National wants China to build our Roads, ACT + NZF rule Beijing out – the first of many cracks in the Alliance of Arseholes

DS: "I'm going to silently sit here and tolerate this clown because I intend to rob him of everything. CL: "I'm Barbie Girl, in a Barbie World..."

Not only is Nationals roading policy an un-costed joke using garbage numbers to privatise our roads, it’s also a $20Billion dollar environmental ticking time bomb because it will breach our climate change obligations signed under the Paris Accords, but now an increasingly flustered Luxon is telling us he will capitulate to the Chinese and allow the local pimps for China’s Belt and Road project build our roads!!!!!!

National would ‘absolutely’ take money from China to pay for roads

National Party leader Christopher Luxon has said the party would “absolutely” accept Chinese money to fund its proposed road network and hit back at concerns.

National has costed its plan at $24 billion, including billions in private funding.

Transport Minister David Parker claims the National Party’s “Transport for the Future” policy is “literally billions of dollars short” in its cost estimates.

Luxon told Breakfast this morning: “There’s a lot of pension funds, there’s a lot of sovereign wealth funds that want to invest in infrastructure for long-term investment returns.”

“We’ve got to have a modern and reliable infrastructure and roading network, and part of the way we can do that is actually using private capital and alternative funding mechanisms.

“And that just means we get to do more infrastructure sooner, and we also make sure that we don’t give the taxpayer a huge amount of debt to deal with.”

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Pressed on whether a National government would take money from China to pay for the roads, Luxon said: “Yeah, absolutely.”

What the hell?

It really does tell us how poorly thought through this entire brainfart is when the solution is allowing China to come here and build our roads!

National is little more than a front for Chinese business interests and the Blue Dragons (NZ-Chinese supporters of National) are one of the most powerful factions now inside National so

This is a Party that received illegal donations from Chinese Businessmen AND had an actual Chinese spy inside their Party, allowing China to come to NZ and build our roads seems like a bewilderingly desperate move that opens us up to an enormous amount of Chinese influence and power inside NZ domestically.

National already enslave us to our Chinese Economic Overlord thorough their gutless devotion to selling China all our basic bitch milk powder, allowing them to enter NZ and build our infrastructure as well rather than do it ourselves is astoinishingly short sighted of National!

Interestingly National’s other collation partners in the Alliance of Arsholes have firmly said no…

“If National’s Transport policy leaves the door open for the Chinese Government to build New Zealand roads, ACT’s well thought out Transport policy shuts it,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“New Zealand desperately needs more foreign investment and ACT would welcome Public Private Partners, but we can’t follow the lead of pacific nations who have accepted investment from China, only to find they’re now in serious debt to a communist regime flexing its muscles.

“ACT’s Transport policy would follow the principles of our policy to remove barriers to foreign direct investment. This allows streamlined investment from friendly OECD countries, but we won’t allow foreign investment when there is a national security interest at stake.

…ACT want vast privatisation, Winston wants something vaguely sensible with zero details  while National want NZ to become the new Tibet of the South Pacific for China.

These guys aren’t even in power yet and the Alliance of Arseholes are already bickering amongst themselves!


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  1. “China funded their own roads in their own country and so can and should we” ,

    Winston wants something eminently sensible.

    • Winston wants to get elected.
      He will say anything people want to hear and then do whatever he wants.
      This I guarantee you.
      Only those with severely reduced memory function will vote for Winston First.
      (That may still equal more than 5%)

    • “Winston wants something eminently sensible.”

      True, but I would like to know where the funds for this are going to come from, or even what his long term civil infrastructure plans are.

      • The money is going to come you. The question is how much. Everyone talks about tolls like someone else will pay them. A sovereign wealth fund or Chinese government company is going to want a return well beyond the interest rate I would think. Even Seymour can see that

        • Yes, Lex Luther has already suggested it will come from the super fund and tolling. This is supported by Act given they want to abolish the super fund altogether.
          So yes, he is promising new roads but every single one of us will pay for it. Those voting for the right, on this policy alone, have little brain functioning in critical reasoning, yet it appears over 35% have fallen for it hook, line and stinker.

  2. China is actually capable of building roads. I haven’t seen evidence of Fulton Hogan being so capable.

    They might even bring in some decent bitumen for the job, the garbage Australian rubbish that’s been brought in since Labour let the scum from the international oil companies who were allowed to seize control of Marsden Point shut that down.

  3. Let’s see when the costs come back. Let’s face it the West can’t build infrastructure anymore but China can. Hear of any pot holes on Chinese roads?

    Still nothing compared to the economic and co-governance differences in the coalition of chaos…..

  4. So apparently he’s not interested in asking China to rebuild the long-collapsed advanced industry, the largely non-functional railways, the completely non-functional tramways, the defunct state mines and refineries, the mothballed coastal shipping ports, the overcrowded housing stock — but instead he just wants to flog off the roads in a fire-sale?

    No wonder nobody showed up to the Tory campaign launch. More globalist nonsense that even his own base hates, and that will destroy the Rust Belt even further.

    Seymour’s statement suggests that A.C.T. are still all-in on the Forever Wars. They were the most hawkish on Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Ukraine and China. Some ‘libertarian’ party they are!

  5. By all accounts the Chinese build quite a decent road in Kenya.
    Their efforts at improving rail in Tanzania were less successful in that the rail gauge used was not compatible with that of regional trading partners.

  6. Hm so what if China builds roads in New Zealand, what’s going to happen if things turn south, are they going to pick up their roads and bridges and take them home with them?

    Also who have we borrowed off for the last 4 years for our Covid response?

  7. I told yah. There will be another election within 6 months or so after the October general election after the coalition falls apart.

  8. Breaking news:
    ‘Seymour slams the door shut on Winston’ i.e. if Luxon entertains Winston as a coalition partner, then ACT is out here! Seymour wants weaker Luxon all to himself.
    Bradbury hinted this would happen way-back.
    Seymour would have Luxon around his little finger and ACT would would manipulate the Nats to endorse their extreme Right-wing policies.
    Smart move, Seymour – for the 10 percent rich whites!

  9. This is what Seymour said this morning:
    “We’re happy to trade, we’re happy to do business, but when it comes to the possibility of major strategic infrastructure being owned by people who are under the thumb of a regime that we disagree with on many issues, I think that’s probably a little bit too close.”

    I doubt he agrees with Peters on very much but he does seem to on this matter

  10. don’t care who builds em so long as they get built….we cannot as a nation avoid the luxury of racism….hell if the bug eyed green martians offered I’d be happy

    the only issue is nats failed 20th century ideas on infrastructure

  11. Hold up.

    I think you’re purposefully misinterpreting him here Bomber.

    Enabling Chinese private equity funds to fund the roads is a completely different thing to signing up to the belt and road initiative.

  12. If the Chinese build our roads, it becomes their roads.

    Overseas interests have been allowed to control large part of this country economy for way too long,.

    • Labour hired can Australian firm to build our swimming pool in Chch pushing out the NZ firm .Does this mean the Australians will own the pool . I would be happy if they did because it is $20 million over budget .Perhaps the could ship it to Brisbane for the next games

  13. Seriously regardless of whether we go with a Labour / Greens coalition or a National / Act one we are fucked either way – this is like Americans being left to choose between Biden or Trump.
    We need a genuine and viable centralist party that doesn’t represent (by deception or otherwise) only fringe minorities (i.e. the super wealthy or the super gay).


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