How Putin ‘wins’


I want to believe the great KGB Chess master has blundered.

I do.

I want to believe hubris and Russian pride has led Putin to believe a quick victory was in reach and that this cluster fuck top has all been an implosion of his sophistry and ego.

I hope all the experts who were previously predicting he wouldnā€™t invade the Ukraine, yet who are all so suddenly sure of a tactical blunder are right.

I really hope heā€™s fucked up and miscalculated.

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Yet, something else is here in all this that still makes me terribly nervous.

What if this stalemate is by design?

What if this is Putinā€™s aim?

What if this is Putinā€™s plan?

January 27th, 2022, just after the coup in Kazakstan (which the Russianā€™s blamed on the West), Putin cut a grim figure placing the Wreath at the Commemorations at the Battle for Leningrad.

Putin seemed to have the weight of history upon him, you could feel the 1000 years of orthodox Christianity which he slavishly adheres to holding him to a torturous equation.

What if Putin wants an escalation?

What if a radioactive wasteland between him and NATO is a boundary no Western Army could cross.

What if Putin pushed an awkward and under prepared Army into a stalemate where use of battlefield Nukes becomes the outcome?

What if Putin has pushed all this way because he wants Chaos globally, because he can open up fronts in the Middle East from skyrocketing bread prices, can open up fronts inĀ Bosnia-Herzegovina and Iran. Can damage European gas supplies.

What if for Putin this stalemate is exactly what he wanted in order to escalate?

I want to write Putinā€™s Ukrainian invasion off as a mad gamble whose arrogance has caused a conflict he will lose, but I have feared Putin ever since the rumour that he bombed the Moscow apartments in 1999 to escalate the war in Chechnya.

He is not to be underestimated!

In Judo, you have submission holds. Moves where you place the other in intense pain until they tap out.

I fear that is what Putin is doing to the West.

It is clear now that Putinā€™s real danger is not in the pain he is about to inflict, but the pain he can endure.

I called him invading the Ukraine after the Kazakstan coup attempt which the Russianā€™s concluded was another Western attempt at hybrid war.

Putin is clearly looking to legacy and has planned for a conflict for at least 7 years.

Putinā€™s mentor Alexander Dugin has argued for the invasion of Ukraineā€¦

Russian intellectual Alexander Dugin is the main architect of the neo-Russian imperialism called Eurasianism. In a series of lectures, articles, and books, Dugin has sought to ā€œrehabilitate fascism in Russia.ā€ He has borrowed from obscure 19th and 20th century political theories, adopted a sympathetic interpretation of Nazism that attempts to separate it from the Holocaust, and sought to thwart what he and many Russians believe is a conspiracy led by the United States to contain Russia. Dugin has called for a ā€œRussian springā€ and the domination of Europe through Ukraine.

ā€¦those who surround Putin all believe this grand destiny narrativeā€¦

Emboldened by perceptions of the Westā€™s terminal decline, no one in this group loses much sleep about the prospect of an open-ended confrontation with America and Europe. In fact, the core members of this group would all be among the main beneficiaries of a deeper schism.

Consider Putinā€™s war cabinet, which is the locus of most decision-making. It consists of Nikolai Patrushev, the head of the Security Council; Alexander Bortnikov, the head of the FSB (the main successor agency of the KGB intelligence service); Sergei Naryshkin, the head of Russian Foreign Intelligence Service; and Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu.

Their average age is 68 years old and they have a lot in common. The collapse of the Soviet Union, which Putin famously described as the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century, was the defining episode of their adult lives. Four out of five have a KGB background, with three, including the president himself, coming from the ranks of counterintelligence. It is these hardened men, not polished diplomats like Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who run the countryā€™s foreign policy.

In recent years, members of this group have become very vocal. Patrushev and Naryshkin frequently give lengthy interviews articulating their views on global developments and Russiaā€™s international role. According to them, the American-led order is in deep crisis thanks to the failure of Western democracy and internal conflicts spurred by the promotion of tolerance, multiculturalism and respect for the rights of minorities.

ā€¦I think the cabal see themselves as part of 1000 year Christian tradition and that this war is for the soul of Russia.

We donā€™t appreciate the power and importance and motivator Russian Orthodox Christianity plays out in all of this.

In 988AD, Vladimir the Great, whom Putin takes his name from, mass baptised 1000 Russians at the River Nipro in what has become the founding spiritual moment in Orthodox Russian Christianity as the moment Russia became Christian and led to a cultural narrative structure that Moscow is the third Rome and was a homeland for Christianity.

What isnā€™t widely known is that Putin himself is a very staunch Russian Orthodox Christianand that he has used the Russian Orthodox Church as an enormous control mechanism over the Russian people.

Putin has spent billions rebuilding the Churches smashed down by Communism and uses his relationship with the Church for political advantage. It was the Orthodox Church who first praised Putin for annexing Crimea, a region with much religious importance for the Church.

