From Jacinda’s Fairy Dust to Chippy’s Sausage Rolls – NZs international star dips a tad



From the soaring rhetoric of Jacinda on the world stage seizing global attention on the big issues of the day to basic bitch Watties Tomato Sauce and a never ending supply of fucking sausage rolls.

Why doesn’t he just ride a sheep wearing gumboots into these events while juggling sausage rolls?

We get it, Chippy likes sausage rolls.

Bless Chippy, but he ain’t no Jacinda.

Still, it could be worse, it could be Luxon as PM and he looks like an actual sausage roll.

We miss you Jacinda.

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  1. Hipkins trying so hard to be a regular bloke with his sausage rolls – the equivalent of whatever Aussie PM having to be seen eating a meat pie.

    But Hipkins is anything but working class- he’s destroyed education with woke gender woo and maorification of even mathematics. Record unattendance the result.

    • Keepcalmcarryon. I’d have gone crayfish canapés for a start. Lovely Chatham Island -or Kaikoura- crayfish. But, unlike Chipster, I’ve not had the benefit of advisor graduates from boozy rugby clubs. Once did a big platter with cold lamb loin chops as finger food, which went down a treat. Oyster sandwiches are good too and much easier than sausage rolls; the fish’n’chip chippers will provide out-of-season oysters; done that twice for terminal whanau in hospice care.

      “ … destroyed education with woke gender woo…” Wrong. It is our children who are being destroyed with the genderID ideology being forced upon them. This country doesn’t do children well. That’s why they abolished the Commissioner for Children, so what we don’t know won’t hurt the pollies.

      • It’s not destroying my kids , I just tell them it’s bullshit 🙂 Respect how other people want to be treated but that doesn’t mean boy=girl.
        Living on a farm and knowing how the cows get pregnant probably helps them to “follow the science”.
        But yeah, Hipkins’ gender confusion being taught to young kids is going to be causing problems in children not fixing any.
        Imagine teaching anorexia to young kids, real smart.

    • Yes quite the worst Minister of Education we’ve ever had,ever likely to have,hopefully,and now Chippy wants us to vote him in as Prime Minister?
      That’s a bridge too far.

      • Hekia Parata the worst education minister in our history, Novapay anyone? 40 children in a classroom. Where is she now, jumped off a sinking ship.

        “In September 2012, she announced that she planned to close or merge 31 schools in Christchurch and the surrounding Waimakariri and Selwyn districts. Twenty-two of the schools said the information on which the Ministry based its decision to justify the proposed closures was incorrect.[40] In February 2013, Parata confirmed the Government would close seven Christchurch schools due to falling roll numbers and earthquake damage, in addition to two that had already closed voluntarily.[41] Twelve schools would also be merged into six.

        Each of these proposals was met with staunch opposition from affected parties and led to media speculation about Parata’s performance and abilities.[42] The New Zealand Educational Institute (NZEI) which represents primary school teachers, said she was “living in a fantasy world”.[43]”

        Gosh Bob you really don’t know your NZ politics. Stick to your own country and be a good lad.

  2. The “soaring rhetoric of Jacinda on the world stage”?

    As in “There’s way too much free speech out there”

  3. Jacinda quite likely does not miss “us”!

    Some filthy Rotary Tory blokes wore long black wigs and Jacinda masks for a humorous club debate, which ended with a mini toilet prize presentation with a Ms Ardern mask attached to the seat.

    These boofheads were not from a provincial Rotary, but St Johns in East Auckland-the women hating continues in some quarters.

    • Women hating lol. Tell me Tiger, were the people who “guillotined” John Key’s effigy on Bastille Day “man hating”? What about the crowd who burnt an effigy of Key on Guy Fawkes Day – more “man haters”?

      • More like anti-capitalists perhaps…croc tears for men is hardly required, and is really false equivalency given the enduring power of the patriarchy in our society.

        John Philip Key throughout his career has always first and foremost represented capital and international finance capital in particular, before any genuine allegiance to the majority of people in this country.

        • Your musings about crocodiles and “patriarchy” aren’t remotely relevant.

          Dissing one terrible female PM isn’t misogyny, any more than dissing one terrible male PM is misandry.

        • Tiger M. But Key wasn’t a real New Zealander, he was an immigrant who used this country, then whined because he wasn’t able to change our flag to suit his own crass wee self. No patriarch, just a shyster.

    • Tiger Mountain. Ladies on lavatory seats is a grubby National Party dynamic, showcased by Michael Woodhouse doing it as a raffle, featuring a Dunedin Labour Party lady politician. What a pity that he didn’t feature one of his invisible men, and that he’s not one himself.

    • Free Peach John Key’s gauche three- way hand shake still leads the way, and his okaying the SAS’s night terror raids on peasant families in the Tirigan Valley is now part of the infamous history of how the West lost its way bullying Afghanistan, amongst others.

