But Luxon IS a climate liar, Upston IS a beneficiary basher + first thing this Government does is attack Workers – Helen Kelly will be rolling in her grave


Swarbrick refuses to apologise for calling out Luxon’s ‘lie’

Green MP Chlöe Swarbrick has avoided being kicked out of the House after calling out what she claimed was a “demonstrable lie” told by Prime Minister Christopher Luxon while he defended his Government’s stance on climate change.

Social Development Minister Louise Upston pushes back on ‘beneficiary bashing’ critics, outlines social welfare policies

Social Development and Employment Minister Louise Upston says she wants to be known as “compassionate” rather than kind in the role, while pushing back on the rhetoric the right engages in “beneficiary bashing”, calling the comments “absolute rot”.

1, Chloe is right, Luxon is lying about his Government being able to respond to climate change meaningfully with the pitiful and shredded environmental policy this new hard right racist Government have implemented,ented for their Big Polluter mates…

…and 2, this Government ABSOLUTELY is bashing beneficiaries with their new draconian punishment regime that ACT want be used against drug addicts, the disabled and beneficiaries! 

Bashing beneficiaries and bashing Māori while walking away from climate change obligations are the only things that bond National, NZ First and ACT together!

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Isn’t it sick that the first thing this new hard right racist Government does is rip up worker rights by repealing the Fair Pay Agreements and tell the Reserve Bank Governor to ignore jobs when deciding the OCR!

Their very first legislation is to abuse workers so their rich boss mates can exploit more easily.

The great Helen Kelly who was the architect of the Fair Pay Agreements will be rolling in her grave this week at the awfulness of this Government.

The State is supposed to help the vulnerable, not hurt them!

What I think we will see as the enormity of this new Government’s idealogical goose step to the Right is comprehended by the electorate, are National voters who voted Labour in 2020 watching what their vote has spawned in the form of this hard right racist Government and are quietly walking back to Chippy in shame.

Meanwhile, the new Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom Winston now rules over is demanding crazier and crazier stunts from their new messiah, although as Toby Manhire notes in an excellent piece of journalism over at the Spinoff, that Swamp Kingdom is already threatening to engulf NZ First!

The right have misread the anger at Labour as a mandate for their reactionary policies and they don’t like getting called out on it.


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    • Bruce the Moose “ the refreshing smell of burning diesel”, wonderfully redolent of the old Port Line ships sailing away from New Zealand- oops- Aotearoa – heading towards the Bay Biscay and the now defunct George V docks. Them were the days.

      • Chloe Swarbrick is a shining star in my opinion. If she was the PM supported by a supportive team of supporters and supported by us we’d not be waking up in the darkest hours patting the dog, dropping codeine and drinking tea.
        Luxon’s prepping us to become the 51st state of the idiocracy we think is the U ( God Bless ) S ( Dear sweet, white, baby Jesus, save our souls now pass the ammunition) A ( Pleasure before business, the workers demand! Those mother fuckers! A-bomb those motherfuckers! Boo yeah! )

      • Oops. Racist moron attempts humour. Oops. Don’t trying making a living out of it Racist. ” New Zealand-oops-Aotearoa” Jesus, what a dumb dick. A double D dumb-dick. Apologies on Racists behalf from an Aotearoa White Man @ Maori.

  1. I don’t recall Key’s Minister for Women, Upston, being the slightest bit concerned when John Key serially tormented a wee ponytailed waitress for weeks on end. If she won’t support other women, it’s a mighty big ask thinking that she’ll be any better at social welfare than her lousy predecessors Sepuloni and Bennett.

    • She was a worse minister for women than any Labour minister by a country mile, why? Because at the Ministry for women conference, not once did she speak and address the conference, she brought Key along and he did all the talking. This confirms how useless she is and I mean completely incompetent. Another smug arrogant right wing entitled bitch.

      As for Den…

      National have always done it.

      • So what you’re saying is that there is no difference btw labour and national? I agree. They’re both the same. They need to hook up in a Grand Coalition.

    • Chloe Swarbrick would eat the likes of Mitchell and that little weasel Simeon Brown for breakfast. The people of Auckland central had enough brains to recognise that even if they party voted National. It’s not like I agree with everything she says but she’s hardly just an attention seeker. You are ridiculously tribal Bob if you defend the likes of decidedly dodgy Shane Jones and that tosser Winston. They would argue the earth is flat if there was a vote in it, and the scary thing is half their supporters probably are scared of sailing of the edge of planet.

  2. They had 6 years to put in place. Instead, they fucked about with low hanging fruit policy and did nothing for those 6 long years of mania.

    Labour did it.

  3. Judging by the comments on MSN – which admittedly is a cesspit of nuttery – the right are celebrating all these things. They only care about what affects them, not society at large.

  4. But this and but that. But Labour and Robertson fucked up our economy as show latest figures. No big headline about that….why?

    • Did Roberston fuck up our economy by saving peoples jobs and livelihoods, fuck of Jonzie get a life money had to be spent as it does when there is a natural disaster, war or epidemic.

  5. And Willis is a Traitor. Axing the upgraded ferries is nothing short of treason. The life left in the old ones doesn’t even last till the end of their term. They need to be charged, tried and hung.

    • Treason Ken?!
      Quote for the ferry overhaul…$1.5bil
      Come cap in hand and now say $3bil….’can I have some more please sir’
      Bloody right to cancel, that $3bil will easily become $4-5bil
      A rort, Labour/Roberson would gladly have paid it with a note….’if you need any more, just give me a shout’
      Worst finance minister in the last 50years, probably longer!

  6. What I’d like to see from the left is a similar “hit the ground running” approach as Nat/Act/NZF. So reimplement all the repealed legislation under urgency as soon as they get re-elected and reset the clock. Above all – don’t fuck around – just fucking do it.

    More strategically actually draft the legislation for the policy programme it wants to implement while it is in opposition. Then ram it through early. Where they went wrong last time was they took far too much time consulting with everyone and anyone and they lost traction badly.

  7. Yes, we can gagarin but it has to be a Toyota model like nicotine said not a Ferrari. What a fucken joke another dog from our shitty government that said it was going to be an infrastructure party and get things done quicker.

  8. I think its about time that serious issues like the Cook straight ferry’s should be bipartisan decisions, i am sure that Willis has lost a great opportunity here , if she had intimated in parliament that she needed help instead of her sniping all the time , her and Grant Robertson could have sorted it out, this is no small decision and its going to come back and bite her in the arse because this is a very serious matter of a highway of more national importance than any of the other roads . When and if she delivers her tax cuts to the wealthy, joe public is going to realize that these absolutely unnecessary tax cut (which will be a pittance for some) will be a thorn in her side when they could have actually almost paid for this very necessary ferry upgrade.

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