And now National come for the Homeless and the Environment

This Government's blitzkrieg of hard right revenge fantasies masquerading as social policy is every day now and it's only going to get worse once the lobbyist talking points are fleshed out as actual legislatio


TDB warned you that this hard-right-racist-climate-denying-beneficiary-bashing Government was not moderate and that because Luxon is the weakest Prime Minister we’ve ever had, Winston and Seymour will dominate and manipulate him into implementing culture war revenge fantasies as social policy and donor requests for deregulation and tax cuts as economic policy.

This assault on the environment by handing Dr Pork Shane Jones fast tracking powers will open conservation land up for trans national mining interests while the Treaty Principles Bill will kill off any requirement for those Trans National Mining Interests to listen to Māori who will be leading the environmental push back against them.

The reason Luxon wants so many Dams is because you need Dams to mine!

TDB told you these Trans National Mining interests aided and abetted by think tanks like The Atlas Network were part of a far wider orgy of Crony Capitalism with privatisation and deregulation around the corner, and lo and behold we get Fast Track Powers while muting any avenues for resistance to these Trans National Mining interests.

At the same time, National launch their Homelessness policy aimed at creating more homelessness. By narrowing who can be put on emergency housing, they magically get to wipe thousands of people off the list because those Bottom Feeders not longer ‘qualify’ for emergency housing…

Government confirms emergency housing plan shake-up

She said verification, eligibility, and limits to the ability for officials to use discretion for applicants for emergency housing would be done before August.

“MSD staff assessing anyone applying for emergency housing will increase their scrutiny of whether they have unreasonably contributed to their immediate emergency housing need, whether they have taken reasonable efforts to access other housing options and whether they have previously paid their emergency housing contribution.

TDB Recommends

“This will include escalating for further consideration by a manager on a case-by-case basis, and making a grant for one to four days – as opposed to the current options of seven to 21 days – to enable further scrutiny before a grant is approved for a longer period.”

…this isn’t Emergency Housing, it’s punishment.

No Carrot and all stick!

Homeless people can’t live in a stick!

Constant reassessment, people being kicked off the list, shorter periods of time, these are all means of spiking the point of Emergency Housing.

These people have complex needs, throwing them out on the street is not the fucking solution!

Emergency Housing existed after Key was embarrassed by Kiwis living in cars. What had happened was that the State under Key had become so mean spirited and abusive towards those they were tasked with aiding, that people were frightened of having any contact with Government services so the Government services under represented the true enormity of real poverty.

Jacinda continued her kindness mantra and State Agencies became actual tools for aiding better outcomes. People saw them as far kinder in treating them, but of course that’s all changed and now the State is mutating from carrot into stick with which to bash the vulnerable with.

Fast tracking Trans National Mining Interests to raze our Environment.

Throwing the homeless off emergency waiting lists to make the emergency waiting lists look better.

More meth precursor drug access.

More sub machine guns.

8000 tobacco deaths for tax cuts.

13000 more children in poverty for tax cuts.

Disability benefit cut by $2300 per year for tax cuts.

Getting us involved in a new American war.

Ramming through laws misusing urgency.

Gang Patch bans that are against the Bill of Rights.

Attacking worker right, renter rights and environmental rights.

Taking free lunches away from poor children.

New ACT Party school lunch policy

This is what we have become in just 100 days – if you voted for this you must own this malice and spite.

Aotearoa New Zealand is better than this Government is making us.


As much as we are collectively shocked and horrified at the brutal right wing draconian madness that is being rammed through Parliament with bugger all over sight, can I assure you all, it’s about to get waaaaaaaaay worse once the lobbyists have fleshed their election talking points into actual policy.

I do not think we are ready for this jelly.

There needs to be an urgent political summit of the Left to work out how we are going to collectively resist this.


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  1. We need mines and oil to give us the money to be a functional state able to care for all with education medical and other general needs.
    We cannot have another covid story where the cure was nearly as bad as the pain for many.
    Maori schemes have been catch up in red tape just like the rest.

    • The planet is probably a billion years old if not more and we little humans have only inhabited for only a fraction existence. I agree with the sentiment that we do need oil to continue functioning however transitioning into something new has to be seriously considered considering we live on Islands that are prone to climate heating. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater shouldn’t be made an options because of the finite resource. Also these assets that the govt wants to sell off belong to New Zealanders and have to be rejected at all cost. Just look at what Rishi Sunak UK conservative govt has done to britain privatizing everything at the expense of their own citizens.

      • While I agree with most of what you said there is real evidence that the Earth is not a billion years old. I have gotten used to most in society not believing that our Earth is relatively young so it is not something that I usually mention.

    • “We need mines and oil to give massive poorly taxed profits to overseas interests and screw the environment we have to live in.”

    • Perhaps.