Recently the Ukrainian branch of the Orthodox Church severed ties with the Russian branchbecause they felt Putin was having too much influence over it.

If Moscow is the third Rome, Kyiv is the second Jerusalem.

Putin sees himself as part of a long line of Christian Defenders of the true faith.

A new angry white Christianity is erupting here with intense violence, and misreading the drivers of Putin means we will fail at stopping him.

If Putin is doing this for God and the soul of Mother Russia, the dead are evidence of faith, not failure!

In 2017 he saw Dr Strangelove for the first time ever with Director Oliver Stone.

Last year he completed his Doomsday Bunker.

How Putin ‘wins’ is by expanding the conflict front in Serbia, and could give Iran the final nuclear technology that would trigger an Israeli attack on nuclear facilities in Iran.

I fear Putin wants to use an extreme event of violence to terrify NATO into freezing. I think that event will either be a battlefield Nuke, chemical weapons attack or bio-weapon.

After that event he will get the Ukraine to agree to anything and I think intends to isolate Russia from the West via cultural and Economic sanctions while he spreads chaos around the world as a major destabiliser.

I think Putin sees himself as a champion of the true Christian faith and the Lord of Chaos. Russia wins when global order collapses.

The real economic pain of the sanctions against Russia havenā€™t hit us yet, but they are coming.

$5 a litre petrol prices and $10 a loaf bread will cause massive damage here in NZ, imagine how it will impact the rest of the world?

The last time wheat prices were this high they caused a bread price destabilisation throughout the Middle East that sparked the Spring Uprising. Ā Indeed the Collectivisation of the Ukrainian wheat harvests in the early 1930s had a knock on effect to the economic down turn that resulted in World War 2.

Putin is willing to take enormous economic pain right now to ultimately derail the global economy by the end of the year.

We want to keep telling ourselves Putin blundered, but if he is sick, if he sees this as part of a greater narrative, then him bullying his military into starting a war he knew would cost them mass loss of life to enable the conditions to start a much larger destabilisation campaign is an open question.

Fear the masochist who can switch into sadism.

This has every possibility of escalation.

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  1. No need for complex conspiracy theories.

    We can try and build theories for Russia’s ill fated expansion into Ukraine based Putin’s personal reasons and public excuses.

    But complex conspiracy theories do not explain why China and the US are also at each others throats.

    Putting it simply the bacteria have reached the edge of the Petrie dish. War is not a choice for growth economies when they can’t expand anymore, it is an imperative.

    When growth economies can’t expand anymore the result is ecological collapse and war.

    We have reached the limits of growth and are shitting in our own nest.,rubbish%20even%20in%20the%20Arctic.

    • Here goes Pat again waving his Blue & Yellow flag & chanting Slava Ukraina to Azoz Neo Naziā€™s & War criminals Terrorists who the Russians are annihilating! Oā€™Dea, what a Moron!

      • Is it moronic to believe Putin is liberating the people of Ukraine and freeing them from Naziā€™s? Has he killed enough non combatants to prove that theory is rubbish? I think so.

      • “Neo Naziā€™s & War criminals Terrorists who the Russians are annihilating! Oā€™Dea, what a Moron!” Ant Force

        Fact free ad hominin personal abuse.
        The quality of pro-Putin trolling is going down.

      • Russia has a GDP smaller than Texas one state of 50 in the USA, It will lose this war, all lands its occupied and descend into civil war.
        Its soldiers are second rate and its equipment is inferior to Western gear. The only thing they have is quantity which will run out as the filth do not have 50 countries supplying aid like Ukraine has.
        The only fear I have is Putin is killed before appearing in the Hague.
        Slava Ukraine
        God save the King

    • For a lot of young Americans joining the U.S. military is the completion of a life long dream. The U.S. military has it all, massive capital ships, legions of well provisioned troops which can not be challenged through out the entire planet.

      There is a sense of satisfaction knowing that you are on the stronger and more powerful side.

      Especially when there is a lot of state funded propoganda convincing you that trans people are the good guys.

      And boy are these kids in for a huge surprise when they are eventually deployed.

      Instead they will be thrown into conflicts where the biggest threats will be bordom and local wildlife.

      Instead the very western observers that help Ukrainian soilders will eventually become there oppressors so how is the Ukraine campaign going?

      Is America using its unmatched and superior capital ships and F-22 raptors, combined arm tactics and manouver warfare to create gaps that can be exploited by massive reserve forces of Ukrainian troops? No they’re not. Russia looks like the SomĆØ with huge trenches stretching for miles. Mobile heavy weapons and precision guided munitions is supposed to turn a foxhole into a grave. How did that happen and well for one niether side has air superiority.

      Ukraine has precision artillery and a lot of creativity but Russia is still saturating the battlefield with dumb bombs. The point is niether side can dislodge each other instead relying on good old fashion ground assaults and shows just how evenly matched Russia and Ukraine really are.