      • @ no comment. ( Typical of a neoliberal traitor. Never true to their word.)
        What fucking bullshit. You dodgy bastard, typical of a neoliberal capitalist/fascist minion spouting toxic waste.
        AO/NZ was a beautiful and evolving country rich in taxes-paid-for assets then along came roger rat ( no disrespect to actual rats intended. ) and literally destroyed or sold everything. That was nearly forty years ago and * we’ve gone crashing down hill ever since. I never saw homeless people in 1983, certainly not in Christchurch anyway. We never felt the need to lock our house in Lyttelton. Electricity was cheap, housing was affordable, people generally were happy. But then in came roger rat. The traitorous little scum bag self-excreted out of Labour’s guts and fucked everything up. What wasn’t sold was dismantled needlessly so as to not embarrass the crooks in the woodpile then when he was finished gnawing the guts out of Labour that dumb pig eyed jimbo bolger clumped in to complete rogers dirty work. I was at the Christchurch Town Hall during a direct action farmers movement and I told bolger that he was a traitor to his own kind and I told the three thousand farmers there that they should go in strike until a royal commission of inquiry could be convened. I got a standing ovation. What do you get ‘no comment’ ? Fuck all would be my guess, so fuck off!
        * But not everyone. Aye Boys? fay/richwhite, gibb, chandler, hart, jones, that useless old pervert brierly and other greasy, dodgy multi-billionaire fuckers are doing sweet-as aye boys?
        Then there’s them four Australian owned banksters stealing away with our money at the rate of $180.00 A FUCKING SECOND IN NET FUCKING PROFITS !
        Got a comment No Comment?
        This is brilliant stuff. A must watch.
        The Reserve Bank of Australia has made an ad, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
        Isn’t it fascinating that The Australian Reserve Bankster and the New Zealand Reserve Bankster could be twins.

    • Oh no. I bet she’ll be devastated. All those X’s… you have such a broad, deep and creative mind, I can tell. I’m not sure how she’ll cope… You will have broken her heart. She’ll be devastated.

  4. “Fairy dust” and “sausage rolls’?
    Lazy media hyperbole.
    Surprised you stoop to even mention it, MB.

  5. PM Hipkins has to ditch the sausage rolls and the ‘Chippie’ real quick if he has any aspiration to be anything other than a 9 month caretaker and a minor footnote in history.

    • Funnily enough, I think you have a point, Peter+H.

      (Probably not the point you were making, admittedly)
      Encouraging ‘matey’ nicknames isn’t the problem but a marker of a problem, and the result is jarring.
      Hipkins isn’t exactly an archetype of working class, he just isn’t. The nick-name doesn’t create a blokesy persona, it highlights what he isn’t.

      If he were 6’2 and built like a brick shithouse, and had walked off a buiding site where he was actually known as ‘Chippy,’ the title, used more widely, would probably enhance his image amongst everyday people. As things actually stand it creates a cringe response.

    • Anker. She baked Prime Ministerial scones for visiting Ed Sheeran, I guess that was a start. Claimed to have helped at a soup kitchen in London one Christmas, with a bit of touching cultural appropriation from the late David Lange. Was going to read a book.

      • Perhaps the greatest of all the disappointments of Jacinda’s premiership – I never got to see the recipe for the scones she baked for Ed Sheeran.

    • The Dipton double dipper’s idea of a gourmet treat, a bloody pizza with tinned stuff on the top, could have provided a cute little parody of what it means to be English.

      • Tinned spaghetti on a pizza – yes by Jove you’re right Holly, it could have been a great parody of “English” cookery. But I don’t think Bill’s repertoire extended to parody.

        Seriously, spaghetti on a pizza – people have been shot for lesser crimes. I’d love to hear Gordon Ramsey’s take on that one.

        • Pope P 11. The really unfortunate thing here is that Chipkins could have showcased our excellent primary produce, which is generally much better quality than the importing Brits have access to: milk, cheese, butter, honey, meat, small goods, and of course the best oysters in the world, crayfish, fruit, Southland Swede, and the scrumptious black puddings made in Blackball down the West Coast.

          Bill English put pineapple on his bloody pizza, which is very exotic for Dipton, but I think that where he dipped from has a long established Hungarian community and their goulash is pretty damn good – they did impressive suckling pigs down there before we factory farmed them, as good as any old Mrs Beaton Cookbook pic.

          We rationed our own food into the 1950’s to continue to provide for malnourished post war Brits, and then our PM shows up in London with sausage rolls. Words, characteristically, fail me, but so did Chipkins.

    • Not so good Anker but let’s not always be negative -credit where it’s due, under lockdown foreign DJs and gay Mexicans had the red carpet rolled out.

  6. How many of her promises did Jacinda Ardern achieve?
    No good performing on the world stage if you do nothing at home.

  7. Jacinda isn’t in Government now Martyn – move on.

    Chippie – well Tremain nailed it with him taking a cabinet to ask if it can be repaired.

