Biden sells out Democrats for Debt Ceiling Capitulation

Biden falls, as does America

The level of capitulation the Democrats have had to accept to stop the MAGA crazed Republicans from driving the US Economy off a cliff highlights just how limited progress can be…

The debt ceiling deal is a cruel agreement that imposes new work requirements on SNAP recipients and bureaucratic hurdles for those who still qualify. It will kick people off the rolls and inflict pain, seemingly randomly, with no regard for the human toll.

The bill imposes new work requirements for food stamps on adults ages 50 to 54 who don’t have children living in their home. Under current law, those work requirements only apply to people age 18 to 49. The age limit will be phased in over three years, beginning in fiscal year 2023.

The rules being extended to ages fifty to fifty-four require individuals to complete, record, and report eighty hours of work in a month, either in the form of actual paid employment or by participating in an uncompensated “work program” organized by the government. The maximum monthly SNAP benefit for an individual is $281, which makes the eighty-hour work program route effectively the same as a job that pays $3.51 per hour. This is less than half the federal minimum wage of $7.25.

…Bernie has been scathing and won’t vote for it…

…Democrats gained little, Republicans gained lots and the major needs of American life go unanswered and ignored.

In the background is Trump ready to exploit all the anger at the lack of traction and ready to seize power again and channel the dark sociopathic Fascism just oozing beneath the surface of Amerikan kulture.

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  1. To misquote Tina Turner – “What’s Bernie, got to do, got to do with it? What’s Bernie but a sold-out politician”

  2. The GOP hate the public sector, they hate LGBT, they hate blacks, and they hate any form of welfare. Just like ACT/National.

  3. The big guy is currently under investigation for financial impropriety isn’t he, so why would a sane, ethical, lawful and caring country trust this war monger with the economy? It reminds me of those ridiculous media stories where they wheel out a career criminal with a hundred convictions who then lectures us on how to secure our homes against theft or home invasions. Who gives a shit what these people have to say.

  4. And if the agreement was not reached?

    It is called a compromise and many Republican senators refused to vote in favour of the resolution. But enough Democrats and Republicans voted for the “package”.

    I think it is fair to expect able bodied people to “work” for benefits.

    I guess ultimately moderate republicans and moderate democrats are not in favour of anarchy and do not agree with the hysterical. There is hope.

    • The chronically sick are usually incapable of working. Forcing people to work for health is disgusting. Perhap you need to take a look at yourself and reflect on what a bad person you are.

      • How did you get there??
        Try reason, you may find it empowering.

        If reason is beyond your capabilities then at least read before you shoot your mouth off.

  5. Oh please. The damned Federal government is still 40% larger in spending than pre-Covid in 2019. Big win for Statists there.

    The debt will now balloon to $34 trillion in just a couple of years, with interest payments hitting a trillion per year by then, if not sooner.

    Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, plus some other non-discretionary programs already amount to 73% of all spending, and non-discretionary means they just run on automatic; giant machines that have no regular decision input, aside from tinkering every twenty years or so. The latter will be needed when SS hits the wall in 2034: Medicare sooner. Taking a longer term view of the programs – say 30 years – they’re underfunded by hundreds of trillions of dollars, meaning nobody has any idea where they money would come from. Even taxes wouldn’t solve their problems, although the Left will be ecstatic in forcing massive tax increases anyway, with the threat of these programs collapsing as an unanswerable argument.

    And against this the GOP got some piddling restrictions on the discretionary part of the spending. What a joke.

    I now think there is no way for the Yanks to haul this back. It’s crash and burn sometime in the 2030’s.

  6. I for one look forward to Trump becoming prezident again. Not only is life more interesting but he said he could stop the war in Ukraine with just a couple of phone calls. No, I don’t know how to spell nieeve

  7. When he was commenting on Kiwiblog years ago I thought Millsy was unhinged, but amazingly he’s got crazier since those halcyon days.

    … and blacks will be slaughtered in the streets.
    We already have that with DA’s like LA’s Gascon and mayors like Chicago’s Brandon Johnson – both Democrats btw. It’s a wonder Brandon hasn’t been endorsed by the KKK.

    the worst Memorial Day weekend violence in over a decade. Ten people were killed on Saturday alone, marking only the fourth day with 10 or more homicides in Chicago in the past ten years.


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