Trump’s Orange Fascism, Xi’s economic paranoia and Putin’s nuclear end game


As difficult as it is for me to write the words, but Jesus save me, I think Trump may win the American election.

Biden’s stumbling Mr Magoo performance on the election trail vs Trump’s certainty and need to win to pardon himself from his attempted coup add up to a real chance of Trump winning.

Trump would immediately stop supporting Ukraine in any war with Russia, Putin gets to do something terrible without fearing an America under Trump would retaliate and Xi’s paranoia caused by the post-Covid economic meltdown would intensify with Trump in power.

This while the planet is melting.

This is an age of authoritarianism and failed states, Trump becoming President again would be an inflection point on the demise of the West.


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  1. Well one thing so happen. Young and for not so young men will stop being slaughtered.

    Something Biden is all too happy to watch over.

  2. How could Trump possibly win? He said it himself, it’s all a plot against him so why bother turning up if the voting machines are programmed for him to lose? He’s a lying orange piece of sh*t, and the dumb arse Americans who support him are deranged. Biden’s Magoo doesn’t change who Trump is.

    • Great now do Biden.

      Biden is not the only one with early dementia, the NZ media is too; they’re completely ignoring his sad glaringly mental health issues. Would they do that with Trump? of course not.

      Ever wonder why?

  3. So Biden’s handlers (let’s face facts he has early dementia); Macron’s neo liberalism and Trudea’s woke authoritarian agenda is better?

    Let’s acknowledge despite the bias the world was safer when Trump was leader of the free world. He had far more control over Putin and Xi and their sponsors.

  4. Trump promised to end the war within 24 hours, pledged to prevent World War III, and (at least according to John Bolton) wants to leave N.A.T.O.

    How would Biden or Gavin Newsom attempt regime change in Russia and China?

  5. Imran Khan should be hoping for a Trump victory, after what Biden appears to have done to him:

    THE U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT encouraged the Pakistani government in a March 7, 2022, meeting to remove Imran Khan as prime minister over his neutrality on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to a classified Pakistani government document obtained by The Intercept.

    The meeting, between the Pakistani ambassador to the United States and two State Department officials, has been the subject of intense scrutiny, controversy, and speculation in Pakistan over the past year and a half, as supporters of Khan and his military and civilian opponents jockeyed for power. The political struggle escalated on August 5 when Khan was sentenced to three years in prison on corruption charges and taken into custody for the second time since his ouster. Khan’s defenders dismiss the charges as baseless. The sentence also blocks Khan, Pakistan’s most popular politician, from contesting elections expected in Pakistan later this year.

  6. Yes, we need less xenophobia in the world.
    The old world order, the West, has been the cause of most wars since the last World War. So the BRIICS+ is the future. We need to hook up asap! The Old World Order, the US and the West are dog tucker and so is their populist globalism.

    The USD as the reserve currency is becoming unsustainable. In less than 18 months it has gone from 63% as the World Reserve Currency to 57%! What does that tell you! Add $33t of unpayable US debt! Add to that their due interest payment of that debt about to hit $1t of interest alone!! When debtors cant pay their debt(s), they go to War.

    We need to side-step this bs and stay hidden at the arse end of the world.


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