MEDIAWATCH: Labour’s Media Summit desperately needed


On The AM Show on Friday, Former Broadcasting Minister Willie Jackson spoke about a Media Summit he’s setting up with some of the best journalists and media academics coming together to discuss the state of the media and how to protect Fourth Estate Journalism.

Media isn’t just another business, it has fundamental roles in the functioning of a healthy Democracy and because the audience size in NZ has never ben able to support an advertising based model, it has always required State assistance.

I think people Labour should invite are:

Dr Merja Myllylahti – JMAD

Gavin Ellis – News Academic 

Matthew Tukaki – Māori Media Commentator

Professor Wayne Hope – AUT School of Communications 

Barbara Dreaver – Award winning Journalist  

TDB Recommends

Joe Atkinson – Media Academic 

Mihi Forbes – Māori Broadcaster 

Myles Thomas – Better Public Broadcasting 

John Campbell – Broadcaster 

Michael Wood – E Tu Union

Let’s bring together the real visionaries and leaders in our media landscape to debate the future of public broadcasting.

Willie said he had sent a letter to Broadcasting Minister Melissa Lee to ask her along to this Summit.

Let’s see if she turns up.




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  1. Stop avoiding reality for Gods sake.
    You missed out the police and a team of lawyers ready and able to prosecute neo-labour under *fiduciary responsibilities laws.( And the fucking evil natzo’s too who fucked labour initially by using a stunted moustache smelling of pig to de-rail old Labour who then, with the help of his greedy cronies went on to parasitise now neo-labour until the death spiral it’s now in, as are we all. )
    *A fiduciary is a person who holds a legal or ethical relationship of trust with one or more other parties. Typically, a fiduciary prudently takes care of money or other assets for another person.
    Unless we peel the dirty greedy clutching neo-liberal fingers off us we’ll go down faster than Monika Lewinsky.

  2. Martyn – Even with those “All Stars” – many, many Kiwis simply do not trust/respect much of the media in NZ – such as, why is The Daily Blog not funded by the State, while The Spinoff is…why does TVNZ/Newshub YouTube material have No Comments allowed…scary of the public?

  3. Labour leaders are still coming to grip with the fact they lost and hoping it was all a bad dream .They hope to wake up with Jacinda back at the head and the public swooning at her every word .
    Once the truth sinks in they will gives Hipkins the flick and find a new leader

  4. Hipkins and Jacinda both yesterday’s news. Labour will continue to wallow in inertia until Hipkins goes.
    They have both had their time. Whether they acquitted themselves really well or not is of no consequence, they are both yesterday’s people.
    Let’s have new blood. Labour has the people, they just have to decide who should lead them. And they need to get on with it. Time is passing and every week we are battered by more arrogant cruelty and casual ignorance from the govt.
    Agree with Lone Comet that MB should be part of this media summit.
    Also with Nathan, that many news outlets seem scared of public opinion. Even the Herald used to have a great comments section, no paywall to it. What are they so frightened of? Do they really want to know what the public thinks or not?
    This hiding behind a paywall means there’s precious little to actually read for free in the Herald. I’m surprised their opinion writers are agreeable to being blocked from sight to so many.
    If MB can run this site on the smell of an oily rag, the Herald et al could be doing a lot better.


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