Matu Tangi Matua Reid, Jonah Hill and the crucifixion of masculinity

Matu Tangi Matua Reid, a name every political faction will manage to find offence with

We are a nation of fatherless children raised by exhausted solo mothers and in a post MeToo culture where all men are rapists and where due process is a heteronormative white cis male privilege, our sons and men are withering and dying.

Matu Tangi Matuua Reid:

The media have already highlighted that he was on home detention for domestic violence charges and was wearing an ankle bracelet, this is of no surprise nor shock, many on Home Detention have the option of applying for leave to work, we do this because those on home detention still need to pay the rent, far more troubling was his access to a pump action shotgun he didn’t have a gun licence for.

We know he had already been in Turn Your Life Around Youth Development Trust programme.

We hear he was given many second chances but something snapped last week and he exploded all his fury and pain and rage onto his workmates.

Political partisans will try and seize any part of his story to whip into political frenzy for their election narrative and we should reject and resist that.

The banality of evil always tends to be far more basic than we ever appreciate.

There is nothing special about Matu, he is simply another male without the basic emotional tools to facilitate his anger beyond violence, in that regard Matu is depressingly like tens of thousands of men in NZ.

His background didn’t justify this terrible act of violence today and his actions can’t be conflated to show Labour are soft on crime.

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Matu is just another heartbreaking male whose violence he could not control, there are tens of thousands like him and until we start focusing on building young men who have the emotional capacity to facilitate their anger beyond violence, he won’t be the last.


Jonah Hill:

All the way on the other side of male privilege is the case of Jonah Hill. Let me start by stating I think it’s weird Jonah Hill was telling his surfer Girlfriend what he wanted her to wear and who she could interact with.

Like really weird, but then again if you’ve seen Jonah Hill’s Netflix doco on trauma, you understand he is an insecure person who clearly needs a cuddle.

What I love about the pile on after his former girlfriend did the very mature thing of publishing all his text messages online and crying ’emotional abuse’ is the joy many seemed to experience in crucifying Hill for his crimes against micro aggressions.

“Red flags” they screamed, “gaslighting”,  “controlling”, “emotional abuse” – etc etc etc.

Again, don’t get me wrong, boyfriends should not control their girlfriends, but is this control or Hill highlighting his deep insecurities?

What’s so funny is that men are constantly under attack for not communicating their feelings in relationships, for not articulating what their wants are and yet here is Hill doing exactly that and he is being portrayed as the worst rapist on planet earth.

Again, I think asking your partner not to wear things or interact with others is petty and insecure, but Hill has explained what his boundaries are, and for doing that, he must now be destroyed for daring to articulate those wants.

When women articulate what they want from a relationship, it’s ‘you go girl feminism’, when men do it, it’s abuse.

Again, I would never tell a partner what to wear or who to see, because I’m not a very jealous person, but Hill has stated his position and his Girlfriend had the option of accepting his boundaries or breaking up with him.

Hill strikes me as someone who is emotional enough to be impacted deeply by this kind of cruel exposure, so I won’t be surprised if he’s rushed to hospital after some type of self harm event.

My guess if that happens is that he’ll get blamed for that too.

This is our culture now, this is us.

The crucifixion of masculinity:

My favourite podcaster, Professor Scott Galloway, highlights how this desire to paint all masculinity out as toxic is having a devastating effect on young men in America and I would not be surprised if those stats are worse in NZ…

America has a vision of itself as the land of opportunity, with rights and liberty for everyone. That is not and has never been the reality. But for 250 years we’ve been closing that gap at a greater pace than any other multicultural democracy. Lately, however, there’s evidence we’re losing ground. Life expectancy is down, inequality is up, and our discourse has become increasingly coarse. Every segment of society, except the wealthiest, can point to setbacks. One group’s slide is particularly steep, and its decline presents a threat to the commonwealth and our prosperity: Our young men are failing, and we are failing them.


Boys start school less prepared than girls, and they’re less likely to graduate from high school and attend or graduate from college. One in seven men reports having no friends, and three of every four deaths of despair in America — suicides and drug overdoses — are men. I’ve written about this at length here, and about how it relates to declining birth rates here.


Alienation and disaffection drive despair and violence. By age 27, high school dropouts are four times more likely to be arrested, fired by their employer, on government aid, or addicted to drugs than their peers who graduated. We face declining household formation, reduced birth rates, and slowing economic growth just as baby boomers enter decades of nonproductive retirement.

…we need better male role models, yet look at what happened to Richie Hardcore who was cancelled by the woke on International Womens Day!

For questioning the madness of woke cancel culture, the woke feminists turned on Richie Hardcore and had him cancelled humiliatingly in real time.