      But that’s not what’s going on in Washington something is Clearly wrong with there command structure and doctrine which then reminds me of course it’s Putin that has created all this nonsense. While rooted in ligitimate greivance this conflict is what’s called “controlled opposition.” At every step of the way Putin knows what Washingtons larger strategy is going to be because Putin is creating it.

      It actually doesn’t matter if the Ukraine army is functional or not Biden is just sitting back in the comfort of his lazy boy going pew pew pew.

      We will never know if The United States army is functional or not. It’s a really well designed army but we will never know if it isn’t actually tested because Ukraine will always do exactly what Washington needs them to do. In stead the war in Ukraine is all about appearances and how the battles look instead of function and this is really a KGB colonels speciality.

      There is no doubt that Putin and Washington are political masterminds but these skills really do not translate into how to create a functional military force.

      So how are we relying on the skills of politicians to create military force?

      Now politicians rely on bean counters, accountants, business case studies and yes men to create a military that has form over function as the best way to get people to obey as in let’s forget about nation building or troops for peacekeeping missions and forget about outreach building up local defence forces.

      No Putin and Washington are just to lazy and unimaginative no instead they make examples out of Ukrain, chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq by carrying out massive resource raids on them that people will suddenly listen because they fear explosions.

      Politicians are exceptionally niave in there approach to how to deal with there fellow human beings. Instead of preventing the war in Ukraine from growing they’ve become recruiters.

      So how could such naive and incompotent individuals rise so high up the pyramid of power and well it’s the same reason as why you would call “pregnant woman, “birthing people,” and it’s for the same reason why America spends a huge portion of Global GDP on the military. It’s a lack of checks and balances. It’s a lack of truth. It’s a lack of voices to counter the stupid ideas of religion and cults.

      I know you guys hear me say woke a lot. But Putin, Xi, Kim, Biden, they are real things. Authoritarian regimes are always going to be less efficient and less compotent than a population that shares power, like a liberal democratic society. It’s not that liberal democracy is morally superior it just tends to be but that’s not the point. From a more rational view liberal democracy is just far more flexible than an authoritarian regime.

      On a civic tech tree authoritarianism would be the base technology in which to form a government created by cavemen back in the day. It’s basically one man creating everything and deciding for everyone because there is one person in charge that those individuals just spends time maintaining his power instead of just governing.

      Naturally these individuals target there critics first. By getting rid of critics your own people no longer have a voice. Parents can’t talk about perverts brainwashing there children into cutting flesh away from there forearms in order to make penises that don’t work amongst other things. Bomber can’t talk to the media about the terrible vice grips put on poor people and Damien All Tax is Theft Grant isn’t listened to about Kiwis being used as accounting tricks.

      Public descent would have forced Chippie to change his tactics or maybe withdraw New Zealand away from China and America into a complete Neutrality Pact. And so a War in Ukraine that should have revolutionised military battle tactics and is a successful staging ground for building nations has turned into another battle of Verdun for completely no reason.

      • For a lot of young Americans joining the U.S. military is the completion of a life long dream.

        In the past, yes, even the recent past. But you should know that the US Army, Navy and Air Force are far below their annual recruitment goals (The Marines and the new Space Force are apparently at 100%).

        And the reason is to do with those other things you mention, the ideology of “birthing people” etc, now alive and well in the US Officer Corps.

    • China plays a significant role in how this plays out.
      How it ends, is and will remain a tragedy.
      Which way China bends is of crucial importance.

      NATO is galvanised, letā€™s just hope we will not have to go and fight in this war. That may happen.

  2. The best way to understand Putin’s motives/plan/actions is to understand ours. What are our goals? Our history is a solid guide to this. We…want to claim Russia’s resources, Russia being thee most resource rich country in the world after all, and subjugate its people anyway we see fit. That’s our history, that is our plan, with the USA and the UK the chief architects of this plan. A bit of political meddling, that has led to a manufactured war that pits Ukrainian rather than Western forces against Russia is a nice way to achieve our ends. Other non-western forces most likely will be thrown into the fire before we ever contemplate using our forces to achieve our goals. There, this is what Putin/Russia is planning for…how to stop all of the above. Simple.

    • This is not a war by the west to gain access to resources.
      Reality check, Putin started the ā€œspecial military operationā€.

    • Russian military expansion into Ukraine is old style colonial land grab by a ‘have not’ imperialist power.

      ….the “taproot of imperialism” is not in nationalist pride, but in Capitalism. As a form of economic organization, imperialism is unnecessary and immoral, the result of the mis-distribution of wealth in a capitalist society. That created an irresistible desire to extend the national markets into foreign lands, in search of profits greater than those available in the Mother Country.

      The brutal tactics and methods of imperialism, subjugation and conquest, are the same for all imperialists. The Russian imperialists are no different.

      Should we ignore all the atrocities inflicted on the Ukrainian people by the Russian invaders?

      Should we believe all the Russian war propaganda demonising the Ukrainian people as Nazis and fascists used to justify these atrocities?

      Should we deny the Ukraine people’s right to self determination and resistance to a brutal foreign invasion?

