Syd Jackson would always say that Pakeha feared Māori doing to them what they did to Māori and that was why there was always such resistance to anything that enabled Māori.
The manner in which so many white NuZilnders (and recent migrants) view the Maori Party gaining 5% is hilarious.
They seem to think that act AND national can shit all over Māori and there be no political backlash to that!
There seems to have been a belief amongst some of our whiter friends that the 420 000 non voters (many of whom are Māori) were simply going to sit the next election out.
There seems to have been a belief that Māori should just allow ACT to generate a referendum that would renegotiate the Treaty and then just foist it upon them with no complaint whatsoever!
What about our 180 year history suggests to you Māori will accept that?
White Kiwis are treating Māori angry at years of abuse the way a parent who has beaten their children behaves at Christmas Dinner, with unforgivable rage that the beaten children are playing up at Christmas Dinner and not wanting to play nice for the occasion.
You can’t keep shitting on a people and get angry when they don’t want to be shat on any longer!
When Elizabeth Rata coined the phrase ‘Ethno-Nationalist State‘ to describe attempts to share power with Māori as promised by the Treaty, every right winger wanting to be racist found glee in the shielding of their bigotry by the pretence of intellectualism.
What is most hilarious about Rata’s claims of Ethno-Nationalist State is that she is 100% right, it’s just that she’s right in a way she doesn’t want to admit to, which is NZ is an Ethno-Nationalist State, it’s just a White Ethno-Nationalist State.
Our systems of power and control are all white, our dominant culture is white, our benefitting from colonialism is white, our purposeful laws aimed at taking more Māori land were white, our confiscations are white, our dominant narrative is white.
So sure, NZ is an Ethno-Nationalist State, but for white people.
Any attempt to rebalance the damage caused by taking 90% of Māori land in less than a century and any attempt to live up to the promise of the Treaty must be denigrated and appallingly decried as apartheid.
The backbone of the economic success story that is NZ, is in stealing Māori land and NEVER paying the full price back!
We are a shallow juvenile settler country with all the cultural maturity of a can of day old coke, we are a low horizon people who lash out at others who see stars. Our imaginations are glued to cow udders, rugby and cars. To attempt a debate about identity when so many micro aggression trigger snowflakes are screaming is a feat beneath our collective dignity.
The energy spent on screaming about bilingual signs belittles us all.
What its most egregious is how these small attempts at creating basic consultation between the dominant culture and the indigenous culture they signed a Treaty with is now portrayed as a giant attack on the values of Democracy!
We are too brittle a people for the challenges in front of us.
The issue of 22 000 on emergency housing wait lists, 200 000 kids in poverty and a million being spent daily to kettle beneficiaries into unsafe motels are still here begging to be solved. Our inequality, our damaging mental illness crisis, the underfunded health system and education systems – all these things are demanding attention from yet we spend our days hating each other over fucking bilingual road signs.
There is nothing to fear about Māori having the same agency as pakeha, there is nothing to fear from By-Māori-for-Māori social policy. What we need is less performative spite art and more actual empathy, respect and genuine aroha for one another on these Shakey Isles!
We are all brothers and sisters on the edge of the great Pacific Ocean and the need for us to work together here in our collective home is greater than ever before.
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Māori already have the same agency as all other New Zealanders and have since the Treaty was signed.
Article Three of the Treaty states that Maori shall have “the same rights and duties of citizenship as the people of England”
Did you have an actual point other than telling us what we already know?
I suspect he does not miss this point at all, he chooses to spread his message that “white colonialists” hate those with Maori ancestry.
Immigrants of all colours celebrate “maoriness” until they find themselves excluded from the “club” and called greedy unkind exploiters.
The idea that all “systems of power and control” are “all white” hasn’t been true since segregation was abolished. Why is Wall Street suddenly obsessed with ‘diversity, equality and inclusion’, ‘multi-culturalism’ and ‘racial sensitivity training’?
The only way that the pre-historic, communal land control by the old tribes could possibly be faithfully restored — without a total collapse of civilisation — would be for a socialist revolution to sweep away all existing land titles, nationalising everything. Of course, you’ll never hear the tribal businessmen behind black nationalism calling for that!
The black nationalism being promoted by the political establishment involves the formation of lobbying groups for black capitalists — they want to create billionaire oligarchs, that will form a new black bourgeoisie (the Black Economic Empowerment ideology). The black workers and farmers, whose interests are identical to working class whites, will receive nothing but platitudes.
go here Yeti and see what happened to article 3 once the colonials took control.
Now we have Maori and Pacifica fat phobia…..
And there I was thinking article 3 allowed for equality.
That is true and why it has been important that the violations of those rights over generations be recognized and addressed.
The_same_rights_and_duties_of citizenship_as_the_lowest_class_people_of_England…
Yep. We can do more on assisting Maori, but only by aiming for equality of opportunity for all poor kids and not chasing equity of outcomes.
Does my head look fat in this? …a million being spent daily to kettle beneficiaries into unsafe motels… Too true. Heat and steam are building up till the kettle starts to whistle. It’s old fashioned to use a whistling kettle. But the forces that produce heat iare eternal. And we all drink tea don’t we. Don’t we?
So let’s fix those things and focus on working together, since Maori still seem to want neither then fuck ’em.
