Winston’s seduction of Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom Antivaxx Cookers could make Covid Inquiry a domestic terror target

Right Wing Settler Cracker Kiwi - I listen to The Platform when I'm mad, Reality Check Radio when I'm angry and ZB Plus when I'm furious

The danger that Winston always faced by seducing the Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom Antivaxx Cookers is that they are so bat shit crazy, so radicalised by social media hate algorithms that short of resurrecting Jesus, Elvis and Frank Sinatra, Winston can’t pacify them.

Here are the antivaxxers who Winston has seduced and empowered on social media wanting to go way further than Winston has led them on with…

Bat. Shit. Crazy.

ACT want in on the antivaxx electorate as well and are demanding a wider scope of Covid inquiry by turning it into a grievance carnival with suggestions Brooke Van Veldon doesn’t have confidence in the existing appointed expert. 

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There has to be a means for pulling 10% of the population out of Qanon conspiracy land but social media algorithms are driving polarisation and conflict, not easing them.

Economic pressures will drive extremism.

Anger and resentment are political currency and the Right have International Think Tanks that know how to emotionally target and manipulate Culture War dynamics for political ends.

Of course we need a critical analysis of the Covid lockdown so that we know how to do better when the next pandemic hits.

What is being fed is a grievance carnival for the Qanon fear grifter, antivaxx influencers and Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom devotees.

This is a weaponised process for the grievance fringes to wallow in and the danger is that this virtue signal by ACT and NZ First will arouse the craziest fringes of the antivaxx movement and they will see this Inquiry as the worst kind of sell out making it a target for their insane rage.

Winston’s seduction of Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom Antivaxx Cookers could make Covid Inquiry a domestic terror target.

The SIS better be watching this.


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  1. “Genocide”? So where will all the grand dury members come from if everyone is dead? All the people they want to go after are most likely vaccinated but somehow they lived? What witch craft made this possible?

  2. Okay, anyone who says medical “professionals” should be discounted as a source instantly and with extreme prejudice.

  3. ‘verify you do not have freemason operatives in your group.’
    Do you ask them are you a freemason?
    No, I charge $64.50 an hour.


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