      According to AO we should, because the West is just as bad.

      Unarmed Ukrainian civilians confront invading Russian imperialist troops.

      From the video feed.

      “Go home Russian soldier, go back home!”
      “Savages! Savages!”
      “You’re armed we are not. Come on, shoot at us.”
      “Yes it is easy to attack those who are unarmed”
      “Get the fuck out of here.”
      “Why did you come here? How are you not ashamed?”
      “It’s you that’s fascist, not us.
      “Go Home! Go Home!
      “Get out of here. Get out. Back to your Russia!

      Don’t be a shoddy apologist for imperialism like AO

      • You’re the apologist my friend, forever believing imperialist media. Again, this is simple, just look at history, or take a gander at one of the USA’s many, well publicized plans for Russia et all.

        Strangely enough, your first comment was partially right. There are limits to growth, but in this instance, the USA is using their war economy to do something about this (their failing economy). There are riches to be had from Russia and there’s a mighty big country (China) who’s growth is impeding the growth of the world’s sole superpower. They realize that something needs to be done, so something is being done, and there are plans all over the show that documents these actions.

        The world’s only superpower is failing and it does not care who it drags down in order to preserve their highly privileged position atop of the world.

        • On the 24th of February 2022 the Russian imperialists invaded Ukraine.
          AO tries to make us believe a counterfactual narrative that the US imperialists invaded Russia.

          “….the USA is using their war economy to do something about this (their failing economy). There are riches to be had from Russia and thereā€™s a mighty big country (China) whoā€™s growth is impeding the growth of the worldā€™s sole superpower. They realize that something needs to be done, so something is being done, and there are plans all over the show that documents these actions. AO

          Like the other pro-imperialist war trolls that infest this site. AO never provides any links to the plans and documents he claims expose US “actions which he claims are all over the show. Not one link is provided, Not one title or author or source are cited for his mythical alternative history.
          If these documents exposing US “actions” actually exist and are “all over the show” why can’t AO provide us with even just one.
          Instead this anonymous troll expects us to just accept on his word that these documents and plans exist of these US actions.

          On his word alone AO wants us to suspend our disbelief and accept his alternative narrative that the US is the aggressor in this war.

          Alternative histories are a popular genre of fiction that ask for a suspension of disbelief from the reader. Alternative histories are always written some decades after the real events, and never while people are still being bombed and killed by the actual invader. And alternative histories written as a speculative ‘What if’ and not as a cynical cover for the killers.

          • Don’t make this about me, my friend, make it about what I say…I provide more than enough material/opinion for people to easily take this to task, if they so choose. The fact that the man has being played here and not the ball – speaks for itself.

    • Thank you.

      Ridiculous all these Orientalist or Cold War numbhead excuses we have to suffer from “the Civilised West”.

      Every opinion or thought about Russia or any country the West doesn’t like is solely justified on the empty corrupt lie: “because we are the good guys.” That’s all the logic anyone who calls an interlocutor an “assadist” or “Putinist” needs to turn their back on the obvious perverse – so inverted I’d say satanic – hypocrisy of the West.

  3. Whatever rationalisations and weird medieval narrative Vladimir Putin spins. This individual, is the chosen political opportunist, representative of the mafia type oligarchy that typifies Russian capitalism. As such Putin the servant of the material needs of Russian capitalism, to expand, to gain new resources, secure export markets, trade domination, all in competition with Russian capitalism’s foreign economic and military rivals.

    … could feel the 1000 years of orthodox Christianity which he slavishly adheres to holding him to a torturous equation.

    Yeah Right. Good story.

    From militant atheist communist KGB officer to slavish orthodox Christian.

    …a controversial Russian law that makes it a criminal offense to ā€œinsult the feelings of religious believers.ā€ Approved by President Vladimir Putin in June 2013, the law stipulates up to a year in jail for ā€œinsultingā€ acts that occur outside a place of worship. Those that happen inside are punishable by up to three years behind bars….
    ….The law was greeted with horror by Russian liberals, as well as more progressive Russian Orthodox Christians, who see it as further evidence of the erosion of the separation of church and state enshrined in Russiaā€™s constitution. Although Putin was a KGB officer in an officially atheist Soviet Union, he has forged ties with the Russian Orthodox Church in a bid to create something resembling a national ideology. Last year, he appointed ultra-conservative Orthodox believers to top education ministry and childrenā€™s rights posts…..

    Putin is opportunistically treading a well worn path.

    Both Hitler and Churchill were atheists, like Putin both leaders where not above mobilising support for their war effort by taking part in religious observances and invoking God’s blessing for their cause, and in Hitler’s case exploiting sectarian religious hatreds.

    • The Russian don’t have a western style colonization history unlike the west. Colonization is the dirty word on global affairs and it resonates negatively with most country including countries now known as the west.

      Russia is more favored in Africa, M.E, Asia where it advocated and strengthen the decolonization process charter socially and economically under the auspice of the UN in the 1950s.