Richie is the kind of amazing man you want as a role model for sons and boys. He  challenges drug, alcohol and pornography use. He is constantly calling on men to get in touch with their emotions, he is a passionate anti domestic violence voice and he talks about male emotional healing and respecting women.

Including him in a discussion on International Womens Day is the exact sort of thing you would do to bring males into the discussion, but woke ideology is all about pure temple politics over Broadchurch solidarity

Richie is a legend of a bloke, to have him so humiliated by the organisers who folded immediately for a woke Lynch mob shows you how tribal identity politics has become, and explains why Pride Parade this year and the Student Strike were complete and utter flops.

The woke and their puritanical cult are so alienating they have bled out all the support for progress.

Richie Hardcore did not deserve this.

Here’s Green Party Candidate Stephanie Rodgers…

…she is number 19 on the Green Party List.

The actual list.

Like the actual Party list.

Like if the Greens got 20% (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha), then she would be in Parliament.

Come on.

That’s like Today FM opening a school for journalism.

She pole-danced to raise funds for her electorate campaign.

No really.


Being a ‘feminist ally’ to the woke just means you are next in line to get knifed!

The decision to cave in and leave Richie hanging with such a radioactive set of allegations is just so cruel.

Richie did respond…

…that’s his crime?

A principled perspective on transexual kickboxing???


Just. Wow.

Brothers, if Richie is the enemy, we are all hangable!

I’m not sure if defaming a positive male role model like Richie in a world soaked with the toxic masculinity of Andrew Tate helps build any bridges and will make all males think twice before supporting feminist causes.

The woke made men the enemy, and that’s the greatest danger of identity politics, claim men are the enemy long enough and they become it.


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  1. …”there are tens of thousands like him…”. No there is not tens if thousands of homicidal maniacs out there or we would put Russia and Ukraine in the shade.

    What we have is emotionally stunted self indulgent arseholes who think with the fists and make consistently bad decisions who should be locked away until it dawns in them, its a bad idea to be like that!

    • They will never learn not to behave that way because they are bad through and through.
      Either lock them up for life, or save some bucks and kill them all.
      I’d love to see the metrics on how many of these arseholes come from beneficiary families. I’ll bet you anything that it’s a super high percentage, proving that paying the most lazy and useless people to breed is a losing formula.
      If you must pay them to be lazy and useless, then so be it. But at least don’t pay them to breed.

    • Matu failed in his duty to protect and provide for his woman and his family which is precisely where people like X-ray need men to be weak and degenerate so that there is less compitition.

  2. Most interesting thoughts Martyn. I can recognise much of what you say and agree that we are at a bad crux in time.

  3. There is widespread and very dangerous demonisation of males occurring in the U.S. Alliance countries, which is heavily promoted by Wall Street and the political establishment.

    This outcome is the result of a strategy by the Third Way Liberal establishment to control dissent, namely the use of particularist demagogy from the Critical Social Justice school of Poststructuralism.

    It has resulted in most male Europeans (those without sexual abnormalities) being denounced as the cause of all social problems — a public menace that must be silenced, suppressed, re-educated, and “deconstructed”. (But most revealingly, it is mainly the workingmen who are attacked; and the only workers who are lauded are the non-union imported labourers, cheaply supplied by the people traffickers!)

    These anti-scientific theories claim that social problems do not emanate from actual conditions of wealth and political power, but rather from the morphological traits of individual men — specifically caused by a master stratum that supposedly controls society, somehow consisting of all non-sodomite European males (including the poor). This bizarre, anti-intellectual propaganda deliberately buries any useful class analysis.

    • Cheap imported labour, are so much more interesting than the lads here…. Men in NZ should not have any opportunity to become fully realized deep human beings, under woke -no, just confused little plebeians, constantly navel gazing and staring at their balls in the mirror wondering what they are for.

    • “…particularist demagogy from the Critical Social Justice school of Poststructuralism.” I don’t know what reactionary bullshit you’re reading but none of this has anything to do with the critical Neo-Marxist inspired philosophy of poststructuralism. I suspect you have become imbued with the whole sub-genre of trashy books portending to be intelligent enough to criticise poststructuralism in a meaningful way. Most of this stuff seems to be inspired by the likes of Ayn Rand or Friedrich Hayek and misses the point entirely.