      But they aren’t owned by the people, for the people, are they? Dodgy Douglas and Lange colluded to sell off the Marsden Point refinery to foreign oil companies. Spurred on by ‘donations’ from the likes of BP and Mobil, they even gave tens of millions of dollars to the foreigners to inflate the purchase price. The supposedly left-wing Ardern regime did nothing to take back our refining capacity- instead they let them destroy the refinery in 2022, just so they could bring lower-quality oil products in from overseas (ever wonder why pothole repairs don’t last even a week anymore?) at inflated prices and circumvent our maritime unions.

      To hell with the overseas interests. Seize everything that these aliens ‘own’. BP can have $1 for their stake in ‘Channel Infrastructure’, if they give us back the expensive platinum catalysts they sold off for scrap to restore the Marsden Point refinery.

    • Jesus you’re an idiot *Trevor. I hope to Christ no one takes you seriously. It should be no surprise that greed and stupidity share the same space re the destruction of our only planet and clearly some of that space is between you ears.
      *We should be ever mindful, when seeing dumb shit appear like trevors dumb shit that the narrative might be coming from the likes of ChatGbt or similar.
      You want a sleepless night, watch this. This is truly mind blowing stuff.
      Someone who was a good friend of mine wisely said and I paraphrase” If you don’t want tech proliferation, then don’t give them your money”.

    • JiggeryPokery Jones isn’t dribbling about just oil or coal. It’s the REEs.

      Extraction of REEs and REOs is not mining UNDER  conservation land. They are in the soils of the top layers of the Earth. So from the outset it’s predominantly stripping and excavating the habitats ON TOP of conservation land.

      Not only are vast tracts of landscapes, flora and fauna destroyed but around the globe the pollutants after the processes of extraction are left behind in soils and waterways; or if material is taken away to specialised refining sites, the disposal of the residue reagent ‘solvents’ are still someone’s problem.

      Look at these excerpt examples of mumbo jumbo WHITEWASHING research,  written by Chinese interests to lull the stupid… NB. REEs are never found as free metals in the soil.

      ” …. including chemical separation (fractional… ) and solvent extraction are used to obtain pure HREEs.

      “Leaching of HREEs

      The conventional physical beneficiation methods cannot enrich the rare earths to form the corresponding rare earths ore concentrate and, therefore, the chemical leaching technology is key technology for extracting such mineral. ”

      ” ….resulting in the waste of heavy rare earth resources, and large amount of ammonia nitrogen or saline-alkali wastewater is produced by saponification technology, as well as high consumption of reagents and energy for processing low-concentration REEs solution, the extractant has high solubility and serious loss …”

      ” Obviously, the heavy rare earth resources not only face smaller and smaller reserves and huge gaps, but also suffer from nonrenewable situations.”

      NZs Mapping and its Mineral Commodity Reports ( eg. # 17  on REEs ) have existed for over 40 years and despite knowing REEs and REOs are non- renewable,
      little has been done too about secondary recovery through recycling. Keep on dumping is the policy, the must have products are not ‘ green ‘ when viewed through the whole process cycle of extraction to end of life. REEs are not an infinite resource. In the main ‘ mining ‘ REEs is a one time, finite, irreparable, fuck you all endeavour to line the pockets of a few. TESLAs anyone ?

  2. Ummm homelessness increased under Labour.
    Emergency accommodation (motels) was costing approx 365k a year (and all the left were complaining about the amount….a grand a day), 6 years later it’s costing a million a day.
    This Govt looking to change things up and let’s see if it works/makes things better because let’s face it, Labour can’t complain, as they made it worse a whole 999k a day worse.

    • Did you read the article or live during the Key government? Homeless numbers increased because Labour provided a slim hope that things would improve for them if they registered with the state agencies, Key sold off state housing & refused to measure most homeless people so your statistics might have come from your ass for all the use they are.

      • Haaa typical leftie, blame the previous govt, FFS that was 6 years ago!
        Sooo using your warped leftie compass, the terrible stats from 2017-2023 is all Key/Nationals fault.
        Sheeshhh no wonder Labour got such a beating at the election, but I guess the 25% is rusted on, no matter how terrible Labour are/were you will still vote for them….good on ya Bonnie!

    • The new Coalition Government is already doing a good job getting rid of ludicrous actions taken by the Labour Government and introducing meaningful legislation.By every measure the 6 years of Labour amounted to abject failure.The worst government in our history.

    • @ im right.
      You fucking know damn well that labour has been a neo-liberal far right plaything since roger douglas stabbed David Lange in the back in 1984. Forty years later and labour’s still a parasitised far right political drone mindlessly doing the bidding of the criminals within national who hatched the grand plan. And now? We have two neo-liberal stooges and fuck knows what the bald thing is steering the lies and misinformation down into the dark-ally arms of a clique of criminals desperate to hide their crimes. It’s down in there that the truth is lured, butchered and buried.
      Oh, I nearly forgot. Can I ask? Just fuck off will you.

      • Ohhh Countryboy (silent R) you and the Roger Douglas excuse, you are aware there has been many Labour Govts since the Douglas Labour govt??…and they DID FUCK ALL to reverse/overturn his policies, so get over it and keep taking your anti-depressants, up the dose!