      Russia has cancelled billions of dollars of debt towards African countries unlike the west that still negatively impacts African countries to this day demanding payment of debt from African countries it colonized 3 centuries ago.

      I’ve written about this in reply to similar narratives that you’ve employed as your truth. Russia is more likely to win this conflict because of its massive resources to persecute this war. The west speaks of sovereignty but helped overthrow an elected president of Ukraine ‘Viktor Yanukovych’. His 2014 govt was the last democratic elected govt of Ukraine. Even Zelensky isn’t democratically elected because the Ukrainian Russian speaking population didn’t vote for him.

      The Ukrainians gained more by blowing up the Nova Kakhovka dam not the Russians. The Crimea peninsular and the Ukrainian russian speaking population are the real victims to this dam explosion. Even the ZP nuclear facilities that the Russians control are also threaten from this terrorist act.
      This is the beginning of the late Ukrainian spring offensive imo won’t be successful.

      UNITED NATIONS, June 6. The breakdown of the Kakhovka Hydropower Plantā€™s dam poses an additional threat to the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said on Tuesday.

      “We have all seen the tragic images coming out today of the monumental humanitarian, economic and ecological catastrophe in the Kherson region of Ukraine. The United Nations has no access to independent information on the circumstances that led to the destruction in the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant dam,” he said. “We are seeing the effects in the city of Kherson, the town of Nova Kakhovka and 80 other towns and villages along the Dnipro river.”

      “Massive flooding. Large-scale evacuations. Environmental devastation. Destruction of newly planted crops,” he said. “And added threats to the highly threatened Zaporizhzia nuclear power plant ā€” Europeā€™s largest nuclear facility.”

      Ukrainian forces shelled the Kakhovka HPP in the early morning hours on Tuesday, presumably using missiles fired from an Olkha multiple launch rocket system (MLRS). The gate valves of the plantā€™s dam collapsed as a result of the shelling, causing water to pour out uncontrollably.

      • Of course we get fed the line that it’s for freedom and democracy but the decisions and implementation of policy is in the hands of the bureaucracy. The state sector is very closely linked to concentrated private capital the financial sector military sector it’s all a closely linked nexus where all of this planning is carried out, and it shouldn’t be a surprise that diversity and inclusion theory is being implemented in thier interest.

        You can go back to Adam Smith who pointed out that the architects of policy are the people who own the country. No matter how greives the policy they’re all enacted to serve the wealthy. That’s a simple truism that holds for power systems generally.

        Let’s take Ukraine for example it still has land based oil wells it’s on the border of NATO and Russia to establish another sentinel of America and preferential access to client resources is a secondary objective. This is of the greatest value to the counter part of Adams Smith’s merchants & manufacturers.

        The main objective as revealed by Daniel Ellsberg pentagon papers is to and I’m quoting here “obliterate Russia and China” since 1965. China was nowhere back then energy corporations banks and so on. They haven’t achieved it yet because Iraq was a defeat and the Nuclear Clock whinds down because the U.S goals were defeated in Iraq.

        So it was in Iraq, as it is with Ukraine we have to look at the pretex for war. In Iraq they were tied up with Al-Qaeda and WMDs and when that collapsed the got wrapped up in democracy. Now that democracy has failed we’re wrapped up in critical race theory and gender ideology as a new pretex for bringing the democracy.

        In fact Washington is fighting democracy every step of the way it’s tried to manipulate elections right through out europ every step of the way towards Russia at the very end it looks likely that the U.S. is again going to fail to achieve its goals. Open warfare between Nuclear Super Powers is insane!

        At this time there is no “Status of Forces” aggrement. At this time political planners demand that not only weapons and bases be allowed to ringfence Russia and China with previlaged access to human rights violators is literally psyops 101 since 1965. It’s all open source political and military planners have been very open about it gender and inclusion even made it into the recent NZ National Security defence review which at this point speaks to desperation because they’re not even achieving any of there goals. Inflation keeps going up, Americas debt keeps getting even more expensive to service the Bond markets are trash every bond holder I’ve seen is losing half or more.

        Political and military planners thought they could suppress internal descent. The U.S. can kill insurgents but what they haven’t been able to do is contain the mass popular revolt started by Julian Assange and now filling the gigantic vacuum is Andrew Top G Tate. Andrew Tate isn’t lying when he says that he is the most googled man on the planet there for has the most influence on the planet now the U.S. is backing down step by step I forget the former Florida Governor running as a Republican candidate for president who implemented critical race theory which is basically a proto fascist state for everything that Republicans hate and getting rid of the state sector. That’s why commercial media is combat misogyny so let’s not get it fucked up America is still pro gun and there is a new campaign emerging that seeks to spew hate towards any radical notions especially the poor and shut down the truth. It’s a total defeat in the making.

        Every military historian will agree that the last gaspse of a civilisation are arguments about gender. I’ve no doubt China are kicking back behind Tik Tok thinking these Muppets are taking it hook Line and sinker gender ideology is so huge on Tik Tok you can’t get a look at any of it in China it’s all directed at the West.

