2024 NZ Left activism vs 2024 NZ Right activism


2024 looks like an imploding time bomb, the gravity of problems confronting this Government are far beyond the scope of the Lobbyist bullet point policy platforms Luxon is acquiescing to.

Deregulation and privatisation is not the solution to our problems!

Influence and activism from the Left and Right will determine the political agenda this year, not politicians.

Except for maybe Chloe, she’s pretty extraordinary.

2024 Left activism


Being used as a political punching bag so the political Right could espouse conspiracy theories about Māori stealing everything has generated a political backlash not seen here for decades.

Māoridom have solidified as a resistance to this Government’s desire to vandalise public Māori health, desecrate the Māori language and allow ACT to push through their race war inducing revision of the Treaty Principles masquerading as a defence of the Westminster one person one vote system so as to cement into place 19th Century white settler privilege and call that Democracy.

70% of Māori are under the age of 40, they have grown being proud of their identity and culture and the incandescent rage this race baiting National/ACT/NZ First Government  are pushing through just to satisfy the blood lust of their redneck white settler electorate will burn this Government to cinders.

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AntiWar + Palestinian Rights Protestors 

We will see protest ratchet up to mass events as the war drums start to beat and the Israeli ethnic cleansing war crime continues unabated.


They were once a punchline with the very fringe identity politics issues they chose to allow platformed on them but last year there was a genuine focus on the economic issues which are the common ground between voters. ActionStation seem to have matured and shied away from the more woke extremes in favour of Broadchurch activism focused on the environment, the economy and inequality.

Their pronouns have gone from ‘Me/My’, to ‘Us/We’.

They need now to broaden their appeal to a far wider section of the population as backlash to how far right this Government goes.

Woke middle class

After handing so much culture war ammunition to the Right, our woke middle class identity activists literally drove male voters into the arms of the political right. In woke Wellington world, ALL white men are irredeemable cross burning racists, B-E-L-I-E-V-E ALL women that ALL men are rapists and anyone defending free speech is a uniform wearing Nazi who hates the trans community. Turns out that identity politics mentality alienates rather than brings together. ‘Pure Trans Joy’ probably helped cost us the election.

It’s important for openly woke to leave Facebook and Twitter and go to bluesy or threads or Masterdoon, because those platforms are padded echo chambers and the woke can scream their herts out on platforms that don’t generate ‘proxification’.

Because social media is now so ubiquitous, everyone has seen flameouts and vicious knife fights on contentious issues in their timelines and that activist screaming you are a Transphobic, Racist, Sexist, Vaccine-peddling, Satanic pedophile is enough for you to personally hate and be hurt and align yourself against that activist regardless of policy.

It wasn’t Trump saying outrageous things that attracted angry reactionary white working class vote, it was the intense reaction by middle class woke activists to Trump whom they had been insulted by that made the election so febrile.

Voters cut their noses off to spite their face because it angered people they despised.

If we on the Left aren’t talking about material progress in people’s lives (because challenging the neoliberal economic hegemonic structure is hard) and instead focus on the navel gazing of middle class identity aesthetics, those suffering economic misery walk away from us.

While we are arguing over pronouns, they are trying to find ways to pay for the rent!

So the woke need to go to platforms that don’t matter and they need to generate anonymous handles on mainstream social media that just to send out facts which aren’t connected to their identity because they are so toxic people will hate anything that comes out of their mouths.

Legacy Unions

Craig Renney’s late entry as a critical voice to eviscerate National’s nonsense budget was urgent and necessary, which led us all to ask,  Where the fuck has this CTU been?

Since the passing of Helen Kelly the CTU has drifted without any real purpose or direction as woke identity politics seemed to become more important to the Wellington clique than you know, worker rights.

The breath of fresh air CTU Economist Craig Renney injected in the last month of the election with research that undermined the economic credibility of National’s deeply flawed tax policy was what the Left should have been doing for the last 3 years! The Left have walked away from economics and focused on the low hanging fruit of identity politics which only divides using pure temple politics rather than Broadchurch Solidarity. The common ground between people is their class, not their identity and Craig Renney is the blueprint for how the Left wins in 2026.