  8. Jacinda entered the field with so much promise and left it with so little achieved. Here heart may have been in the right place but there were forces always working against her and much of this was because she was a she not a he .

    • Horseshit Tevor, don’t pull the ‘she/he’ card! You sound like Cunliffe apologising for being a man. The biggest force working against Jacinda was Jacinda. Little managerial experience, not cut out to be Da Boss! Hated being tough at risk of losing Likes, when that’s exactly what was required. Loved delivering good news but ran for the hills when the shit the fan politically. Scared of Hosking for crying in a bucket, do me a favour she could have crapped all over him if she wanted. But in the background, she quietly worked the system to try and push through her strange agenda, until the nation caught on – and did not like it. The nation got vocal about it and her. So she quit before being thrashed by the voters. That’s after scooping over 50% of the vote!!!! Sorry, your argument of her being the victim of womanhood does not wash. Helen Clark was a she – nobody fucked with her! She was Da Boss. OMG…here I am wishing we had Helen in charge.

  9. You can tell a lot about a politician by their feeding habits.
    Remember John Key eating a hotdog to give the perception he was an average kiwi mum and dad type, but in deep throating it he showed his true reptilian nature.

    • The laughing..? That, right there, looks like really good E and as for hot dogs, they’re all snouts and entrails. Yuk! Seen a film titled ‘Delicatessen’?
      Superb and chilling. An advanced state of fascist neoliberalism.
      “In a dilapidated apartment building in post-apocalyptic France, food is in short supply and grain is used as currency. On the ground floor is a butcher’s shop, run by the landlord, Clapet, who posts job opportunities in the newspaper to lure victims to the building, whom he murders and butchers as a cheap source of meat to sell to his tenants. ”
      Can I just say. Chippy’s a dick and a great plug for fucking watties.

    • Scott C Our man in London would have advised sausage rolls. If that the best that the High Commission can come up with, then close it down. He’s just one of Helen’s vapid acolytes. Jacinda’s man in Dublin is well practised in colonial boy antics too.

  10. Martyn
    Ok so we know you looooove Jacinda, heaven knows why unless it doesn’t matter to you that she presided over the worst govt we’ve had in living memory? But to be fair, ‘NZs international star dips a tad’ is not due to the PM of the Day, but the performance and productivity of the country. Let’s start with what used be a world-class education system that the world tonce alked about, and go from there, shall we? Next let’s look at crime in NZ, which the world talks about now but never used to. And so forth…we’re not doing well. Not that it seems to matter to you, as long as we have Jacinda or a Chloe running the show.

  11. I agree that Chris Hipkins is not working class. His policies have, in my opinion, exacerbated many of the issues in today’s society instead of alleviating them. In politics at the moment, I’m looking for a softer representation, say somebody such as Nicola Willis, to be the leader of a major political party. I’m not really looking for either Chris Luxon or Chris Hipkins to resign, but the point is that these first few years forwards after the three main pandemic years ought to be handled with a touch more class and grace.

  12. You are judged by the company you keep. If you lye down with dogs you get fleas.

    Sunak is a vile , cruel Tory who is immensely wealthy which isolates him from the catastrophic poverty that the neo liberal system he has gained so much from personally is inflicting on so many lower class Britons that only Jeremy Corban could see the injustice and cruelty imposed on so many as modern day slaves and tried to do something about recognising and fighting it.

    There laughter is genuine because both have similar dire situations in both the countries they lead but it will never touch them directly by going hungry , no heating in sub zero temperatures because the power is unaffordable , needing dental work done but waiting until it threatens your life with infection and turning up at A and E , not having a home or existing on such a meagre income when you work that you can’t afford to eat more than once a day.

    That picture says a lot when you realise how desperate things are for so many Britons and Kiwis in their own countries.

    Its all just a great feel good joke with no sense of reality at all.

    Back in the real world.

    ” Poverty is rife

    Regardless of rankings, the picture of the UK that emerges is of a nation plagued with huge inequalities.

    As the Canary reported, 29% of children in the UK for the period 2021-22 were already living in poverty. That’s according to the Child Poverty Action Group. For Black and minority ethnic groups, the figure for the same period was 48%. Moreover, 71% of children in poverty are in a household where at least one person is working.

    So it’s not workers who should show restraint to reduce inflation, but greedy companies who are exploiting workers.

    If we had a movement that stood up for all of the victims of unregulated capitalism that picture of Sunak and Hipkins should be used in a campaign to show these people for what they are.

    Figureheads who represent the evil of unregulated capitalism and have no intention of ever changing the current plutocracy.

  13. “We miss you Jacinda.”

    When you say “we”, surely you’re referring to yourself alone. Because even Labour hardliners breathed a sigh of relief when they offloaded her. With her as leader, Labour would now be polling in the 20’s and by leaving, she drew a lot of the poison with her. What remains to be seen is how much Chippie can paint over the cracks she created.


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