        I acknowledge that I jump all over the place my comments get rather confusing but resource wars and democracy are short term profit calculationing secondary and tertiary objectives to the ultimate goal of exhausting global oil supply.

        There’s a complete disconnect in what we see from law makers and what we actually see in commercial media. Simply put The U.S. army is far to elite to be anywhere near Dan Ellsburgs dual armies that can fight a nuclear war simultaneously against Russia and China. We should rarly see the U.S. army in battle but fighting a nuclear war is one of those rare occasions. I need to reference the will of nature. I believe it is a soilders duty to exclusively serve international law never following the whims of others.

        Although peacekeepers and gender ideology will find it more difficult than a dedicated soilder learning the intricate laws of armed conflict due to the fact that gender ideology do not adhere to the rules of nature and only obey the rules that come to them from pseudoscience.

        I believe that the law of the jungle transcends all laws created by mortal beings which often gets me in a lot of trouble. Still to this day feminists and transactivists shame me, insult me, guilt trip me into believing they’re right for stating biological facts and how power structures actually work.

        I also believe that serving the will of mother nature is the true way of soilders The whole idea centrea around justice and deliverance. I believe it is the duty of every soilder to do what needs to be done at any given moment.

        I recall The Maori Battalions first kill. They rushed a foxhole full of Germans who were outnumbered, they killed many but stopped short of total annihilation surrounding a few left overs they ordered them to surrender. The Germans were defeated but they threw grenades anyway killing two Maori battalion soldiers. The order to fix baynots came and a full charge whiping out the last of the Germans even though the Germans where fully defeated they kept hunting them down.

        I have no idea what abunch of brown teens and youngsters where doing there or what they were meant to do but they only knew what to do once they saw the monster. The whole time they were being guided by mother nature. The ways of the universe is beyond our understanding. Who knows why fascist states emerge. Who cares. Perhaps the duty of soilders is a form of retribution, perhaps it’s a form of liberation but soilders can’t know these things explicitly, they can only serve.

        Such is the way of a servant of The Rules based order. Soilders don’t really know why they fight, they can only act as international laws dictate. This makes me believe that no matter where a soilder is there are no coincidences.

        Of course the military would take immediate interest in transhumans because international law dictates and the military insist on thier training. But in this scenario one problematic thing remains the soilders themselves. If we think about it like this that thucydides trap requires Gender Ideology for the sake of balance.

        Going back to my example I believe that it wasn’t the knife handling skills of The Maori Battalion that won them the day rather the will of Mother Nature whether they lived or died not by there own skills or the skills of thier enemy so when those two Maori battalion soilders died on the battlefield it is my speculation that they died for a reason only to be kept around for one specific reason to train the next generation.

        So does mother nature ruthlessly exploit the human nature and I guess the answer is yes, and no. Mother nature is a global cosmic entity dedicated to maintaining the force of life itself. In order to do that life must be given and life must be taken. To many we might see it as a betrayal but to the cosmic eye, gender ideology is just a stepping stone in the grand scheme, the bigger picture. Unlike most people soilders know much more intimately the grand scheme of mother nature’s terrible death and the moment economic super powers sustain injuries. Soilders know that the international rules based order would not allow America to decline, unless it is the will of the rules based order. Soilders can not know even if that ignorance means giving up there own lives, they can only serve.

    • “From militant atheist communist KGB officer to slavish orthodox Christian.”

      Disagree totally, go read the Master and the Margarita. He is a man well hidden, a political beast trained in purist hell, East German. Putin has hidden his religious beliefs all his life, and they have been this extreme all his life. He is a totally a Russian Orthodox Christian. Or as we call them in the Orthodox Community Paranoid Fundamentalists, much in the same ilk as the the US ones, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Southland, and the liberal party in Australia.

      Nope Putin is a dye in the wool Christian, and I think his head is far into the book of Revelations, like to many. Has been since youth. Now he can be open about it, and it helps him with his political base.

      Will he burn the world to get rid of Greedy people, yeah he just might. I know I want them gone. As a Orthodox myself, burning anything really helps – could be seen as a sign of letting some demon whisper in your ear. Or just plan bloody villainous for you atheists. But then again, being a Christian I have this thing with Greed and how utterly destructive it is. Inflation is a good example, the majority of inflation is driven by Greed. Any Greed which can manifest in many ways. Marx is totally right on this point, Fiscal Greed is wholly the ruin of people. Just look at the under class we have in NZ – distorted wreaks of individuals and indeed whole families. How Greed of the few, sucking resources into their den removes the ability for money to be used just as a means of exchange.

