University Media catch Chris Bishop out


The Bish has been selling his status as a renter to counter criticism of National’s plan to give Landlords the right to evict at will, however University Media have caught the Bish out…

National MP Tells Twitter Porky amid Rental Policy Debate

National Party housing spokesperson Chris Bishop has been pointing to his status as a renter to defend the party’s recently announced housing policy, but his claims don’t seem to paint the full picture. 

When asked if he was renting off a family member on Twitter, Bishop claimed he was not. 

“Are you renting off yourself, a family member or a trust or company you have an interest in?” a Twitter user asked. Bishop responded “no on all counts”.

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Despite this, after checking publicly available property records, Salient can confirm that the property is owned by his in-laws.

Green MP Julie Anne Genter was seemingly aware of the circumstances, attempting to call Bishop out by asking “is the house that you are renting owned by your inlaws?” on the same Twitter thread, but Bishop did not respond.

When questioned by Salient, Bishop confirmed his in-laws do, in fact, own the home. “My wife’s parents own the rental property that we have been renting,” he said.

Despite this, Bishop maintains he wasn’t fibbing by denying the in-laws are his family members. “That’s not my family, […] I’m not related to them, only by marriage,” Bishop said.

…firstly, excellent journalism by Salient, secondly, oh come on Bish!

Pretending he isn’t renting off family because the family are in-laws is the sort of answer from politicians that voters despise!

He’s only playing up his status as a renter to try and calm down the outrage renters feel towards his Party’s desire to give Landlords the power of feudal lords!

Look how far he is prepared to conceal the truth to protect such an egregious policy.

He’s prepared to pretend his in-laws aren’t family to protect the right to throw renters onto the street, I mean you can’t claim the Bish ain’t prepared to say anything to give Landlords unrestrained power, he’s a true Stormtrooper for the cause!


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  1. Should put pressure on his inlaws to put his rent up in proportion to his income! Because he can afford it the prick!

  2. Bad bad bad. But this is the politician whose own father-on-wheels penned a newspaper column complaining about not being able to locate a hot sausage roll when other people’s families are struggling to afford to buy decent food for their young growing children.

      • @ GP. What Left? The traditional Left was killed off after [it] was led astray by roger douglas 39 years ago. Roger then went on to become ACT’s architect. There are swarms of fly clones here trying to buzz up a party formed by a traitor for nouveau riche masters. Aye boys?
        Lange and the traditional Left trusted roger the pig farmer after he served two terms as Traditional Labour’s finance minister. Remember now GP? Or are you yet another tawdry natzo wearing rogers underwear over your head to blinker you to the FACTS! Or, in fact, do you even exist. I’ve proven here as Country Boy AND Battle Field Earth that all we need is a spare email address (or several) and we can clone as many of us as we like. ( You’ve been warned.)
        What people who’re now trying to decide on which political representation is worth their vote should remember, and be ever mindful of is that we, the voters, have no real representation worth considering at all. While roger gave us milton friedman’s neoliberalism jimbo bolger gave us MMP. A mere diversionary tactic so that we may think we have choices, when we don’t. At all.
        I’m not writing that there are not some very good people within the political crocodile pool but they, like us, are struggling to hang onto basic political infrastructure life vests just like the rest of us.
        And it all comes down to old fashioned money. The very, very rich are in control but what’s worse, they do nothing for the well being of our country. They just accumulate our money in piles and heaps. Nine multi-billionaires, that we know of, and four now foreign owned banks which literally steal our money to give to their off-shore shareholders at a rate of $180.00 a second own us lock stock and barrel.
        While my girl friend was showering and dressing this morning, she took 43 minutes before she could make me a cup of tea. During that time, at $180.00 a second, the four foreign owned banks, one of which is our government bank; Westpac, stole $464,400.00 over a 43 minute period.
        I would personally go so far as to write that our politics is a stage production designed to keep us busy thinking we’re in control when in fact we’re not. Our vote is meaningless because it has no power behind it because we have no power. We, who actually do earn our country’s money are powerless so we must change the rules of engagement. But how? I think a public and independent royal commission of inquiry and the findings of such might shock us all into acting. ( Ba ha. I wrote act.)
        But how do we re-ACT? How do we de-ACTivate? There’s a logo for you. We urgently need to De-ACTivate neoliberalism.
        make (something) inactive by disconnecting or destroying it.
        “the switch deactivates the alarm”
        Military : remove from active duty.

      • Oh really Gary. Is that like Bill English getting caught out with all this “technically I am not bullshitting” when claiming an allowance to rent off my own trust?

