Huge Mike Smith climate change victory


Activist Mike Smith’s fight against New Zealand’s biggest polluters can go to trial, Supreme Court rules

The Supreme Court has ruled Māori activist Mike Smith’s legal fight against some of the country’s biggest polluters can go to trial.

The Ngapuhi and Ngati Kahu elder has been fighting against what he calls the “Polluting 7” since August 2019, which is when he first sued the companies.

They include dairy giant Fonterra, energy company Genesis, farmer Dairy Holdings, New Zealand Steel, Z Energy, Channel Infrastructure, and BT Mining.

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Mike Smith is an activist legend, ever since righteously cutting down the Pakeha Tree of supremacy on One Tree Hill, he has been a relentless voice for justice.

His win here to be able to take NZs largest polluters to Court follows on from his attempt to use the International Criminal Court to sue global polluters…

Iwi leader Mike Smith takes OMV oil boss to International Criminal Court

Māori leader Mike Smith has shot the first arrow in a global war between indigenous communities and oil companies.

Smith has started legal proceedings in the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Rainer Seele, the CEO of Austrian oil giant OMV.

He said oil company executives deserved to stand trial for genocide and other climate crimes impacting on indigenous communities now and in the future.

…once again it is Indigenous peoples and young people who are leading the war on climate change!

Just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions that are causing the climate crisis, and big oil KNEW in the 1990s that they were creating catastrophic climate change.

The comparisons between how Big Tobacco lied and manipulated the science linking smoking to cancer is as audacious as Big Oil has lied and manipulated the science linking CO2 to global warming.

We should be collectively suing Big Oil now and using the payouts to fund the urgent Green transition away from fossil fuels.

It is outrageous that our Government has not led this fight and instead capitulate to the polluters rather than challenge them. Indigenous people have been at the forefront of the climate crisis battle and have been the frontline between corporate polluting greed and sustainable habitats.

You can see why the State illegally spied on Māori Iwi fighting big oil in this country.

Thank God for Māori and youth leadership on this crucial issue.



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  1. Mike Smith declares war on NZ’s economy. Great! But if Fonterra and Dairy Holdings are so reprehensible, what about Ngai Tahu, the biggest player in South Island dairy?

    • So you think corporate cocksuckers define the economy equanimouse?
      Grow up and read a book or two please – the economy is what works for all people, and that is all it is. We have been twisted out of shape to think otherwise as your comment points out.

    • That’s just brainwashing talk. Doing nothing is also declaring war on the NZ economy, in the medium term. Addressing your omissions doesn’t mean stopping your activity altogether.

      Despite what this wanker coalition is doing the likes of Fonterra have to take action otherwise we won’t be trading nearl as much. The Nestle’s of this world will tell us to pull finger due to pressure on them to be taking action. It’s not f’ing rocket science.

  2. In an ideal world everybody would be vegan and would smoke pot every day and take E twice a year, once on your birthday and once at Christmas, but in our real world, that will get you arrested and a possible a prison sentence. People can, however, kill animals and otherwise exploit them to eat, to consume, to skin, mince and/or export and we can smoke cigarettes, which do nothing at all other than make you stink thus unfuckable with the blessing of our corporate prime ministers’ sister in law then get drunk on a dangerous, toxic substance and take as many anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs as we need to have prescribed.
    When the mainstream is insane and the fringes are where sanity reigns you know that you died in your youth and are in yet another evolutionary holding pattern pending evaluation and reassignment because of someone’s fuck up in Heaven. Clearly, we must be careful of what we wish for, we must begin to see our planet as a madhouse lousy with nutters. It seems to me that the commercialisation of literally everything has enabled lunatics who have one talent which is for the self normalisation to hide their abnormalities. We far too few who are in the midst of a global dtysfunctioning family environment where the nutters aren’t tied to a post in the middle of a paddock, in the nicest possible way of course, can run the fucking world and us by extension! Two really big wars are raging with more joining in! The U$A has an old *Huhu Grub in a suit as President and he, in turn, is being hunted down by a noisy orange thing. The UK has a weird, tiny little fellow who wears short longs and longer shoes, does he have mouse feet mutations? and has all the charm of a door to door insurance sales[man] high on Coke. Money per se has enabled a sideshow of weird little nuts now in control of us all. What the fuck is that about? Have we all been conned? No, surely not.
    That’s why I have an unwavering trust in Chloe Swarbrick actually. She’s one of us. I get the impression she has an all but zero interest in money= power. She understands that the money=power equation is a pointless pursuit, as we’re beginning to understand. Real power is in championing harmony and balance which she does. Not cocks and guns and bombs and minced kids. Not in harvesting animals to buy a better Bentley while exploiting the modern human on the way. That’s old and dead and done. Let’s bury it before it pollutes the air and the waterways as it rots into oblivion.
    That, and making sure the natzo’s and their neo-liberalism is exposed and dealt with accordingly, and by that I mean asset-stripping their privateer criminals then redistributing our wealth they stole back into our societies starting with those most at risk first. That’d = harmony and balance wouldn’t it? Natzo-neo-liberal financial geniuses, what do you think about that? Actually, don’t bother.(If you’re now mumbling ” Yeah-nah mate. It was them over at Labour what done it. Handed us neo-liberalism.” Well, it wasn’t. Labour was merely the stealth packaging that roger packed. )

    • Claiming that capitalism is so bad is that the raw material for the oil needed to process grains, which are the food source of cows, comes from oil. This should not be forgotten. What do our tractors or generators work with? Material tools required to process milk? We need to be more stimulating!

  3. The crooks at Channel Infrastructure definitely deserve to be dealt with (legally) for destroying the refinery that previous more enlightened governments built.

  4. Well done Mike Smith and associates.

    Known him for years, great guy who has been taking a slightly different tack for some years now and it is paying off.

    Most just talk but Mike takes action.

  5. ” It is outrageous that our Government has not led this fight and instead capitulate to the polluters rather than challenge them ”

    Bomber they have never capitulated ! They are all in the same bed for Christ sake.

    Capitulate means to surrender the fight , they have never fought against these predators or waged war to protect New Zealanders.

    Just look at the millions of dollars donated to NACT-JONES First and the destruction of our environment as one example all in the name of profit and control.

  6. Claiming that capitalism is so bad is that the raw material for the oil needed to process grains, which are the food source of cows, comes from oil. This should not be forgotten. What do our tractors or generators work with? Material tools required to process milk? We need to be more stimulating!

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