      Wandering off topic. Back to Vald. He is, and always been a fundamentalist Orthodox Russian. Nothing much has changed. Once in the clique…

  4. First there was America’s coup in 2014 which installed the comic dwarf in the Ukraine and the expansion of Nato since the USSR disbanded. Imagine what America would do if Russia or China had military bases on their border….oh that’s right the missile’s in Cuba in the 60’s. They really did shit their pants on that one.
    Engalnd has sent depleted uranium with their tanks to Ukraine and who will this harm? (Check John Pilger on u tube) Everyone on both sides. As usual the innocents are the victims and the imperialists in the West continue to build their empires. Remember the illegal war in Iraq that left blood on the hands of Bush and Blair plus the deaths of over 1m children. Where next for the axis of evil……. oh thats right China! Time for Biden’s next fall.

        • He got the dwarf competent wrong, Nick, unless Victoria Nuland’s man “Yats”, whom the US did successfully install, was tiny also. Otherwise the big Z was voted in a little later down the line under the ticket of pushing for peace and better relations with Russia. Talk about it.

          US meddling led by Victoria Nuland choosing her man Yats to lead Ukraine –

          • The official records showing how the hostilities played out in the Donbas and Donetsk region shows a significant decline on combat activity following the election of Z.
            We all know that Z was not on board with American intelligence that predicted that Putin will invade in the days leading up to the invasion.

    • …………”both sides of the story”
      Are there only two?
      From what I can see on this gorgeous site, there are several. And all are expert. And all their opinions have probably been peer reviewed on ‘platforms’ such as Quora, or within various other bubbles in which they exist.

      By all means, let’s have RT back. I think there are ways you can avail yourself of it. The only thing about it I miss is watching Max Keiser and Stacey Herbert, and seeing where there predictions have panned out.
      (Probably not too dissimilar from a gigantic ego that goes by the name of Damien Grant, along with all those that worship Him)

  5. Ockham’s Razor would suggest that Putin thought that Ukraine would roll over. The same went for Georgia and the previous invasion and annexation of Crimea.

    What has happened is that the Russian military has been exposed as a paper tiger, on a par with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. They have lots of hardware, but it isn’t very good and they are otherwise a poorly organised rabble.

    • And in the meantime Zelenskyy, having been supplied with billions of dollars worth of military hardware by the evil empire, tours the the world begging, like Oliver Twist, for more.

  6. NATO will shit their pants and shoot their load and surrender.

    The US will vote in RFK Jr before the FBI & CIA get a chance to take him out of the race to become POTUS.

    Europe will officially declare itself a vassal state of the US.

    France will invade Germany!

    The UK will missgender itself and enuch itself from Europe and the rest of the world.

    Meanwhile, the BRIICS+ the Arab States will rebuild the middle east, nail Israel and recognise Palestine as a nation.

    Peace on earth will prevail except for Wellington.

    I’ve sent the GPS coordinates to Putin.

    • Oh! And guess what happened last week!

      “The Mexican Senate passed a resolution recognizing Palestine as an independent state last November, on the anniversary of the Palestinians’ own declaration of independence on November 15, 1985. The Senate said it hoped the resolution would contribute to a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the Middle East.”

    • Spot on, the most sensible analysis today.
      How must the Italians feel.
      No-one interested to invade them. Maybe a Putin can help the Chatham Islands to invade Italy.

      • “Maybe a Putin can help the Chatham Islands..”
        Isn’t “Putin’s cook” expressing an interest in the area?

    • Good work Tane, if Vlad can rid us of the public service in one hit….. We can move the capital to Oban.

  7. [This individual, is the chosen political opportunist, representative of the mafia type oligarchy that typifies Russian capitalism.]
    When Putin came to power he told the oligarchs they could keep their ill gotten wealth, but they had to keep their noses out of politics (unlike in the evil empire whose government resides in the pockets of the the country’s corporations – and particularly of Wall Street). One of the oligarchs, Mikhail khordokovski, refused to play ball and started financing a political party. He was subsequently defenestrated. So much for the notion that Putin is in cahoots with the oligarchs.

  8. Iran is a military superpower it has the capacity to defend itself. Israel won’t even be a match for the Iranian military. Even the US is to chicken to attack Iran! Iran has a blue water navy which only the US possesses. Noticeably the latest ceasing of oil tankers & ships by the Iranian and the US tick-for-tack scenario is proof of this ability of Iranians naval military capabilities.;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzQEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1686227784/RO=10/

  9. Or, the prick’s psychology. Worth addressing, since Russia shares the fear. Despite no one giving a crap about Russia — they’re going through Britain’s loss of greatness. They want to still be a superpower despite having an economy below Oz’s. Just a matter of time — give’m space. Declare all the countries around neutral unless they invade.

    • You must be talking about GDP per capita (lol), because Russia’s GDP (PPP) is 6th in the world, at approximately triple the level of 19th placed Australia’s. Even in simple terms, Russia’s nominal GDP is 20% higher than Australia’s, putting it at 11th place, ahead of Australia in 13th. The Russian economy is massive, and contrary to all the spin and hopes, it isn’t crumbling, and won’t. Sanctions are meh. The ice and tundra are melting, swelling Russia’s abundant natural resource reserves, and opening up superior shipping routes from Asia to Europe. The West’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and demonising of China, is only driving the rest of the world to further question the West’s narrative, control of global systems, and hastening the decline of the unipolar world order, both politically and economically.