The CTU need to either form around Wagstaff, Ansell-Bridges or Renney as the ‘face’ of the CTU to lead the resistance against this far right racist Government, or they all appear as a united front, but they need to work out a clear leadership role now because you know, the Right are smashing us weekly right now and the CTU should, you know, probably be against that if they want to be politically relevant again.


Greenpeace, Forest and Bird and Child Poverty Action Group are the three main NGOs that still have the mana and internal think tanks to research, challenge legislation and offer better policy.

They will be pushed beyond belief this year as the counter productive nature of this Government’s pro mining agenda and social agenda start becoming more apparent.

Professional Managerial Class

Labour’s reliance on consultants is part of their cultural Professional Managerial Class capture.

The Wellington Bureaucracy isn’t left wing! It’s a self interested Professional Managerial Class who use identity politics to mask their neoliberal hands-off-do-nothing-but-build-glass-palaces fiefdoms.

Oh they do the reo, and expose their pronouns and militantly ride bikes, they are effortless in their use of inclusion as a means to dominate and control the narrative, but they are a middle class clique, not left wing egalitarianism.

The Wellington Bureaucracy is a culture war of woke middle class Identity Politics aspirations backed with State funding, they may aesthetically be Left but they sure as fuck aren’t economically Left.

What happens is we have huge numbers of managers and very few staff. The mangers look after their interests, the staff get sacked and hired back as consultants and the same cultural clique keep getting paid while the misery of the poor is ignored.

The Wellington Woke Professional Managerial Class and their cosy relationships with consultants is a reminder they aren’t economically left, they are aesthetically left. If the new political Left are to argue for an increased capacity of State, they must demand more actual output and outcome to the citizens requiring those services.

A new Green Ministry of Works is a must and we must dump this private/public partnership model for public services and expand the actual capacity of State.

Radical Environmentalism

As this Government moves towards opening NZ up to more mining, continues to allow gas and oil exploration while giving the Agricultural Industry a free pass on emissions, the climate events are only going too get more extreme.

NZ is now the second most expensive in the world for insurance damage from climate change.

Climate denial will generate an intensity of activism that seeks to shut down the systems that allow the polluters to keep polluting.

Expect motorway glueing and actions preventing ships, rail and transport systems of polluters to be mass attacked in wave after wave after wave of shut downs.

Pure temple identity politics vs Broadchurch class politics 

The solution to the woke identity politics alienation and the cost of living crisis are universals.

Rather than die in ditches for tribal pure temple dogma, the Political Left actually have to make people’s lives materially better!

We look to the State to provide market regulation and a pooling of resources for the best outcome.

Universal provision of well funded public services scares the bejesus out of the Right and the neoliberal public service who prefer to manage contracts than actually do the mahi.

Universal provision of well funded social services is the harvest we all share in a democracy!

If we provide real ways to reduce peoples living costs we can get everyone to buy into the system because for the first time in their lives they see a State focused on reducing their costs not increasing them in an economic system that is rigged for the rich.

The Woke are great for organising mummy blogger free the nipple bike lane protests, not so good at challenging the neoliberal hegemonic structure.

2024 Right activism

Taxpayers’ Union

Their unbelievable success at getting lobbyist policy injected into actual Government policy marks them out as the uber champion of influence. They have former Nazgul as Minister’s now, their power and control over the narrative and ability to spook Luxon into action mark them as one of the most important nerve endings between right wing free market ideology and policy implementation.

Watch their press release game, one of the best in NZ.

Free Speech Union

How the Left allowed the Right to become the new champions of free Speech was one of the great strategic failures of the woke middle class identity politics acolytes who gave the right all the political ammunition they fight culture wars we can’t win.

The Free Speech Unions Twitter game is like an incel watermelon vodka vape hotbox. Watch the hypocrisy as people criticise Israel.

The NZ Initiative

They have their free market tentacles everywhere so that free market capitalism is always the default mechanism. Stuff’s political editor Luke Malpass is a former NZ Initiate Policy Consultant and Deputy National Leader Nicola Willis is a former Board member. Watch for them to provide the intellectual weight to justify mass privatisation in Education and Health.


Without the Māori’s is stealing da water conspiracy, Groundswell have no more axe to grind against a Government that favours them already. Watch them disperse into the anti-Treaty redneckery as they can’t attack this Government.

