Jane Campion requests her film be withdrawn from apartheid Israel’s Jerusalem Film Festival


PSNA congratulates New Zealand’s Academy-Award-winning film director Jane Campion on her request for her debut film “Sweetie” to be withdrawn from apartheid Israel’s Jerusalem Film Festival.

The announcement was made by PACBI (Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel) late last night (NZ time) in this release:

We are delighted to have an esteemed New Zealand director join at least four other international film directors in requesting their films be withdrawn from the Festival which is partnered with the Israeli Ministry of Culture.

This is a moment of pride for Aotearoa New Zealand – similar to the pride felt when New Zealand entertainer Lorde cancelled a scheduled concert in Israel in 2018.

At a time when Palestinians are suffering immeasurably under the most fanatical, openly racist Israeli government ever, this solidarity action will be deeply appreciated by Palestinians everywhere.

These film directors are taking action where governments, New Zealand included, have failed morally and politically, again and again and again to hold Israel accountable for its crimes against the Palestinian people.

This is similar to the fight against apartheid in South Africa in the 1970s and 1980s when it was civil society organisations around the world – including New Zealand – which led the anti-apartheid struggle outside South Africa while western governments either colluded with the regime or looked the other way.

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    • And who exactly do you propose is going to ‘free’ Palestine Stephen?
      Israel’s Islamic neighbours have all tried and given up / the local terrorists have been trying for decades and gotten nowhere . .
      Who knows – maybe your feeble ‘Free Palestine’ offering will just be enough to overwhelm the nuclear-armed IDF and depopulate Israel of it’s millions of Jewish inhabitants?

  1. The Festival was a huge success…200 films from 45+ countries, also as a result of Dame Helen Mirren’s presence, promoting her acclaimed biopic of “Golda”, for which she accepted a prize from Israel. I wonder if Campion objects to her films being shown in places like Iran, China or Saudi Arabia? Her ill-informed, hypocritical prejudice makes her and her film no loss, and I for one will be boycotting them from now on.

  2. Thanks for this John, like your maps this post lets me know who to ignore. I had heard mixed reviews about the Dog movie, ironic title given that the Muslims she obviously sides with consider dogs ‘haram’. Anyway, will boycott her if she’s happy to have her films shown in China and Iran.

      • You two, aye. What a pair. I’m just not yet decided on a pair of what you are.
        Clones, would be my guess. I proved to myself that I can have as any commenters as email’s will allow so beware, when a gaggle of morons collect to brain-fart it’s very like that they’re the same fart.

        • countryboy – C’mon, learn both sides of the conflict, then go to the Middle East to get valuable insight, like I did, then, and only then – pass judgement

          • Israel is a snake that has eaten more than it can digest. See the utubes. To break it down, just too many natives to be taken over, like South Africa.

      • Michal – Either do you know what you are talking about…and based on your tone in the email, you have NEVER really fought/stood up for Human Rights…apart from yelling slogans

        • I sign petitions most days, have been arrested more than once for protesting, and frankly I probably know more about the Israel Palestine situation than you, you do not need to go there, I never went to SA I trusted those people – black people who lived under the white oppressors.

  3. Dead right @ Country Boy, you’re absolutely correct. And can I say, that time we met as those two women fought over you at that Super Models Against Drab G-Strings convention? You’re even more handsome than you know you are and tell me? Is that a dog food roll and two bowling balls you have in your underwear because that’s quite the sausage and potatoes you have going on you there son. And who knew, you drive a Ferrari AND you live in Remuera AND L.A. AND Milan. Wow. I mean wow! Are you and Brad Pitt’s twin? Serious question. If so, you’re the better looking one. True. Bank on it.
    @ pope and nate. Piss taken I think.


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