  3. So his Mother n Law is his landlord. They are probably tougher than normal landlords.

    • Marco+Battler Mother-in law his landlord ? Has she transgendered into a male then? If so, he needs to waka jump into the Greens or Labour, they’re the female hating trans-hugging parties.

  4. I’m not sure how appropriate it is to be worrying about the semantics of this, when NZ sounds like it’s having a Grenfell moment with the hostel fire that has killed at least 6 people in Wellington – this is more of an issue with housing and the intensification drive that means more high risk people are living together and suffer when things go wrong. It sounds like it may have been lit deliberately – because the fire alarms were constantly going off, people did not vacate.

    NZ is not going in the right direction for renting with Labour and Greens and we are getting people killed over an ideology that is expensive, not safe and not working out. What worked better was the systems we had before the ideologically driven rental reforms – it was cheaper to renters, safer for renters and landlords who are also being murdered by their tenants, and significantly less expensive for taxpayers.

    Putting the Labeen managerial lens into battery style renting for huge business run $$$$ is not working out.

  5. pollie tells a lie…well colour me shocked, the real question is why was it a university media outlet that uncovered this not our crusading unbiased media in a ‘searing probe’? well I think we can guess can’t we?

  6. He must resign for this lie!

    If National MPs resigned for lying National, National will only he left with Shane Reti, oh wait?

  7. It’s “quality” MPs like Chris that explains why clowns like Luxon hold on to the leadership – there simply is no one better to challenge for the job!
    And if National’s shallow talent pool is concerning, then don’t look too hard at the ‘veneer of condensation’ that is ACT.

    • Nathan And here was I thinking he was just another Hutt Valley boy unaware that Wellington is actually a small incestuous city, where the details of little lives are known, devoured, filed and regurgitated, as cheap feeds, and not necessarily for high-minded purposes. There’s a Latin term for it.

  8. A bit surprised he expected to get away with that. I’m sure he mentioned on his Fb page a few months ago that he and his wife and son were moving to stay with in-laws while a new house was being built. I guess most of his followers wouldn’t out him, however.

  9. Someone’s lying:

    Chris Bishop (National, List)

    Other companies and business entities

    Parrotdog Brewing Limited – craft beer
    Paysauce Limited – payroll software
    Telstra – telecommunications
    Kiwi Income Property – property
    Real property

    Property – Days Bay, Lower Hutt
    Retirement schemes

    ANZ KiwiSaver
    Debts owed by you

    ANZ Bank – mortgage

  10. Its an election year. Expect myriad instances of this across the spectrum. PAR FOR THE COURSE. Guarantee, all parties have politicos doing this and more.

    • Fantail. Starting to wonder if somebody who declared themselves to be the biggest liar in the Antipodes might be the best person to vote for. That’s pretty much freedom of speech, and may be more confidence-inspiring than words from those claiming eg to be sources of truth – more the realm of infallible popes and dead John the Baptists, than of those purporting to represent all the rest of us.

  11. ” Pretending he isn’t renting off family because the family are in-laws is the sort of answer from politicians that voters despise! ”

    Chris is becoming the byword for everything that is wrong with our elected representitives.

    Out of touch
    Oblivious to reality
    Lack of empathy
    Feel free to add to the list !

    • Because no matter how hard Blobby tries he can’t pin this story to Labour. He’s quite a sad little man actually, I feel sorry for him.

  12. Look how well trained these politicians are in how to lie with a straight face, can’t trust any of them.

  13. Why are people so surprised by Bishop telling more lies when he has been caught out before on TV making up shit about rent increases and the shortage of rentals, and he appears to have a habit of doing this. I don’t know how this man sleeps at night, but I do know Hutt Valley voters were smart enough to reject him at the last election and let’s hope they do it again this one.

  14. Why are people so surprised by Bishop telling more lies when he has been caught out before on TV making up shit about rent increases and the shortage of rentals, and he appears to have a habit of doing this. I don’t know how this man sleeps at night, but I do know Hutt Valley voters were smart enough to reject him at the last election and let’s hope they do it again this one.

  15. Why are people so surprised by Bishop telling more lies when he has been caught out before on TV making up shit about rent increases and the shortage of rentals, and he appears to have a habit of doing this. I don’t know how this man sleeps at night, but I do know Hutt Valley voters were smart enough to reject him at the last election and let’s hope they do it again this one.

    • Yes covid, a litany of lies from Chopper and the National party, the most deceitful in history by all measures. In fact they created a policy on lying. They call it the John Key policy.

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