Antivaxx Conspiracy Swamp

Q Zealand under the NZ First Conspiracy Theory Kingdom

The Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom that NZ First is now reliant upon for its above 5% popularity has generated Qanon talking point policy that NZ First are ramming through as actual policy. The W.H.O. fiasco, the threat to remove public funding of any Sports team that has a trans player and an antiVaxx Grievance Carnival masquerading as a Royal Inquiry into the Covid response all add up to giving these feral lunatics more credibility. Rather than shunning the book burners, NZ First is encouraging them. The problem with these people however is that they are total conspiracy fruit loops and nothing short of Winston telling them that there really is a shadowy global Satanic child molesting cabal making Covid in a lab will sate their fringe beliefs.

Corporate Consultants

The privatisation agenda that is about to be launched on everything not nailed down will be a horror to behold. Look how easy the Tobacco industry has implemented their talking points as actual policy, the privatisers and crony capitalism of donors wanting less regulation to increase their profit margins are all coalescing around National, ACT and NZ First.

Especially NZ First.

National and NZ First will slash red tape and privatise for their donor mates, ACT will do it out of pure ideological arousal.

The difference between Labour’s use of consultants and National’s is Labour wanted guidance on how to implement their policy, National will simply want to implement whatever their donors want.


The ATLAS Network is the international Hard Right Think Tank that have links to ACT, Taxpayers’ Union and The NZ Initiative. They are providing the blueprint for free market far right tactics attacking. the Left and are funded by the petroleum Industry. George Monbiot explains what ATLAS Network is

A crash programme of massive cuts; demolishing public services; privatising public assets; centralising political power; sacking civil servants; sweeping away constraints on corporations and oligarchs; destroying regulations that protect workers, vulnerable people and the living world; supporting landlords against tenants; criminalising peaceful protest; restricting the right to strike. Anything ring a bell?

…demolishing public services, privatising public assets; centralising political power; sacking civil servants; sweeping away constraints on corporations and oligarchs; destroying regulations that protect workers, vulnerable people and the living world; supporting landlords against tenants; criminalising peaceful protest AND restricting the right to strike?


The Atlas Network have deep links with most of the NZ Right Wing Think tanks and defiantly with ACT…

…the more Kiwis learn about the Atlas Network, the more deep concerned they will become about who is actually generating social policy here and why.

Alt Right media

The Platform and Reality Check Radio is where NZ First goes to reap their redneck audiences and they both have the power to spook Luxon into knee jerks like halting aid to the Palestinians. ZB Plus who first attacked Golriz is NZMEs attempt to harvest this reactionary audience. Once upon a time these were true blue Talkback listeners, but after the polarisation via social media hate algorithms, they’re all now mini Jordan Peterson’s crossed with Andrew Tate and Posie Parker level mouth foamers.

Far Right Extremism

With the trial by media of the Counterspin hosts due this year, the far right white supremacist Qanon Sovereign Sheriff extremists are still out there wild and rogue. As the protest backlash by the Left builds, watch for this segment of the extreme Right to freak out despite their parties being in power and  jump to wild justifications for violence against Māori and the Greens in particular.


We are seeing a new hard right racist climate denying Government who are politically assaulting the most vulnerable amongst us so they can give policy wins to their rich mates.

They are implementing an anti-Māori, anti-renter, anti-environment, anti-worker, anti-beneficiary agenda and to challenge them will demand a united front.

Māori will be a focal point of resistance this year, but it must be extended well beyond Māoridom to include, workers, renters, environmentalists and beneficiaries because this Government intends to implement an extreme right wing agenda that will set this country back decades while solving none of our current problems!

This Government isn’t 3 months old and the level of protest at the extreme nature of their agenda actually offends many peoples egalitarian sensibilities.

How the Christ did Winston, Judith and Luxon get us sucked into the vortex of a new American War within 100 days?

We are a fair people, what National, ACT and NZFirst have all agreed to is extreme and nasty.

Kiwis aren’t extreme or nasty. Some are, they vote ACT and NZ First, but National voters will be aghast at what they’ve seen so far.

This is the time for the political Left to walk away from woke pure temple politics and embrace Broadchurch class solidarity.

Our under funded social infrastructure, our ‘me first’ consumerism, our 30 years of neoliberal mythology, our disconnection from one another, our untreated pain, our lack of hope from grinding poverty in a first world country, our damaged masculinity, the intergenerational consequences of colonialism, our unspoken rage culture, our inability to express emotion beyond anger – all of this demands questions we don’t want to hear as a society.

