a front for zionist apologists masquerading as Civic Crusaders using the same small dick energy the Taxpayers Union uses to claim they are a real Union and MAGA supporters that Trump isn’t a racist hateful narcissist.
The Free Speech Union’s Twitter feed reads like the frenetic timeline of a 26 year old Incel white male virgin who hasn’t masturbated to hentie anime porn for 24 hours.
If they don’t like that very funny joke, too fucking bad. Free Speech Bitch.
As for the Wellington Woke Wankers and their micro aggression policing snowflake trigger meltdown, go home baby.
Clearly the mere idea of a free speech debate is so scary for your tiny fragile little minds that you shouldn’t be at fucking University!
If the woke weren’t so busy trying to strangle off free speech, the Left wouldn’t have lost so much political space to the bloody Free Speech Union in the first fucking place!
I warned the Woke 5 years ago that this bullshit game of shutting down free speech on Campus would turn and bite us in the arse as a movement.
ACT was .7% when the Woke started this cancel culture stuff on NZ Universities.
They are now 7.59%
Because the Woke Left are utterly dependent on cancel culture rather than the articulated persuasion of our arguments, we as a movement have lost the ability to debate.
All these woke Welly Wankers are doing are handing political ammunition to the Right.
How about stop being a baby and stepping the fuck up and out-debating these FSU punks?
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Because the Woke Left are utterly dependent on cancel culture rather than the articulated persuasion of our arguments, we as a movement have lost the ability to debate.
Chuckle. Not a big fan of irony or self-awareness are we sweetie?
Check out the “straight to abuse” replies on many of my comments. That’s what they think “intelligent debate” looks like.
Are you a snow flake?
No, I find it funny & it definitely undermines any argument they are trying to make.
Have you ever made an argument Erik? I’ve seen some assertions, but nothing that could be called an argument.
We’ve seen braying asses like you before you know – you are not reviled for the cogency of your “argument” but for your failure to produce one.
I gave up posting long post which didn’t get published ages ago, so those the game now. Too bad if you don’t like it.
When ever I tease out woke speech / ideology it’s like the most evil thing they can produce is self harm or a really loud screaming mach. I mean no man is going to take any of it seriously absent state force.
I get it most every time Eric and like you it amuses me.
It’s Erik with a k, Bob.
Can’t even get that right.
I only put the post up for shots & giggles. Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Ah! So that’s what you use your ‘inanimate AR15 for, Erik!!!
Shooting fish in a barrel.
What a hero we have here!
Looks like I just landed another one 😉
I’m glad to hear that you know what intelligent debate looks like, Herr Nordmeyer.
You must be one heck of a bright cookie.
Zionism is the King of Woke
The Woke continue to prevail at our Universities.
It’s good to see that Victoria University students are having some success in pushing back against the platforming of advocates of zionist genocide. The fact that the University allowed a speech by Bonnie Jenkins, an advocate for blocking leukemia medicine from being supplied to Iranian kids because Iran opposes the genocide of Palestinians, was disgusting. It’s time to stop advocates for genocide (zionism) like Jenkins, Ayling, and Tarrant from spreading their murderous filth.
Mohammed Khan – Victoria University just ran away from the Free Speech debate…Backing the wrong horse.
Allowing bestial genocidal monsters like Bonnie Jenkins, Brenton Tarrant, or Jonathan Ayling to speak is not ‘free speech’.
When did Tarrant speak at Vic?
Iran. What a place.
“An Iranian rapper jailed for supporting anti-government protests has been sentenced to death, his lawyer has said.
Toomaj Salehi in his songs supported protests in 2022 that erupted over the death of Mahsa Amini, a woman who died in police custody after allegedly wearing an “improper” hijab.”
Mo, scared of ideas?
If these people are so “cancelled” – how do they keep boring the shit out of us?
Vic uni is beyond redemption.
But check this out for new levels of woke mania – it’s the Labour drones at The Standard with a post which shows, um, they hate country people and the farmers were clearly right all along that the previous government were 100% ideologically anti farming as charged.
Gobsmacked they think this does anything except make them look bad themselves.
It’s good to see Lefties not being bored by being in an echo chamber.
Echo chambers are the best, you never hear things that might upset you. Unfortunately you can also be blissfully unaware of what’s really happening.
ACT hit its nadir in the wake of Jamie Whyte’s kite flying on incest.
Having launched the even less popular trans issue, the Woke are doomed as a democratic alternative, until they face the fact that they cannot cancel their way to winning hearts and minds. They have, by dishonesty, got some law on the books – the most opposed piece of legislation in NZ history. But they have lost the war. When even JK Rowling opposes you, you are done.
And when you have the money of J.K.Rowling you’re pretty hard to silence
Yes thank god for the few wealthy people who have actual spine. Clearly J K Rowling has moral fibre.
And I’d argue that we can thank Elon Musk for having the balls to break the woke hold on Twitter, and that was the start of the real turn against the post modernist sociopaths.
Except Christian Zionists are four to five times more numerous than the entire Jewish population of the planet.
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