From Guy Fawkes to Nelson Mandela to victim: The many faces of David Seymour

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: One is a terrorist and the other is Guy Fawkes

When he’s not arguing for a mass amputation of the State or planning for a race war by forcing a new Treaty upon all Māori, David Seymour is whining about Guy Fawkes jokes, claiming Nelson Mandela would vote ACT and then playing the victim.

It’s the many faces of David Seymour – terrorist; freedom fighter; victim!

First of all, critics took David literally when they should be taking him seriously, and instead of pretending he wanted to literally blow up the Pacific People’s Ministry, he should have been taken to task over what he is going to amputate!

Youth, Women, Māori, Pacifica and Ethnic communities – all Ministries that are vital in making our democracy more than just the tyranny of the majority by ensuring those voices without power in society have a voice on legislation.

Rather than that debate, the Left chose to pretend David was actually Guy Fawkes and was about to blow up a Public building!

He’s apparently half a tone of fertiliser away from being the next Timothy McVeigh is he?

If explaining is losing, then having to explain a joke is dying!

This on top of far right lunatic extremist candidates who have joined his Party, and ACTs House of Cards built upon Jacinda revenge fantasises, garden variety bigotry and gun rights suddenly looks way less stable.

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To follow all this up with the claim that Nelson Mandela, yes, that’s right, THE Nelson Mandela, would vote ACT and David has gone from making bad jokes to being a bad joke…

Nelson Mandela would not have supported the ACT party, grandson says

Nelson Mandela would not have campaigned for the ACT Party if he were still alive, the anti-apartheid activist’s grandson says.

During a speech at the Moutere Hills Community Centre in rural Tasman on Thursday, ACT Party leader David Seymour told a crowd of 250 people that New Zealand had become a “lawless” country.

It was ACT’s policy to put more people in prison, which he said was “some of the best money you can spend”.

Seymour also touched on co-governance.

“Every country that has ever tried to do what this government has tried to do has either ended in disaster or successfully campaigned to reintroduce liberal democracy.

“I daresay if Nelson Mandela was alive today he would be campaigning for ACT.”

Seymour was mocked on Twitter for his comment, which came to the attention of Mandela’s grandson, Kweku Mandela.

“My grandfather definitely loved the people of New Zealand and I can say categorically he would not campaign for this today or any other day in the past,” he tweeted on Saturday.

…Why not go the whole hog and claim Jesus, Elvis AND Nelson Mandela would all vote for you as well!

To top it off, David finishes the week playing the victim as he attacks Chris Hipkins for pointing out how extremist ACT have become.

That’s a hell of a week for David – from terrorist to freedom fighter to victim.

This election has officially become crazy, you can’t write satire to match this bullshit.

It ain’t over till the Fat Blogger sings!

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  1. ” During a speech at the Moutere Hills Community Centre in rural Tasman on Thursday, ACT Party leader David Seymour told a crowd of 250 people that New Zealand had become a “lawless” country ”

    Thanks to extreme unregulated capitalist policies that these bastards support.

    He doesn’t care about crime , it doesn’t touch him or his wealthy elite who are well removed from such nasty dangers unlike the bottom feeders.

    Seymour like all right wing despots use crime but not its causes to electioneer and frighten the bejesus out of dumb Hobbits who buy into the narrative without examining the bigger picture of neo liberal policies that exacerbate the problems we have.

    Crime currently never reaches the top classes that donate to the NACT NASTIES to ensure they can use it as weapon every time it looks like a right wing change is a possibility. If Seymour and his donors really cared about real crime that invades the lives of the bottom feeding class he would live in those communities and really experience first hand.

    Its always safer to wax lytical from a safe comfortable distance just to solicit votes.

    • ” Wheel August 15, 2023 at 6:10 am
      Trevor “employers who pay poor wages” is pretty much what NAT Act do . That’s like a commandment to them. They suppress wage growth and then wank on about people moving to Australia!

      Bob the first August 19, 2023 at 10:00 am
      That is complete nonsense Wheel.

      Yeah Bob you would say that eh !

      Luxon to cancel FAIR PAY AGREEMENTS. Of course.

      Beard said Fair Pay Agreements imposed a one-size-fits-all approach to pay rates on entire industries, regardless of individual business scale, location or market circumstances.

      The same old bullshit from 1991 ……..

      “The system will remove much of workers’ ability to have their performance appropriately rewarded, as well as much of employers’ ability to negotiate freely according to the needs of their business,” she said.

  2. I’ve run in to a few people who have had dealings with him – rude and arrogant, a POS and weak, was the general feedback I received.

  3. ” Wheel August 15, 2023 at 6:10 am
    Trevor “employers who pay poor wages” is pretty much what NAT Act do . That’s like a commandment to them. They suppress wage growth and then wank on about people moving to Australia!

    Bob the first August 19, 2023 at 10:00 am
    That is complete nonsense Wheel.

    Yeah Bob you would say that eh !

    Luxon to cancel FAIR PAY AGREEMENTS. Of course.

    Beard said Fair Pay Agreements imposed a one-size-fits-all approach to pay rates on entire industries, regardless of individual business scale, location or market circumstances.

    The same old bullshit from 1991 ……..

    “The system will remove much of workers’ ability to have their performance appropriately rewarded, as well as much of employers’ ability to negotiate freely according to the needs of their business,” she said.

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