NZ lost the right to share Jacinda’s wedding joy


Dame Jacinda Ardern and Clarke Gayford release first official photos as married couple

Dame Jacinda Ardern and Clarke Gayford have released their first official wedding photos, following an intimate ceremony in Hawke’s Bay.

After almost five years of engagement, and one cancellation due to a global pandemic, the pair said ‘I do’ in front of around 50-75 guests beneath a canopy of trees at Craggy Range Winery on Saturday.

Cheers rang out across the venue as the newlyweds made their way from the ceremony to what looked to be a reception area.

3 things.

1 – Congratulations to Jacinda and Clarke, may your life together be blessings and joy.

2 – I gave Clarke Jacinda’s phone number after one of the GCSB surveillance meetings because Clarke was worried about the law and wanted to talk to his local electorate MP. Clarke and I DJd together on Channel Z and Jacinda has babysat my daughter so I gave him that contact. Didn’t get me an invite to the wedding, but I won’t hold a grudge.

3 – Where I will hold a grudge is to the wider issue, NZ lost the right to share Jacinda’s wedding joy.

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Remember the Clarke with an E false rumours spread by malicious agents?

Remember how Neve got shouted at a Cafe by antivaxx lunatics?

Remember how the country turned against Jacinda for the temerity of saving 20 000 of us from a mass death event?

Remember the Tsunami of misogyny, racism and bigotry spat at Jacinda for courageously saving us from Covid?

This country is a low imagination horizon of rednecks and mouth breather ignorance. A culture fixated on cow udders, rugby and undiagnosed alcoholism with the emotional maturity of a can of day old coke. Our glee at the spiteful and malicious highlights what a juvenile country we have become. where we know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

NZ lost the right to share Jacinda’s wedding joy.


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  1. “Didn’t get me an invite to the wedding, but I won’t hold a grudge.”
    What the fuck…? Are you serious? That speaks volumes in my opinion.
    Re contemplating aRdern. There’s that one creak on the stairs, that one bump in the night, that one chill draft with nowhere to come from. During her tenure as pm, aRdern never renounced rogers neo-liberalism and rogers neo-liberalism is the sequential toxin that’s killing us all. rogers politically enabled privateer greed is slowly poisoning us, aRdern would certainly have known that and she did nothing at all to unpick rogers traitorous stitchings.
    You’re her’s and gayfords erstwhile friend and you never got an invite… Then who did? Who was there in Gods lightening-bolt cross hairs hobbing with the knobs?

    • Always crinkle up at your comments. Unlike so much ‘comedy’. Just commented on Twitter where in an attempt to wish her well I mentioned her not addressing the neediest left behind for 40 years. Amounted to a criticism. Hey ho, truth is truth.

  2. All my best wishes to Jacinda and Clarke, and thanks to Jacinda for her public service. She wasn’t a perfect Prime Minister but who would be? She carried herself well and represented NZ well. She also allowed her natural compassion to shine through. In my opinion she is right up there with Norm Kirk and funnily enough Jim Bolger.

  3. I’m guessing most of NZ doesn’t care about their wedding. I hope they had a good day, but it means absolutely nothing to me.

    • Enough to comment though?. Funny that.

      I think you are completely wrong, most are interested whether it be for the right or wrong reasons.

    • Unfortunately it meant plenty to some dickless incels. They will be jerking off over some story about Clarke getting out of jail to be there, or hiding the pregnant nanny for the big. Just feral losers.

      • Yea, I heard all that poison crap ,all from National people/farmers. It didn’t surprise me when Jacinda stepped down, the absolute toxic social media comments I found disgusting and grossly inappropriate. Why anyone would pursue a political career or public service must be pretty special.

  4. I wish Clarke and Jacinda every joy and blessings they can get. Many NZers trashed these two people and I feel ashamed about that. As a colleague I knew that Jacinda never sought power for power’s sake. She never set out to be PM ; others asked her to step up. And when push came to shove, she did. I am joyous at her marriage with Clarke and their dear little girl, Neve. I hope our country can be so too. One day, we will regret how we treated her.

    • Have been a 40 year critic and opponent through my unions and small Marxist political parties of Rogernomics & Ruthanasia, and social democracy as an ideology.

      I have no hesitation though in congratulating Jacinda and Clarke. May they long have an enjoyable life together. Darien is right, history will likely wind back the awful misogyny and crazy threats they had to deal with and highlight the marvellous positive elements of her time as PM. Saving 20,000 plus grans, friends and family from a gruesome COVID death being one of them.

      • Thank goodness for that day at school. We did all right with someone who had gathered clues on how to envisage nationwide policies that would be good overall for all in the country. When did Hippie decide to be PM?

  5. Jacinda served us well during her tenure as PM. The very best of everything life has to offer, Jacinda, Clarke and Neve.

  6. The best for Jacinda (and Clarke) holding NZ up above waves of problems, and stepping away before she got swamped. I hope things in your life will go smoothly and any problems be overcome quickly.

    A song about love by Jan Peerce, heard during childhood on RadioNZ, the Serenade from The Student Prince, Romberg.
    (Both these men were Jewish by the way, settled in the USA, fine musicians, noble also.)

    And Martyn wishing you power to your elbow. Both in thought and reality.

  7. I agree with the passing motorists, the antivaxx crowd protesting at her wedding really *do* need to get a life – she’s no longer PM, what more do you want? Joyless, miserable frikken’ morons.
    I wish Jacinda all the best for her married life, and thanks for your public service.

  8. Heh, bummer, Bomber sort of hooked them up but did not get an invite…count your self lucky really, not to be in that inner circle…

    Nonetheless, they hopefully will have a nice life after the shower of shit they have had to deal with. Clarke a drug dealer?–Slater oil and the rest kept that one going on their filthy blogs. The cops took the unprecedented step of issuing a media channel statement to the effect that Mr Gayford was of no interest to them on any matter whatsoever. Too many dark self absorbed lunkheads in this country.

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