“You can’t keep shitting on a people and get angry when they don’t want to be shat on any longer!”
My entire life this sums up Maori, the only ones who’ve ever been offered any assistance with their poverty and social issues. If they think they’re so hard done by that no-one else has to put up with the same shit then, again, fuck ’em.
If Maori have any solutions that aren’t just racist gimmie then I want to hear them. I want solutions on merit, not skin colour; show me a single fucking one from the Maori sector in the last four decades and maybe I’ll change my mind.
You’re doing a very good job of advocating for ACT, I’m voting TOP instead. I hope we can stop this race baiting shit and get back to the class war.
Maori do want those things fixed. Its just the elite professional whinging class who dont want to work together on it.
I’m white. Don’t lump me in there with the racist few morons left out there thank you very much.
Matariki 2023: SOME ! White Kiwis are treating Māori angry at years of abuse the way a parent who has beaten their children behaves at Christmas Dinner”
Maori were not given citizenship. Citizenship didn’t exist as a legal construct anywhere in the empire. Citizenship and subject status are two very different things. Citizens are people who have agency, are equal and have sovereignty. A person who is a subject is basically under the power of another, subject to their whim. Some Chiefs well knew the difference, for example Hongi Hika demonstrated he understood the difference on his return from Britain (members of Ngapuhi subject to rangatira, americans had citizenship). Citizen status wasn’t created in britain until Atlee’s 1948 Nationality Act. new school texts are (deliberately?) eroneously use the word citizenship. History is being rewritten.
“Our systems of power and control are all white, our dominant culture is white” – thats is why everyone wants to come and live here not China or South Africa.
A lot of snowflakes Maori, and pakeha settlers misunderstand or do not know the difference between someone being ‘Assertive’ from someone being ‘Aggressive or Angry’.
Fuck’n sort it out! That’s me being assertive.
NZ 100 yrs ago was effectively (though not legally) a white ethnostate. With a Maori governor general, a Chinese former race relations Kommissar and Maori currently heading 3 political parties, it plainly isn’t now.
Examples of contemporary ethnostates: China, Turkey, Israel.
Pope Punctilious 11. Minister of Social Welfare and Deputy PM, Tongan; Min of Health an Indian lesbian lady; Min of Justice, Maori; Foreign Affairs, Maori; inner caucus who secretly developed He Puapua, ethnic; and then there’s Marama…
The push to biculturalism has seen multiculturism abandoned
The hundreds of thousands of immigrants and foreign cultures both historic and recent that cannot claim to be either Māori or Pakeha are feeling ignored and excluded.
Only hundreds of thousands? Adding a Million would be more realistic.
100% Pope
Its not Maori Per se Martyn. I should know I am married to one. Its not the three Maori in Act. Maori are not hive minds.
Its activists and that includes many Pakeha who support cogovernance. Many who are 1/16th Maori.
Women were the last in this country to receive the vote. Maori men got it before women. If you think I am going to support anything that dilutes my vote, think again
Good old TDB, so damn keen to establish a new land-owning aristocracy, complete with status openly based on ancestry.
But hey, my ancestors were Irish and working class English, so therefore somehow I personally bear collective guilt for what they probably didn’t even do a century and a half before I was born.
I’m Pakeha, old. When I grew up in Chch it was a white man’s town. I first experienced Maori at uni, didn’t even consider that there might be another culture in NZ. A night listening to Bill Nepia and Rangi Mete Kingi changed that. Whina Cooper, Bastion Point reinforced it. I’m sure those who have passed would be delighted we have a national day for Matariki.
Building a nation isn’t easy and takes generations. Ranginui Walker noted that the country’s race problems would be solved ‘in the bedrooms of the nation.’ Ultimately I am too much a democrat to agree to co-governance. Where I differ with those ACT types is that I’m happy our institutions are redesigned in the spirit of the Tiriti to benefit and protect all Aotearoans. If Maori lead the way, even better.
So who thinks Maori will be advanced by voting in 2 show ponies and a ring master
Will you support the reversing of Matariki Trevor?
Maori won’t be advanced by voting in Luxon, Willis and Collins, so you are right Trevor. Actually too far right.
“So sure, NZ is an Ethno-Nationalist State, but for white people.”
Is that why so many Pacific Islanders, Asians, Middle Easterners etc are desperate to live in this country? Because it is a ‘white ethnostate’?
The fact is New Zealand as with other Western countries is one of the wealthiest, most humane, and desirable civilizations to live in in human history – regardless of race. Other countries like India, China, etc realise they are behind and want to catch up to what we already have in NZ.
This may come as a shock but the evil white man (always white of course) has not just disembarked from HIS sailing ship from England and is currently sitting in a button leather chair in the Northern Club, saluting Queen Victoria, sipping brandy, smoking cigars, plotting the demise of the Maori People and their herd of rainbow coloured unicorns. No. They are trying to get on with life the best they can and that could very well be from a position of basic subsitence, wondering how they are going to pay next week’s bills.
The progressive left see only race, racism and victims (non maori excluded), the rest of the political world see only partners!
The major decision that must be made is are we an ethno state with different laws, different unequal individual political rights, different taxation , and different land rights, dependent on our ancestors or is everyone going to be politically equal under the same law.
Absolutely every other political question is secondary because barring a revolution this one will override them
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