      And no, I’m not stupid enough to believe that Russia or China are saints. But I’m also not stupid enough to believe the West is really any better.

  10. @ sumsuch June 8, 2023 at 9:04 pm

    Russia may very well have an economy below Australia in your estimation when
    comparing GDP’s

    Use the PPP method ( Purchasing Power Parity ) paints a different picture.
    Google this and draw your own conclusions

    No wonder the Russians have recently suggested creating their own ratings agency

    • The good points of foul realms is a subject on its own. Stalin brushed his moustache regularly, Hitler was exemplary in his treatment of his personal staff. What I rather dislike is the footnote focus of the Left — that helps the idiot Right but not the ‘rational’ Left.

      Yeah, we like to whisk over our genitals too. Something very wrong with the modern ‘Left’ as with the Right.

  11. Meanwhile look what was said at the Russian Foreign Briefing by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Maria Zakharova, Moscow, June 7, 2023
    (machine translation)
    On the crimes of the British colonialists against the Maori

    The cruelty with which the British (who now teach everyone, demand something, ascribe to themselves the right to a moral assessment) pursued their colonial policy is well known to the peoples of the world. At least it was known to those who were interested in it.

    The vast colonial empire was literally an inexhaustible source of fabulous enrichment for the ruling classes of Britain. Mainly due to the merciless exploitation of the conquered territories, the successful socio-economic development of the country was ensured. For many of these crimes, London has not yet apologized. What to say about financial compensation.

    Historians remind: faced with the resistance of indigenous peoples, the British colonialists in the past were often forced to, if not negotiate with them, then at least seriously revise their line. One such example is the Maori in New Zealand.

    Joined in the first quarter of the XIX century. to the active development of the New Zealand islands, the British were interested in local fertile lands. This, as expected, led to disagreements with the Maori, who resolutely stood up to protect the lands of their ancestors. The British colonialists, who were at first in the minority, far from the mother country and bases with weapons, decided not to aggravate the situation and, having veiled their predatory colonial plans, tried to give them the appearance of legality.

    In February 1840, in the Maori village of Waitangi, an agreement was signed, according to which, in exchange for recognition of the power of the British crown, the Maori received documents for land and the rights of British subjects in the courts – from a human rights point of view, by the way, a very revolutionary decision for that time, in no way fit into the brutal colonial policy of the British in other parts of the world. However, it was just another “screen”. The same staging, which in July 2022 in an article for the newspaper “Izvestia” was written by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia S.V. Lavrov. London then did not ratify the document, which is indicative of today’s policy of the “collective West”, and the British courts declared it null and void. How convenient it is to deceive the local population, and disavow all this in the metropolis.

    Having received a temporary respite, the British colonialists then began to actively appropriate the lands of the indigenous people, which provoked a national uprising. As a result, the so-called. New Zealand land wars 1845-1872 more than 2.1 thousand Maori and almost 800 Britons died. The most dramatic episode was the Titokovar uprising (from June 1868 to March 1869). During its suppression, the British did not limit themselves in their methods, acting with their characteristic cruelty, pitting the Maori tribes against each other. Although, as a result of these wars, London achieved its goals – about 16 thousand kmĀ² of fertile land belonging to the Maori were confiscated in favor of the colonial administration, British army units were withdrawn from New Zealand. Subsequently, London was forced to return to the Waitangi agreements and begin the procedure for paying compensation, which has not yet been completed. Great story.

    The very people who are now demanding compensation, reparations, came up with the tribunal. You pay off the Maori. They are from the 1840s. are waiting. I am addressing official London – as soon as you settle accounts with the Maori, immediately proceed not to us, to the Iraqis. We must also repent before them, apologize and also start compensatory payments. Then we will discuss the claims in our direction. We will have something to present to London.

    In our opinion, something else is important. The warlike spirit, courage and perseverance of the Maori allowed this people not to repeat the fate of many other victims of the British colonialists, in particular, the completely exterminated natives of neighboring Tasmania. Or deported by the Americans to the Indian reservations of North America. Through a determined struggle for their national independence, the Maori have won considerable rights for themselves. Today, in New Zealand, they make up almost 17% of the population (850.5 thousand people out of 5 million of the country’s population). They protect their way of life, preserve their language and culture, and have guaranteed representation in the legislative bodies of the country. Maori representatives hold high positions in the government of New Zealand.

    Maori also support anti-colonial initiatives, incl. aimed at obtaining financial compensation for the peoples who suffered from the arbitrariness of the British colonialists. One of the last such petitions demanding an “official apology” and “damages” signed by representatives of 12 countries was addressed to King Charles III of Great Britain in early May of this year.

    We are convinced that the time has long come for official London to recognize the mistakes of its colonial past. It’s time to get down to business.

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