    • Nationals the government now, fuckwit. That was always your argument, dickhead.
      National used and still does, its immigration ponzi scheme to multiply all our social ills by a thousand.

      • Largest immigration total ever into NZ, ever?
        2023, who was the govt squeaky?
        How many immigrants in the last 6 years??
        Labour didn’t turn the tap off, ohhh no, they turned it on full blast lol

      • Ohhh dear mike horse cock….you in the school yard now? my dad can beat up your dad replies now!…it’s about policies, not the leader dear boy, now go to your room, the adults are talking.

    • what a load of crap .The homeless have been growing for decades and they were put into motels during the pandemic so we knew were they were and could be tested and vaxinated .The only thing was 98% of the population never realised how many homeless there are and putting them in motel mearly forced us to face the fact that there are a shit load of homeless families out there .Till we fix the poverty in NZ we will always fail to build a great country .Time to face facts NZ has failed kiwi families for a very long time .

  3. Reti said his government wants to be ambitious in health delivery, but we are not allowed to be ambitious in purchasing decent ferries and we must accept cheaper built classrooms. What a bunch of cheapskates no class luxon and co

    • Soooo Covid, ferries more important than health?
      Seems you are still in spend..spend..spend Labour mode Covid. This Govt is trying to reduce the mountain of debt, but you want it all!
      I’m sure if this govt spent the billions on architect inspired classrooms and super duper new ferries you would be calling them reckless!
      When you have blinkers on like you do, nothing this govt does/will do will ever be praised.
      I for one praise them for getting new classroom builds back to basics and no cost blowouts and how can having ambitious health targets, that benefit the patients, be a bad thing?
      Labour got rid of all measurements, this puts the ministry of health on notice it’s going to be monitored for results again and just not have money thrown at it, with no measurable outcomes as it has been last 6yrs.

      • The health system didnt need measurements. It needed to ACTUALLY TREAT PEOPLE. These targets will lead to people missing out on being treated because they dont come under the targets.

        • Spot on point.
          They werent the only one.



          You Nat and ACT folks never learn.

          You fail to fund the necessary infrastructure then bitch like mad cows when Labour and the Greens have to spend like crazy to fix your FAILURES.

          Now you moan .

          Go right wing assholes can fuck right off.

  4. I’m right, stop talking utter crap how many houses have been built under Labour bloody thousands and how many did National build, fuck all, they are the sell party, and they make shit up. National started the hotel policy they did this for 9 years while denying there was problem. National made the criteria harder to get on the state housing lists.

    • As per John Minto on this very blog….
      Labour were fudging the numbers by releasing how many houses have been built but not releasing the number of houses that were demolished!
      John Minto had the numbers on a few posts he did on here.
      Can’t recall you posting and telling him he was fully of shit Covid?….must have missed that.

  5. The Coalition Government’s priorities seem to be correct whilst the lack of objective criticism from the left forces them into propaganda.I am pleased nevertheless that left is losing favour with an ever increasing number.

    • oh please bob the last if there’s an empty vessel that cites nothing, you;re just an assertion bot never any back up it’s you son,just a desire to get in the coilitions pants

    • Bob the first….have you seen how often Key and National of 6yrs ago is STILL blamed for the terrible stats of last 6yrs? (And last 3yrs with a never before had, with MMP, a single party majority too!)

      Lol, it’s laughable, sad….but laughable.

  6. Let’s think like a bookkeeper back in old Charles Dicken’s time. On the left is your tally of expenditures! On the right of the ledger is the tally of your income.
    Bookkeeper Scrooge thinks how can I save money to enrich myself for that holiday in Italy?
    Scrooge has a lot of wealthy mates who pay as little tax as possible and hide their assets and income in trusts and offshore accounts.
    Srooge thinks I’ll shaft the wretched poor to get more tax cuts for me and my mates! I’ll cut their social contract benefits.

    Another World;

    Fairman is running the ledger.

    We can afford to support all the social programs we have plus get NEW ferries plus invest in our roads and schools and hospitals! ?
    HOW! We can levy a wealth tax. We can levy a CGT tax. We can make the wealthy pay their fair share.
    We do not need o/seas dosh. We can issue our own dosh credit to build and make nz great again from our own bank supported by the tax system that the Rich rentier property speculator class does every trick to avoid.

  7. For fuck sake where is all this oil that dumb fucks keep going on about ?.If it existed the greedy fuckers would have pumped it out of the ground long ago .I would think that all the money that has been spent over the last 100 years looking for the shit would far out weigh the amount earned from the small amounts found .Yep it employees a thousand or so people but what is the return on investment ,fuck all I would suggest

    • In that same vein Gordon:
      ‘Yep it employees a thousand or so people but what is the return on investment ,fuck all I would suggest’

      Same can be said for the govt departments of:
      Pacific affairs
      Women’s affairs
      Maori (insert a dept)…plenty of those

      Window dressing, no tangible outcomes but take millions each year to run.
      They are now all on notice.


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