  4. Netflix.
    MDMA, which is an abbreviation of Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine.
    ‘How to Change Your Mind.’
    If you have an open mind and yet you don’t know what MDMA is then I humbly suggest you do the research.
    You will see the mention of “-methamphetamine” in the above word for MDMA which might put some of you off the research, which would be a mistake. Knowledge is more than power, it’s a responsibility. We must always strive to ‘learn’. To ‘know’. To better ‘understand’.
    We not only owe knowledge to ourselves which leads to enlightenment but we also owe it to the people we share our existence with. Otherwise, we can become victims of ignorance and those ignorance’s can lure people into becoming victims of their own assumptions which can have catastrophic consequences.
    If that young guy had lived in a country with an open mind and not one devoted to material wealth he might have been helped and people may not have been killed and that pain and suffering might not now exist in our hearts and minds.
    P.S. I’ve taken good and proper MDMA in pill form and I can tell you, it’s NOT an hallucinogenic. It’s also NOT a disabling drug in that you might be tempted to drive your car like a lunatic, in fact quite the opposite. There’s really only one negative side effect of MDMA and that is you just might fall in love with a fence post or a tree or similar or worse still, an arsehole. So be careful and unleash your common sense.
    What MDMA does do is open the emotional mind. MDMA open’s the mind to wondrous enlightenment’s which, essentially, gives people who are emotionally suffering some much needed breathing space. MDMA can off the sufferer a place of peace. An asylum from the dreadful tyranny of, for example, abuse leading to self-loathing leading to self abuse and inevitably that leads to the abuse of others.
    What it also is, and perhaps the worst thing about actual, proper MDMA in this land of alcoholics and meth addicts, is impossible to get so all you Big Powerful Police Persons with your terrifying machine guns and beady eyes can stand the fuck down.

  5. Well said Martyn!- you’re at least halfway there in your thinking:

    Several aspects of supposedly progressive policy changes over the decades have destroyed the future of this young man and thousands of others. Let me try to list them:

    1. The structure of welfare promotes solo motherhood and absentee fathers. Boys need good male role models. They need male protection in rough areas to prevent intimidation by street gangs. They don’t need their mothers’ live-in boyfriends to bash them. The most vulnerable in society fall into this welfare trap. Here it’s Maori and Islanders. In the US it’s blacks. In the UK it’s across the board.

    2. Schools have few if any male teachers. Teaching today is largely a second income job for women.

    3. The school curriculum has been restructured to favour girls. The craft work that boys thrive on is largely gone. Craft work that would previously have gotten them into an apprenticeship. Continuous assessment instead of high stakes exams favours girls over boys because they’re more social mature adept in their teens. The syllabus has been castrated by removing all the fun stuff boys like, such as ballistics, vectors and trigonometry with military applications. (My school maths and physics were full off cannon firings and torpedoes shooting whilst my chemistry class mostly consisted of making things go bang)

    4. Every time the TV is turned on there is a woman in an ad belittling a man. This is because the marketing people know the women often makes the purchasing choice and females are more susceptible to this type of propaganda. If it was the other way around there would be hell to pay, but we just shrug and take it.

    5. Feminism has a lot to answer for. I was a feminist when it meant equality of the sexes, but it’s metastasized to become pure misandry.

  6. “boyfriends should not control their girlfriends”

    Girlfriends should not control their boyfriends. Lost count over the years since invention of smart phone the endless texts guys get from their partner who under some trivial pretext (no pun intended) are just keeping them under surveillance – I need x done, where are you now?

  7. I agree about this idea of male toxicity is rampant is untrue and unhelpful.

    It’s part of the woke culture that some of us on here rail against.

    This young man had already assaulted someone when he brutally assaulted a women. He obviously had previously history because he was in a programme to help young men turn their lives around. His history included family violence and deprivation. This guy imo was a walking time bomb.

    We know from the Dunedin study a combination of genes and childhood history of abuse is the combo that creates somebody who is capable of this.
    No surprises there.

    The Dunedin study also showed that the more self control from three years old a child has, the better outcomes including criminal behaviour and addiction. I have no idea why we are not making more use of this excellent knowledge.

    So really this isn’t about how men are on a continuum. Most men are ok, more than ok.

  8. You live viscerally, Martyn. A lot of us males are about ideas, in our ways. ‘Anti-woke’ isn’t compatible with our cause of rationalism. And this is the ultimate crisis. Anti-woke is hitting down and a big thing for the anti-democratic Right. You make a problem for me.

    You’ve been very honest but I hold feminism in high favour. All those irrelevant middle class causes delivered us to Roger Douglas and rich-rule. In this time you can’t leave out minorities. Modern media. Nor should a people’s movement.

    Hope you’re well in my city from 70 to 74 and 06 to 07. I hated biking up hills in the later time.

  9. How about you go off to Bill Maher. No progressives on Yank MSM, apart from one ex-SNL young chap. Says it all. Very funny. And then early death. Yours earlier than mine.


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