The Right look for recruits, the Left look for traitors.

If we don’t provide people with Hope that there is a better way of being for us all, if we don’t provide vision that actually addresses the material well being of our voters, if we aren’t prepared to debate the expansion of State Capacity by taxing the mega wealthy and funding the climate change adaptation,  if we don’t do all that, this hard right racist Government will win again.

Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

If you can’t contribute but want to help, please always feel free to share our blogs on social media.


  1. Not sure about Forest and Bird – they embraced and promulgated the “predator free” fairy tale. Fish and Game had been the only plausible environmental voice for a while – but Labour was going to shut them down for it last year, and they’ve had a Gnat stool pigeon injected into their hierarchy, so no further action can be expected from them.

    The Left will win zero votes from the Treaty – they’ve created activists instead of leaders. Working people are shat on by enough people already – they are not impressed by activists. This problem goes right back to our universities, which have been parasitized by post modernism and are just about fit to take the place of the polytechnics Labour destroyed. You don’t have a real philosophy department, you are a polytechnic anyway.

  2. So under Nationals watch for the first time in history Rangiora high school has had to close the school tomorrow due to an influx of covid cases.
    National and Bishop spent the entire time complaining of Labours governance of covid whilst in opposition. Now they are responsible what is their response?…Nothing.

    • correct these fuckers go on about kids not going to school .Well fuck me the local schools were hammered in the first term in each of the last two years by COVID among pupils and staff .I expect the same will happen this year and Luxon will blame the Maoris for that ,because if you heard what he was really saying last friday it is only Maori kids not going to school .My grandkids are so white ,you would think they had been bleached with a bit of janola but they had time off last year due to school being closed due to covid or only being allowed to school 2 days a week because there were too many sick staff so teachers were rationed .

      • And also shutting down school bus routes due to lack of funding from April 1st according to the news last night. So much for the Rights govt getting kids to school.

  3. “If we provide real ways to reduce peoples living costs we can get everyone to buy into the system…”

    Indeed. Martyn. This is a fight for a better deal for the majority.

    Therefore, we need policy designed to win over and keep the majority onboard.

  4. The broad, deep and dire problem is this. AO/NZ is an extortioners myth. Since farmers began to farm, their produce was taken from them for little more than nothing then shipped and sold for quite,quite,quite a bit more. A fuck load more in fact. Aye Boys?
    They, those farmers, where kept in debt tombs from which there was no escape as they were set upon by self-permissioning non-farming or worse, one time farmer traitor crooks and now, here we are.
    Solution. A Royal commission of inquiry, a pack of rabid, meth-addict forensic accountants and several busses to take the aforementioned crooked bastards to prison.

  5. Socio-political and political participation is very important. You undertake this task in the best possible way. But we should evaluate far-left tendencies carefully. The element of balance is indispensable in politicsThere is no mechanism to reconcile extremist policies with modernism. Traditionalism truly includes left and far-left tendencies. Just like Soviet Russia in 1990.

  6. Martyn a massive dynamic post. And my imagination shows me the little Dutch boy manfully blocking with his thumb the trickle of water through the dyke that must not be allowed to grow. He stayed alone all night with commitment to his task; I don’t know if his thumb had died but he saved the town and area. So keep at it all you ‘foo fighters’ – there are more than one! But it won’t happen overnight!

    And at the beginning of the post Chloe and ‘export’ – I guess you meant expect. If not your meaning, could you amend.

  7. An awful lot of division happening here. The more divided we are, the easier we are to control – by our unelected or corrupted powers that shouldn’t be.

    Collectively, we only have one enemy, and that is those with the money to control politics – everywhere. Money via the big corporate/finance machines along with the military-intel-media machine – they are our enemy – not any of the factions above, many, if not most of them, created or stirred along by big money itself.

    We need to be united, not divided. Interestingly, at my local Palestinian protest yesterday, I saw a woman (occasional writer here I do recall) disarm an anti-Palestinian chap who made a bit of a fuss. Anyway, they talked and soon reached some sort of agreement. My point being – information and dialogue can set us all free, can break the cages our masters somehow manage to put us all in.

    Talk, talk, talk some more. Cancellation and censorship hinders this all important process.


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